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Projects Kurt’s Puddle Jumper - 1930 Model A Extended-Cab Pickup Build

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by rgclouse, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. Jethro
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 1,948


    You use the same CAD program that I do ( Cardboard Aided Design)
    Looks nice and strong!
    49ratfink, X-cpe, Stogy and 2 others like this.
  2. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    More progress on transmission tunnel. Cardboard turned into steel. Tack welded into place.
    568 090621 Transmission tunnel tack welded.jpg 569 090621 Transmission tunnel tack welded - in car.jpg
    Okie Pete, brEad, Stogy and 2 others like this.
  3. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Almost didn't post these pictures today as you can't see much visible progress for 4 hours work.
    570 090721 Transmission tunnel progress.jpg
    571 090721 Transmission tunnel progress.jpg
    Okie Pete, brEad and loudbang like this.
  4. Hey buddy, don't worry about it. You are doing what you need to do. Just keep knocking out something everyday, no matter how small, and the pieces will fall in place.
    Keep it up! Good job.
    -Brent-, Stogy and loudbang like this.
  5. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Thanks JRS50 for the encouragement. That's exactly what I have been trying to do, work on it 2-4 hours a day. I just can't believe how much time I'm spending on the transmission tunnel.

    Practicing my stitch welding techniques in preparation on doing some bodywork repairs. Stitch welding 16GA seems to be going pretty good. One more pass to go. Cut first template to fill in the gap to the firewall.
    572 090821 Transmission tunnel almost done.jpg
    Okie Pete, brEad, Stogy and 4 others like this.
  6. woodsnwater
    Joined: Apr 4, 2016
    Posts: 502

    from North Al.

    I hope your out in the shop enjoying this cool front. I'm just south of you and the heat and humidity has made it hard to motivate.
    Stogy and loudbang like this.
  7. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Unfortunately, I took the day off from working on the A to do chores. One of the benefits of living in the south is I have to power wash my deck twice a year to clean off mildew etc. Have to do the north side of the house and garage every other year.

    Got the deck finished today (started on Monday) and the front walkway. Also did the overdue weedwacking. Figure if my shoulders are going to hurt I might as well hurt all at once. Plan to get back on the A in the morning after about an hour of more power washing on the north side of the garage.
    Stogy and loudbang like this.
  8. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    More chores done. Decided rather than stand on my head working on the remaining portion of the floor, I would remove the under dash framework that holds the brakes and steering. Had to come out for finish welding, grinding, rust removal and painting anyway. Sure gives great access from the top of the cowl.
    574 091521 Underdash framework removed for access to fill in floor.jpg

    Since the framework had picked up a bunch of flash rust. I decided to finish welding and get it in primer. Decided it will be painted a light gray. Picture does not reflect the actual primer color. Much lighter.
    576 091521 Underdash framework finish welded, ground, and primered.jpg

    Hopefully, that will stop the rust.
    Okie Pete, Jrs50, Stogy and 1 other person like this.
  9. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
    Posts: 40,328


    Like this color? :rolleyes:

    Stogy likes this.
  10. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    No, I don't like that color. Picture makes it look darker than it really is. Will try to get a better picture today. But, this is just primer I had on the shelf in the garage. Top coat I plan to be much lighter gray. I decided I didn't want white which would show dirt, but want it lite to help see under the dash when working.
  11. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Did not get a better pic of the color. Will try again tomorrow.

    Got some work done on the firewall to floor connection. Started CAD work on filling the gap.
    577 091821 Some more CAD between tunnel and firewall.jpg

    Attached Files:

    Okie Pete, Jrs50, Stogy and 3 others like this.
  12. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Got the first piece of thee gap filler converted from cardboard to steel, cut, fitted, and screwed in place. Got caught in the garage with a 4 inch downpour outside. Thank God our recycling (milk jug) was in the garage.
    578 091821Filling in the gap from tunnel to firewall.jpg

    Was going to make one piece for this and the cardboard template, but didn't have a piece of 16ga wide enough.
    Randall, Okie Pete, brEad and 3 others like this.
  13. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Ok, this is getting ridiculous. No up to 8 inches of rain since yesterday. Driveway flooded. Drain can not drain because the drain field for the drawdown drains is full. Had to get out a portable pump.
    20210919_095723.jpg 20210919_095732.jpg

    Back on topic, got a couple of gap fill pieces cut. Had to quit because I need to weld and I can't see. Helmet fogs up with the 100% humidity. I will either splice together 2 pieces of 16ga or go to Tractor Supply and pay $19.99 for a 12x24 piece.

    581 091921 Gap filling pieces fitted.jpg

    582 091921 Gap filling pieces fitted.jpg
    Okie Pete, brEad, Stogy and 1 other person like this.
  14. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Some progress today before my face shield fogged up. Still raining, now up to 9.75 inches. Got left side of gap fill tack welded in place.

    583 092021 Left side gap pieces tacked in place.jpg
    Okie Pete, Jrs50, Maicobreako and 3 others like this.
  15. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    More progress today. Pulled out tunnel and stitch welded left side gap fill. Trimmed right side and put it back in place. Surprise, surprise! It went back in without any problems (no warping).
    586 092121 Left side of gap getting closer, more welding and grinding to do.jpg

    Got the right side trimmed and ready to tack weld. Still very humid. Our rain total is now at 10.1 inches since Friday. I think I can see light at the end of the tunnel (no pun intended) and it is not an on coming train. May be able to say the floor is done by the end of the week.
    587 092121 Right side of gap ready to tack weld.jpg
    Okie Pete, brEad, Jrs50 and 1 other person like this.
  16. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Great progress today. Finally cleared up and a high of 66. Worked in garage till almost 4pm. Total rainfall since Friday 11.8 inches.

    Got passenger side gap fill tacked. Pulled out tunnel and finished welding this piece in. Pulled firewall out and joined it up with the tunnel on the work table. Finish welding all exiting seams and ground smooth. Running out of 2 inch reloc flap disks. More on the way. Cut and tacked last big gap fill piece.

    589 092221 Previous gap fill welded and ground and new gap tacked.jpg

    Tomorrow have to fill in the small hole left and fit around the transmission dipstick cover.
    Okie Pete, loudbang and Jrs50 like this.
  17. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Well it took a few days to get where I was planning for the next day when last I posted. Was not feeling chipper for a couple of days and then the bionic woman Shanghai me yesterday to dump flower pots and plant Mums and other fall chores.

    Worked on transmission tunnel and rest of front floor out on the work cart. Tunnel is just about done. A bit more grinding now that I got my 2 inch flap disks delivered today. Blue tape marks places I need to fill some gaps better.
    594 092621 Transmission tunnel almost done.jpg

    Plan for the week is to get it finished, primed, and back in the car.
  18. Parnell
    Joined: Sep 18, 2020
    Posts: 11


    Keep at it. I don't post comments very often, I usually just read threads I am interested in without bothering to log in. But I wanted you to know it makes my day when you have a new post to show your progress. I am a big fan of the "Puddle Jumper" - but this week I am very jealous of all your rain.

    What's that old song... "It never rains in California" ... ? Unfortunately, that is all too true these past few years...
    kidcampbell71, Jrs50 and loudbang like this.
  19. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    I was feeling real great about progress this week till I read what I posted for the goals for the week. Transmission tunnel is done, primed, painted, but NOT back in car.

    First, underdash framework now has a much more pleasing color.
    599 100221 A much nicer color on underdash framework.jpg

    Trans tunnel primed in the rotten color.
    597 100221 Trans tunnel done and primed.jpg

    And painted.
    600 100221 Trans tunnel done and painted.jpg

    Goal for next week is to get all of the floor primed, painted, and back in car, if the weather cooperates. They are forecasting for the rain to return. Wish I could send some to you Parnell. Thanks for the encouragement.
  20. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Before I finished painting the floor and bulkhead, I finally tackled attaching the top of the bulkhead to the body. I got a strip of 1/4 x 1 steel last spring, but never did anything with it. Drilled and tapped 8 holes (1/2-20) in the bar. I wanted to besure the holes in the bulkhead and bar aligned, so I started by drilling an 1/8 inch hole in each sandwiched together. Then opened the holes up to tap size in the bar and 9/32 in the bulkhead. Drilled extra holes in the bar to plug weld it to the body.
    601 100821 Attachment bar for top of bulkhead.jpg
    Bolted the bulkhead to the bar with 5/16 long button head screws I ordered from McMaster Carr.
    603 100821 Short button head screws.jpg
    I then mounted the bulkhead in place and tack welded along the top edge of the bar. Then removed the bulkhead and filled the plug welds.
    604 100821 Attachment bar welded in place.jpg

    I completed 2 of the 3 goals for the week. Everything for the floor, firewall, and bulkhead is primered and painted. Weather did not cooperate this week. still more rain and humid so paint is not drying very fast. Decided I'm going to let it cure for a few more days before trying to install it back into the A.
    610 100921 All floor pieces and firewall painted.jpg

    I also cleaned up and primered the floor framework. Have not decided what color it will be, but that can wait a year or more till I pull the body off the frame to paint everything.
    607 100921 Floor framework primered.jpg

    Goals for next week? Not going to make them. I know I have fall chores to do and the bionic woman has a doctor's appointment, the first of many as she is getting her other hip replaced (already has one hip and 2 shoulders).
  21. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Decided paint had cured enough so started installation of the floor today. Got the floor, firewall, and bulkhead reinstalled except the drivers side toeboard.
    612 101321 Pass side floor reinstalled.jpg

    613 101321 Bulkhead reinstalled.jpg

    Firewall and toeboard
    614 101321 Firewall and pass toe board reinstalled.jpg
  22. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Really feel like I made visible progress. Painted floor, firewall, and bulkhead all installed.
    621 101421 Floor and tunnel installed.jpg
    619 101421 Floor and tunnel installed.jpg

    Took care of a little detail before reinstalling the steering. Drilled, tapped, and installed a zerk fitting to lub the steering shaft.
    616 101421 Steering shaft tube drilled-tapped-zerk installed.jpg

    Did notice a problem before installing the trans tunnel. No clearance between one ear of the trans bellhousing and the bottom of the firewall. Was OK before I put the 1/4 bar to tap for the screws holding the tunnel in place.
    615 101421 A little problem to solve - no clearance.jpg

    Will either notch the bar where that ear is or lower the back of the trans a bit or both.
    Next up is to reinstall the underdash framework, brake pedal and steering box. Then do the bulkhead wings.

    I made up several to do lists in categories:

    To Start Engine
    To Move
    To Drive
    To Finish
  23. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Underdash framework and steering reinstalled.

    622 101621 Underdash and steering reinstalled.jpg
  24. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    It was fall chore week so minimal work on the A. Cleaning out flower beds, planting tulips, trimming trees, and bushes. Did get some things done.

    Got the brake pedal fabricated and installed. Installed master cylinder and filled with brake fluid. Had to wait a day to get the bionic woman to help me bleed the brakes. Found about 10 leaks where flair fittings needed to be tightened more.

    Made a mount and installed gas pedal. Still have to fab a Linkage to the carb. Also need to remove and paint gas pedal mount and brake pedal arm.

    627 102221 Brake and gas pedal installed.jpg
    628 102221 Brake and gas pedal installed.jpg
  25. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Got Linkage from gas pedal to carb fabbed and painted. Also got brake pedal arm and gas pedal mount painted. Didn't get pic before teardown to paint.
    630 102421 Brake Pedal, gas pedal mount, Linkage painted.jpg

    Got a bunch of items on the engine start To Do List completed.

    Brake Pedal
    Heater port blocking plugs
    Therm housing
    Carb gasket
    Dist gasket
    Fuel pump blocking plate
    Intake ports blocking plugs
    Gas pedal
    631 102421 Intake and carb holes plugged.jpg

    632 102421 Fuel pump blocking off plate and heater holes plugged.jpg

    Realized I never published my To Do List. It keeps growing.

    Weld dash brackets
    Bulkhead ears

    Start Engine
    Radiator support rods
    Radiator mounts
    EGR Blocking Plate
    Trans cooler lines
    Trans filter
    Trans gasket
    Trans fluid
    Change engine oil & filter
    Hookup starter
    Hookup fuel line to carb
    Ign Switch
    Radiator hoses
    Fan, alt, water pump belt
    Flush gas tank
    Exhaust manifolds?

    Rear end grease

    Shocks front
    Shocks rear
    Light switch
    Tail lights
    Turn signals
    Lic bracket and light
    Trans ear clearance

    Pull off body
    Finish welding body framework
    Paint frame
    Bed cover

    Will be offline for a bit. Bionic woman gets another hip tomorrow.
  26. Okie Pete
    Joined: Oct 29, 2008
    Posts: 5,598

    Okie Pete

    So it’s not a static display for Your yard then . I’m enjoying your build thread . Looking forward to seeing pictures of it on the road
    kidcampbell71 and loudbang like this.
  27. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    First, bionic woman is home after having her hip replaced. Everything went very smoothly.

    While I was waiting in the hospital yesterday, Radiator for the A was delivered. Looks pretty good. Only surprise was the Trans cooler connections are 1/8 inch npt, not 1/4 I expected.
    633 102621 New radiator.jpg

    Tried sitting it in place and it is way to high. With a 7 inch zee in the front section of the frame and a 4 inch channel, the Radiator on top of the front crossmember just won't work.
    634 102621 Way to high on top of crossmember.jpg

    Tried sitting it in front of crossmember. Height looks good, BUT!

    635 102621 OK in front of crossmember but.jpg

    But lower Radiator hose connection is between bottom of spring and front axle. I need some suggestions.

    636 102621 But lower coolant hose between spring and axel.jpg

    (Sorry that pic is hard to see)

    I have a few options I have thought of:

    1 Fab some sort of 90 degree to bring the hose up over the crossmember.
    2 Re arch the spring to gain clearance
    3 Use a metal tube pinched to an oval under the spring

    Any suggestions appreciated.
    Okie Pete, brEad, loudbang and 2 others like this.
  28. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Thanks for all the likes, but what I really need is suggestions.

    I thought of a 4th idea
    4. Find someone who can TIG weld aluminum and relocate the bottom radiator outlet

    I'm going to fab some temp brackets to mount it in front of the crossmember so I can study it more.

    Didn't get much done yesterday. Got the painted brake pedal arm installed and adjusted. Found another brake fluid leak which dripped down on the toe board where the towel wasn't covering it. Fitting tightened, but it got the paint. Oh well, something had already fallen and put a big scratch in it.

    637 102721 Painted brake pedal  and gas pedal bracket installed.jpg

    Got the gas pedal bracket and linkage to carb installed.

    638 102721 Gas pedal to carb linkage installed.jpg

    I'm really tiered of looking at the aqua blue paint on the engine but decided not to do anything about it till after everything is running and I tear it all down to paint the frame, underbody, etc.
  29. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Not getting any suggestions. I'm going to open a thread on the main forum to get seen by those not following this build thread.

    On a positive note, I got one more item checked off on my "start" to do list. Cut out a piece of 1/4 inch plate to fab a block off plate for the EGR ports on the intake manifold. Need to paint it yet.

    639 102921 EGR block-off plate.jpg

    Not that I expect an answer, but does anyone know what the capacitor looking thing is to the left? I have no idea what it was plugged into.

    I did fab a couple of brackets to hold the radiator in front of the crossmember and experimented with an old piece of radiator hose.
    640 102921 Lower hose 90 degrees up.jpg

    641 102921 Lower hose 90 degrees up.jpg
    Height is good, but radiator is way to far forward and hose is still touching the crossmember.

    With the hose going straight back, it doesn't look so bad, but I have to get more clearance around the hose.

    643 102921 Lower hose between spring and axel.jpg

    Clearance problem
    645 102921 Lower hose between spring and axel.jpg
  30. set me on fire
    Joined: Nov 16, 2020
    Posts: 101

    set me on fire

    might be some thing to help with radio interferance - just a guess
    cool truck nice work!
    loudbang likes this.

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