finally got some barn time and cleared a bench for the TwinT project, loosely set up to see where I got to and an old pic of the T chassis with space for two motors
I believe I have a picture of the one I saw when I was working with a character in Phoenix... I will look for it when I get to the shop...
Have you ever seen a Durant Speedster? 1924ish ? He used a pair of Continentals (I think) 4cyl with a common crank, very similar to what you're building.
No, I haven't I'll do a bit of google searching.. I know of a a Bugatti 8 that was done that way on an ally crank case
There's an antique automotive museum in/near Kennebunkport Maine. Its got a Pre-T Ford with a 6 cylinder flathead that looks like a T 4 banger. I'll get my nephew ratrodder to chime in, as he spends time up there, and might have a picture or 5 of it.
There were a few pre T race cars along with the production Model K that were 6 cylinder engines, all jug type that I know of. Ford also made a few experimental T 6 cylinder engines that were used in Edsel Fords speedster and possibly other test cars as well. These would have had very similar T design characteristics. The T 6 cylinder picture above was a relatively well known modification of stock components similar to this dual engine 8. There was even a T dealer back in the day that produced a V8 made up from modified T engine parts!
I was just looking at it, the Durant, a little while ago, they ran it in a number of 'Great Races'. For sure, 2 engines. Neat car.
Won't be that exciting, it will be two standard ones cut n shut together, getting it to sit in place might be a fiddle
the use of the sprockets and roller chain is actually a well proven coupler. Oliver tractors used them on many of there tractors, up to over 100HP.
I'll have to do some more searching to figure out which museum you're talking about - there's Owl's Head, but that's nowhere near K'port... Motorland, but I don't recall anything like that there (but I've been known to be wrong in the past). (Ir)regardless, cool project! Hope you are able to continue to make progress over the winter!
Just a suggestion, borrowed from old front engine top fuel builders. They would use a machined bar fitting the mains and pinion input to align the drivetrain. Seems like the 2x oil pan would not be a solid stressed member to align the 2 blocks. Best bet is to mount both blocks solid, but you want them as aligned as possible. If you can find a bar that can span both blocks and be tightened with the mains to 'jig' them straight, then fabricate the engine mounts, it would keep them aligned.
I have a length of tube of the correct diameter for lining up the blocks that I will use once I have got the exact distance between the crank ends fixed. I plan to use one of Les Schuberts flexible trans shafts to try and help keep the balance issues to a minimum
I'm in Marshalltown, Iowa. I'll have to see if I can find out anything about Mr. Hollingsworth and his twin T. Very cool project you've got there.
I haven't tried to buy one yet, the seller is active on the MTFCA, that being said, I have a mill and a lathe and two spare trans shafts
You'll only need one shaft. And a 12mm steel plate i believe. Could be 10mm. Been a while since i fitted it to the engine.
Yeah, from memory Les reduced the flange on the shaft by 0.005" and made the outer plate in 660 bronze to the original depth.
Hard to pick which Thread of yours to bring back to the top...this is it...hows thing evolving @Blackbob and I hope your day is full of Cake, Spirit and GowJob...Happy Birthday...
@Blackbob I know you haven't been here for a bit, hoping you might return to fill us in?? Anyone know him?