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Projects 39 Ford Conv build (update 1/25)

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by ronzmtrwrx, Jan 10, 2021.

  1. ronzmtrwrx
    Joined: Sep 9, 2008
    Posts: 1,331


    I decided to make a mount to screw the rod end into and also serve as a place to bolt the rear radius rods to. I sourced a bung with the 3/4” threads to match the rod end E10A536B-9277-4BF3-B071-350B35FE5D19.jpeg
    woodz, Okie Pete, The 39 guy and 3 others like this.
  2. ronzmtrwrx
    Joined: Sep 9, 2008
    Posts: 1,331


    I took a piece of 1x2 tube and welded a sleeve in it for the rear radius rods to bolt through, then I had to heat the rear of the radius rods to get the right fit to the front mount. F93DE941-160E-465E-B95F-EC9B74C2B391.jpeg 004261C2-9943-40C4-A5E9-7D851234C92F.jpeg C515BDB9-A111-4786-8E0A-40A3845EC736.jpeg
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2021
    woodz, The 39 guy, Okie Pete and 5 others like this.
  3. okiedokie
    Joined: Jul 5, 2005
    Posts: 4,881

    from Ok

    Very nice work.
    loudbang and ronzmtrwrx like this.
  4. ronzmtrwrx
    Joined: Sep 9, 2008
    Posts: 1,331


    I then machined a sleeve to fit the threaded bung mentioned earlier. I cut the top out of the 1x2 tube and beveled the edges for a nice fit to the tube sleeve. I tacked things in place and removed it to weld it up, angling the ends of the 1x2 and closing them off to give it a nicer look. I found another set of rear rods and decided I would use them to triangulate the bars, since the 39 rods are not strong enough on their own to hold up. One top bar would have been enough, but since I like symmetry, and I have two of them, I decided to use them both. Overkill I’m sure 7D04A3BA-9912-48A6-A520-B12AEDA22879.jpeg
    52D9143D-0336-46EC-8A57-8402E1E05A6B.jpeg 6C085576-3E66-4C00-8047-C25C602F9909.jpeg Checked it for fit and so far, so good. Next came adding a mounting point for the additional rear bars. 65729152-E3D7-435F-A1B3-F9F6495B88D8.jpeg B2DC4C18-A4BF-468A-8B59-8BBA61368212.jpeg D7FB1113-EE54-4ECF-989F-8570671ECDD4.jpeg 8F0A8AA5-DB5C-4A18-A3B7-9DBE7A69B19C.jpeg
    woodz, The 39 guy, 51box and 7 others like this.
  5. ronzmtrwrx
    Joined: Sep 9, 2008
    Posts: 1,331


    After chopping off the rear of the second set of bars, I bolted them up to the front mount. After looking at it and studying on it a while, I didn’t like the way it looked. So I added a couple of tabs to the lower bars that come up to the mounting bolts for the rear top bars. In my mind, this would tie it all together and eliminate the possibility of any upward movement of the mount. 07BEFD29-4EF8-4A96-9E5E-4612F52B1D0B.jpeg C18CB82A-1BE2-4AD7-8E9E-C20C26901EA0.jpeg AD9B1F59-1304-4D04-988A-125BB9B80E51.jpeg 06EC6D04-4208-41AE-AD24-A25EC3DE4BCD.jpeg
    woodz, The 39 guy, Just Gary and 10 others like this.
  6. ronzmtrwrx
    Joined: Sep 9, 2008
    Posts: 1,331


    Next up will be fabricating the rear brackets to bolt the upper bars to the banjo center section. Hopefully I’ll find some time here and there to do so. Thanks for looking.
    LOU WELLS and loudbang like this.
  7. Glad you studied on it, I like what you did.:)
    Outback likes this.
  8. WanatahHustler
    Joined: Jul 28, 2018
    Posts: 22


    excellent work. im assuming you were satified with the Upol weld-thru stuff?
    loudbang likes this.
  9. ronzmtrwrx
    Joined: Sep 9, 2008
    Posts: 1,331


    Hahaa, thanks. Sometimes I study too much, work too little.
    loudbang likes this.
  10. ronzmtrwrx
    Joined: Sep 9, 2008
    Posts: 1,331


    Thanks. Yes on the copper colored UPOL. In my opinion, it’s the best out there.
    Outback and loudbang like this.
  11. I use that also.
    ronzmtrwrx likes this.
  12. Nice build..any updates?
    Outback, ronzmtrwrx and Johnboy34 like this.
  13. ronzmtrwrx
    Joined: Sep 9, 2008
    Posts: 1,331


    Actually I have been getting in an hour or two occasionally, but the progress seems to be minimal. I guess the first thing I did since I last posted was enlisting a buddy to help me get the front crossmember and front gussets riveted in. F1961D64-37F5-4A1D-B56E-C5874E0059AE.jpeg 6B827D27-7AA2-4C55-B3FF-6D20E50AE4D1.jpeg D3C45965-2829-47AB-BDC8-9F2B039F3FA7.jpeg 66C2D4B3-7442-4B75-9705-137A4A942D74.jpeg
    woodz, The 39 guy, Outback and 5 others like this.
  14. patsurf
    Joined: Jan 18, 2018
    Posts: 1,650


  15. ronzmtrwrx
    Joined: Sep 9, 2008
    Posts: 1,331


    Hahaa. Thanks. I put that off for a while because honestly I wasn’t real sure the best way to go about it. I ended up making a bucking block that was welded to a sort of C shaped piece of thick steel. The problem was figuring out a way to hold the rivet into the bucking block so I could heat the rivet red hot, and get it pushed up through the bottom of the frame and hit it with my air hammer on the top, all before the rivet cooled off. Here’s what I came up with: AEB3CA9F-03EC-4D71-BFC3-138AB2A9BB93.jpeg I first drilled a hole through the bucking block. Then I made up a jig to hold the rivet so I could fuse dent puller nails to the rivet head. Set the rivet into the bucker, then bend the nail on the other end so it stayed in the block. Surprisingly, it worked well. 09156EB0-066F-468B-9537-A3B7E6C492F6.jpeg 2A961A18-FA33-4594-94FA-D930DE4D2DF8.jpeg FDAD01FD-C711-4A78-80D1-51FC5FC564C0.jpeg DA290261-2D6A-4AD9-B689-BCD4117014C7.jpeg 24521585-F52C-4917-A462-61BA1D0690BC.jpeg 179E5642-420F-42B9-93CB-B6B2D9989CFF.jpeg 88C2C97F-27E4-4DB0-B737-BBF00B5F7628.jpeg 03F93CAA-1A44-41C3-A7AE-25511AF13C8F.jpeg CD1D985C-FDE4-43A7-8EB0-BF733218D092.jpeg
    woodz, The 39 guy, mvee33 and 5 others like this.
  16. patsurf
    Joined: Jan 18, 2018
    Posts: 1,650


    are you the quality control dep't for perfectionists?-wonderful!
    Outback likes this.
  17. ronzmtrwrx
    Joined: Sep 9, 2008
    Posts: 1,331


    Lol, no. I wouldn’t be qualified for that position. I do enjoy a challenge though. :D
  18. ronzmtrwrx
    Joined: Sep 9, 2008
    Posts: 1,331


    Another area I have almost got lined out is the rear transmission mount setup. As I said early in this thread, I’m running an off topic trans, so I won’t show it. I will give a rundown on the mounts I have come up with, since I’m using oem style biscuits and modified the original mount. Like this: 5C5B288A-9BBA-4C20-B0C2-D1744B39A2FB.jpeg
    F0B2EA5B-8727-40A2-A0BD-7A5AF975D229.jpeg BE6E8C5C-B17B-4FCF-9841-BF7D9B55D01E.jpeg 79CB9797-42E4-4E67-9E64-184A2B7E003C.jpeg 79939BCE-E358-4A1F-94E6-BDC8F139B704.jpeg DE6B32FD-F0ED-4F64-A8F8-378ED8A3FEDD.jpeg 8708ECA4-8C7E-46EF-B8C7-2D87FDAD7790.jpeg 00CEAF57-05B0-4138-AC2A-332B20835AF6.jpeg
    woodz, The 39 guy, wheeldog57 and 7 others like this.
  19. ronzmtrwrx
    Joined: Sep 9, 2008
    Posts: 1,331


    Those rear trans mounts will probably be riveted in after I see for sure that everything is going to work out. I have already fabbed the plate that spans the two biscuits and bolts to the tailhousing, but I don’t have a pic of that. The open area in the X of the frame will be boxed back in after I rivet the mounts in.
    X38 likes this.
  20. ronzmtrwrx
    Joined: Sep 9, 2008
    Posts: 1,331


    I had posted quite a while back about the front mounting point for my rear bones. I have been working on coming up with the rear mounts on the banjo for the two upper bars I’m adding. I added two studs to the housing with stud n bearing mount and machined some spacers to be able to bolt plates on each side of the top of the banjo housing. I will weld the bars to these plates and then I plan to add a bolt on plate across the top, tying those side plates together to strengthen the whole assembly. 87349D7F-3349-4402-8350-69F08F6BC752.jpeg 5039791F-4CF1-44A8-A5F6-4CEAB8F7CEDF.jpeg E0EAECE6-3205-482B-9E68-08F577D0EBDA.jpeg A91CF8D0-9635-4187-909C-7620F9A78617.jpeg
    woodz, The 39 guy, Outback and 6 others like this.
  21. Nicely done Ron!
    ronzmtrwrx and simplestone like this.
  22. neilswheels
    Joined: Aug 26, 2006
    Posts: 1,311

    from England

    Very nice, love the rivet solution, I've been wrestling with that one myself, my solution was no where near as elegant.
    ronzmtrwrx likes this.
  23. ronzmtrwrx
    Joined: Sep 9, 2008
    Posts: 1,331


    A little better pic of the bucking bar/block, or whatever you want to call it. The c shape let me get around the bottom of the frame rail and reach the underside of the top rail. It took a little practice and a couple failed attempts at “hitting the hole” before it got too cold. Lol. It could be improved upon a lot, but I figured it’s probably the only time I’ll use it, so I didn’t want to waste too much time on it. 5530E3E2-785A-4148-8C5E-484D67AFF673.jpeg
    woodz, Okie Pete, The 39 guy and 2 others like this.
  24. neilswheels
    Joined: Aug 26, 2006
    Posts: 1,311

    from England

    My not so elegant 'scrap yard' version. worked really well though, did mine cold because I couldn't figure out a clever way to make them hot like you, but to be honest, they are really tight, and I have no issues with how they seated.

    Attached Files:

  25. hotcoupe
    Joined: Oct 3, 2007
    Posts: 628


    Nice job of riveting, what size riveting gun are you using? Also can you show us the tool that forms the head and where did you source the tool. I'm going to rivet a '32 frame together and I need all the info I can get. :eek:
    Outback likes this.
  26. ronzmtrwrx
    Joined: Sep 9, 2008
    Posts: 1,331


    I used an old Snap-on air impact hammer. Probably not ideal for the job, but I figured since I was putting them in hot, it would have enough oomph at 100 psi. Just for some added piece of mind, I did two plug welds on the top rail close to the riveted area and a couple of tig welds from crossmember to frame rails underneath the gussets before I installed them. The rivets on the top of rail/crossmember are 5/16” shank and all the rest I put in 3/8” dia shank rivets. Not stock, but it’s not a resto so in my opinion, it really didn’t have to be original size. The tool for the hammer is just a home made piece I made on my lathe with a ball end mill. Again, probably not ideal but since there were only 16 rivets total, I figured it would do. If I was going to do an entire frame, I’d probably spring for an actual riveter and some proper rivet set tooling. (And some good ear protection. Hahaa) 35B4FCB3-5411-4A31-BF69-5F06ACB81874.jpeg
    woodz, Okie Pete and FlatJan like this.
  27. hotcoupe
    Joined: Oct 3, 2007
    Posts: 628


    Thanx for the prompt response.
    ronzmtrwrx likes this.
  28. ronzmtrwrx
    Joined: Sep 9, 2008
    Posts: 1,331


    Found a little time this afternoon finish up the work on the rear mounts for the upper bars. Pics are pretty self explanatory. 8B5271A8-71C3-4B02-819E-5E64A8F8DCD5.jpeg DD78323F-7CE0-4A36-BC10-7CDCE6028A54.jpeg C943B50E-7158-473A-A66D-2796DF38ACB0.jpeg 29D76F0C-048C-4820-B868-622D5BD9760D.jpeg 49166013-F9AB-47D3-B804-9716020796FC.jpeg 27115CB5-ABFB-4C71-A78B-D6245FF30512.jpeg 69011F6E-0ED0-4CEA-A6C5-C486B9D5F988.jpeg F328BBC8-81C9-4A19-A04C-950C4AC7A115.jpeg 1F2A16D1-A12E-4CD1-97B7-3AF6AB612381.jpeg BE012B54-9D3D-4CD1-9F67-1915133C827B.jpeg
    woodz, Okie Pete, The 39 guy and 8 others like this.
  29. ronzmtrwrx
    Joined: Sep 9, 2008
    Posts: 1,331


    Finished out the right side bar and bolted up the pair to the housing. My plan now is to add a pair of threaded tabs to the inside edge of each bar mount, and fab up a plate to tie both sides together. One bar might have been enough, but two bars will surely be. 1CA025BE-4C8E-4759-BF19-A99796775D90.jpeg F442B8A7-CC2B-4198-9285-072A65AB3EB7.jpeg FFD8048C-99F7-4EBA-B348-14ED80BAA0D0.jpeg 3FE72C1E-9696-44C0-9426-874C15A202EB.jpeg A7C00F5E-55BF-4DE6-B10A-82CC2884E9BE.jpeg 4AA6121A-4DF7-4574-867A-2B8C4CE63DA7.jpeg 730DF99B-6505-4CFB-AD0F-F88631456AAC.jpeg
    woodz, Okie Pete, The 39 guy and 7 others like this.

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