Somewhere around 1959-60 that hardware store building was a Army/Navy surplus store. My dad bought me a single shot 32-20 rifle there on one of our trips to Reno. I don't know what happened to it, but I do remember a kangaroo on the side of it. Going to Army/Navy surplus stores was just as much fun at that time as going to Western Auto.
It's less a supply chain issue than it is a movement afoot within to drive us back to hard times like that. The "supply chain" is sitting off the coasts...wake up.
As a boy I wanted one of "those". Now as a grown man I still want one of "those" note: the focus of the "those" may have changed slightly over the years Bobby
They used to say that a "Hoosier" is just a Kentuckian that ran out of gas money on the way to Detroit!