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Technical Anybody ever dealt with a typo on a CA title?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by cretin, Nov 30, 2021.

  1. cretin
    Joined: Oct 10, 2006
    Posts: 3,067


    I've done some searching, but have not found much helpful info.
    I bought a '64 F100. I transferred the title to my name, and have recieved the title in the mail.
    The problem is that there is a typo in the VIN on the title. In the VIN, there is a 3 that is supposed to be an 8.
    Has anyone ever dealt with this before?
    What do I need to do? Contact a VIN verifier?
    I do have one that I use, but I'm not sure if they have dealt with this before, and I wanted to try to get some info before calling her.
    The truck runs, but it is a project, and wouldn't make it to the CHP for a VIN verification.

    I'm also concerned about going to the CHP because the tag with the VIN on the door says "Not for title or registration purposes"
    I have not been able to clean up the frame rail yet to find a VIN there.
    I'm new to F100's, so it's my understanding that there is one there which would match the door tag correct?

    Thanks for any info you guys have.
  2. Budget36
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
    Posts: 14,060


    The CHP used to make house calls. Maybe they’ve quit doing that?
  3. XXL__
    Joined: Dec 28, 2009
    Posts: 2,133


    Yep. Exact same problem. They mistyped an 8 as a 3. I first learned of it when I was sent a fine notice because of "no insurance." Of course, I had insurance... it's just that the VINs didn't match between title and correct info with insurance carrier. Had to go to DMV for new VIN verification and new title application. When second title came, they had just squeezed in an 8... but left the 3. Idiots. So... I had to jump through the above hoops a 3rd time. They finally got it right, and was magically and suddenly "insured again" (because the VINs finally matched). DMV HQ in Sac fully acknowledged their error verbally and in writing but refused to lift the $25 fine. Bastards.

    Edit: also, on 3rd VIN verification (while I was still believed to be the bad guy), they required VIN verification at the DMV... no 3rd party.
  4. 51504bat
    Joined: May 22, 2010
    Posts: 5,069


    I had 2 OT vehicles that I bought new. Both had mistakes in the VIN. I had to complete a statement of facts and have the VIN verified by a peace officer. Submitted everything and all was good. This was a while ago when any peace office could verify the VIN. I'd start at AAA and see what they say. Unfortunately a trip to the DMV and maybe the CHP as well is in your future.
    cretin and Irish Mike like this.
  5. buick bill
    Joined: Dec 18, 2008
    Posts: 862

    buick bill
    from yreka;ca

    in my town chp quit making house calls a few yrs. back . dmv visit and a statement of facts should do it ; who else knows of the mistake ? id just let it ride till i needed to worry about it . i just went thru a simular deal with a toy hauler i bought in oregon . dmv sent me to chp . they verified that the orig. wash. state title had a slipped digit .since new . they have a gun and badge so when they say its good it is . even if it aint ! still even with the or./wash. error it wasnt a big deal .
    cretin likes this.
  6. Contact.CARS in Temecula California..very knowledgeable
    cretin likes this.
  7. BamaMav
    Joined: Jun 19, 2011
    Posts: 6,969

    from Berry, AL

    I bought a used class 3 motor home a few years back from a dealer. It had come out of GA, when they did the AL title paperwork they transposed a couple of numbers or left one off, don't remember now. We got the "no insurance" letter, had a local PD verify the VIN, but the state still wouldn't accept it. We ended up having to go back to the selling dealer, 125 miles away, and they had to take it back to GA and let a GA LEO verify it, then they had to go through the GA system to get it corrected, then they had to submit it to AL. Pain in the ass! Sometimes the state DMV can be assholes, no matter what state you live in.....
    cretin likes this.
  8. wicarnut
    Joined: Oct 29, 2009
    Posts: 9,147


    Never had a problem with DMV with #'s but on a new sled, the snowmobile the dealer switched up 2 #'s on vin. and a Wisconsin DNR officer, Barney Fife type guy caught it at a check point, their always checking registration and to see if you have been drinking, had my dealer bill of sale, insurance card, drivers license with, wife's new sled with all paperwork, same dealer, her #'s OK, he then told me he was going to confiscate my stolen sled. After some conversation back/forth, I loose patience pretty quick and requested a supervisor come out and straighten this out, Barney was the man in charge that day he told me. So............ I told my wife and our group to head out, have fun as I was going to be detained awhile, I'll catch up with you later in the day. Very cold that day, him and his BS was going on and on, So finally I told him I'm walking over to the bar/restaurant across the road, come and get me when he's done pulling his head out of his ass. Barney made an arrest threat which they can do, I replied, lets do it and see how that turns out for you. I walk over to tavern and call the DNR, it took a few calls to get to the man in charge, explained the situation and he was there within an hour, we talked in the tavern while Barney is still out there checking sleds, mine still sitting there. The look on Barney's face told me all I needed to know when we walked up, supervisor talks with Barney in his truck for a few minutes, Mr. Barney Fife comes over to me, hands me my paperwork, apologizes for any inconvenience, tells me to ride safe and have a nice day. I thanked the supervisor for all their great work with the trail system and ride off to find my group. Common sense, it seems to be going away for years IMO.
  9. blowby
    Joined: Dec 27, 2012
    Posts: 8,661

    from Nicasio Ca

    That's just nuts. I'd probably be sending bills for the $25 fine, plus gas expenses to Newsome and every other politician in your district, not that it would do any good.

    I have a Velocette motorcycle, the title says Velocetti. I guess they thought it was Italian.
    wicarnut and loudbang like this.
  10. oldolds
    Joined: Oct 18, 2010
    Posts: 3,457


    In Pennsylvania it you catch a mistake like that in 30 days of receiving the title, you go back to the notary and ask for a correction. It gets fixed, no cost from the state, usually no cost from the notary. After 30 days you need to pay for a new title. At least that is the way it was a few years ago. Have not had it happen recently.
    cretin and 5window like this.
  11. MeanGene427
    Joined: Dec 15, 2010
    Posts: 2,307

    from Napa

    Our local DMV office has made it a policy to hand you the preview copy and have you verify that the info, name, address etc are correct before they enter it- a very good idea. I did have to get one corrected, I noticed that the engine code on my 66 428 Bird was 0 instead of Q for 428. Drove it down there and explained it, the gal was convinced as it was a zero, and engine code should be a letter. She was willing to walk out and look at the VIN stamped in the cowl, and quickly fixed it
    cretin, loudbang and Boneyard51 like this.
  12. 327Eric
    Joined: May 9, 2008
    Posts: 2,143


    With Californi Dmv issues, it is best to take your paperwork to the DMV, and be prepared for a long wait. Despite the best intents of people trying to help. I have seen people get into serious legal issues for not dealing with it right. Bs27HoB is a 70 383 Cuda Convertible. BS27ROB is a Hemi Cuda convertible. Bad people buy cars to launder Money, and dont like it when Gavin Govier says your car is fake. I walked away from these people before they had problems, which they did.
    cretin and Boneyard51 like this.
  13. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 9,935



    I was able to get some information inadvertently during my last DMV visit when they were still allowing the first March 2020 pandemic approaches to the invasion. Although, the complete lockdown was not in play, they still had some social distancing as a precaution. There was a huge line in place after I got there. I was #2.

    I was the second person to go up to the window and get my driver’s license renewed. The lady asked for my license and she looked at it, typed in the information copied from my license I have had since I was 15.5 years old. Then after she was finished, she asked for proof of identification. My passport was not accepted, but my birth certificate was accepted. She read the information on the certificate and told me that my name was misspelled. What? My 62 year old license was not good? She said it was valid, but she had to make a correction. Why? My birth certificate had a “g” where the “j” should have been.

    I remember the discussion 59 years ago in a Long Beach branch of the DMV. The lady also saw the birth certificate and wanted to spell it with a “g” instead of a “j.” But, I showed her my school registration papers and I told her of the mix up when I was born. My mother told me that she told the nurse that my name had a “j”, not a “g.” But, the nurse was somewhere else in her listening skills and wrote in a small letter “g.” My mother did not catch the error and when we registered for school, she made sure it had the small “j” on the official school records.


    Normally, official school records are valid, but since the tighter homeland security rules, everything has to be letter perfect. So, the latest DMV lady typed in the “g” and not the “j.” Now, I am the proud owner of a misspelled name on my driver’s license, but at this late stage of the game, who cares?

    Then I asked her if the name Chevrolet was spelled with an S not a C, would it still be valid? She said yes. One last try, was if the VIN number was off by a letter or number, was it still valid? She said yes, it must match the vehicle number on the certificate. She would not budge an inch, despite the quizzical look on my face. Gee… those ladies behind the counter wield a lot of power and we normal citizens just have to follow along like sheep.

    A VIN verify person would be able to help you, but a good photo would certainly help. Since it is virtually impossible to talk to someone at the local DMV try the AAA offices for registration questions. YRMV
    cretin, Guy Patterson and Boneyard51 like this.
  14. gimpyshotrods
    Joined: May 20, 2009
    Posts: 23,775


    You will need to trailer the project down to the DMV. It is a paperwork thing.

    They have tightened up what an independent verifier can do so much that I stopped doing it.

    There were too many shady ones doing crooked stuff to facilitate grand theft auto. No government conspiracy required.

    Go in with a smile and a positive attitude. Treat the counter person with dignity and respect. Display gratitude for the assistance. You will be just fine.

    I used to go to the DMV all of the time for my business. I made a habit of observing the behavior of other customers. From that I have determined that 98% of the issues with the CA DMV originate on the customer side of the counter.
    VANDENPLAS, alchemy, cretin and 5 others like this.
  15. MCjim
    Joined: Jun 4, 2006
    Posts: 1,107

    from soCal

    Oh they will still show up, but not for VIN verification...unless yours is on a stolen vehicle data base.
    cretin likes this.
  16. cshades
    Joined: Sep 2, 2011
    Posts: 562

    from wi

    this is why i started photocopying my titles before handing them over or mailing them. my 41 chevy coupe had a montana title when i bought it, i sent the gf to the dmv in madison so i could get a title the same day and start working on it. she came back with the title and i compared it with the original title and they had put the montana title number in place of the vin. she drove back to madison the next day to get it straightened out and the dmv clerk started giving her attitude. he asked her why she had a copy of the title and she responded with the messed up new title is why.
    cretin likes this.
  17. Hotrod1959
    Joined: Nov 3, 2007
    Posts: 807


    I called my local PD department and they came out and did my VIN verification. The Vin on F100s are usually on passenger side top of frame rear of fender well.
    cretin likes this.
  18. I've had two times the CA DMV screwed up a title. First was my '64 Sting Ray had a number off the vin. Had to drive to the local office and someone came out to verify.
    The other was a '57 Chev I bought from a guy that had 6 or 7 of them. The lady at the dmv had registered my car with one of the sellers other cars. I discovered it in the parking lot before I left so went back and nicely explained. She told me the dmv doesn't make mistakes. Yeah, right.
    cretin likes this.
  19. 49ratfink
    Joined: Feb 8, 2004
    Posts: 19,177

    from California

    the title on my 61 Dodge has my first name misspelled. I have owned this car for over 30 years and never noticed until I used my registration as "proof of residence" to purchase a gun.
    cretin likes this.
  20. Budget36
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
    Posts: 14,060


    When I bought a ‘32 Dodge PU, I went to the DMV to get it in my name.
    The lady behind the counter did her thing and printed me out what was needed to complete the deal.
    S/n verification
    Certified weight

    Smog Check.

    I asked smog check for what? After a bit of back and forth I was told “well, it’s in the system now”.

    Looking back I should have asked for a supervisor or manager, I just left shaking my head.
    cretin likes this.
  21. RT468
    Joined: Apr 7, 2019
    Posts: 73


    Can't say anything about the Cali version but I did go through the same thing with the Md.DMV. OT car,clerical error was on the signed ancient title from the person I purchased it from. Was told the VIN didn't register. Looked at what was printed on the paper and told them to change the B to an 8. That went through. Helped a bit knowing that spot should be a number and not a letter. Fully expected to be told to bring the non running car in but was pleasantly surprised when they went with it. Only positive outcome I've ever had with that organization.
    cretin likes this.
  22. G-son
    Joined: Dec 19, 2012
    Posts: 1,397

    from Sweden

    Must mean it was intentional. o_O
  23. Had a mistake on a MI title- someone typed a 5 instead of an S. went to SOS as their mistake- had to go over to the Police station and they checked and had to get one other witness what was actually on the car- They fixed it so sweat.
    cretin likes this.
  24. I had an '86 Ford Tempo that Maryland insisted on titling as an '85. The serial number was correct, and according to the serial number it was an '86, but they put '85 on the title. It had the third brake light in the back window, first year to have it, and I think that's the only difference between and '85 and '86 Tempo.
  25. If you have AAA use the AAA DMV services. explain yourself and see what needs to be done. Sometimes they will verify numbers. They do it for out of state transfers.
    Id they require you to get a VIN verification, use a VIN verifier. Sometimes the CHP will not even look at your car. They will let you know if you Have to bring it to them or not. If they don’t look at it then you have to use a VIN verifier. You try to get an appointment and they will let you know. Nobody here besides any CA DMV peeps will have the answer for you.
    cretin likes this.
  26. Beanscoot
    Joined: May 14, 2008
    Posts: 3,260


    How does someone misspell "Ratfink"?
    abe lugo, 49ratfink and Budget36 like this.
  27. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
    Posts: 34,627


    So far no Vin issue in Washington for me in the past 44 years since I have been back but when I move back 44 years ago either the clerk at the license office or the WSP officer who inspected the car misspelled my last name as my name is Davison and on the title for my 48 it reads Davidson. for any of us Davisons that is an ongoing battle all of our lives though. My wife almost got in a fight with a woman years ago when the woman told her she had spelled her name wrong on a check.
    Budget36 likes this.
  28. cretin
    Joined: Oct 10, 2006
    Posts: 3,067


    It sounds like you have my kind of luck! Thanks for the info.

    I'll check it out. Thanks.

    That's interesting info. Worth looking into. Thank you.

    I was hoping you would chime in, as I knew you verified VIN's.
    I appreciate the info, but am not too happy to hear it. I don't have a trailer or anything to pull one with. Hopefully I can work something out.

    I did the title transfer at AAA. I'm going to speak with them on Monday and see what they have to say.
    abe lugo and Elcohaulic like this.
  29. wicarnut
    Joined: Oct 29, 2009
    Posts: 9,147


    I understand your dilemma, my Great Grand Parents migrated from Finland, I have a Finnish last name, 6 letters long with a double consonant. It has been misspelled/mispronounced all my life from childhood on, before the time I was an adult I learned double check anything my name went on, when verbally giving my name I use the military phonetic words as I heard my parents use this, even then it gets misspelled, always have it read back, usually takes more than once. A small price to pay, I enjoy being unique LOL
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2021
  30. 51504bat
    Joined: May 22, 2010
    Posts: 5,069


    I was hoping you would chime in, as I knew you verified VIN's.
    I appreciate the info, but am not too happy to hear it. I don't have a trailer or anything to pull one with. Hopefully I can work something out.

    Used to be that the DMV would issue a one day permit to move an unlicensed vehicle for certain reasons. You might be able to get one for this. Of course that would mean an extra trip to the DMV.

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