The plane is being restored to flying condition. Also, the gas station owner that bought the surplus plane had only a single engine (SEL) pilot certificate when he went to pick the plane up. The Air Force reportedly gave him a quick check flight where he was taught to take off and land the four engine bomber and then turned loose to fly home with full fuel tanks. He made it just fine., he didn't make it just fine... he crashed!!! Not once, but twice. Both times on takeoff, low speed and altitude. He BS'd replacements out of the Air Corp each time. The plane that finally made it to Portland was the third!!! Then, having trouble getting permits to haul it from the airport (I'm not sure which local one it was), he waited til late at night and taxied it to his station location on McLaughlin in Milwaukie, OR!! He didn't like following rules and procedures! It stood on the pedestals for many years, until it was taken down due to condition issues a few years ago. Before lawsuits became common, it was possible to climb up into it, but looming liabilities along with constant vandalism put an end to that.