I'll post mine also. Left the factory today after 37 years. It was a good place to work. 37 there, 8 before that some where else. I was ready to go. Like my favorite song says, TURN THE PAGE.
Congratulations, for the first year work on your project as hard as you can.... Now that you can use that work ethic that you still have or you will get lazy....
Congrats! I was self employed before retirement, Turn The Page has taken nearly 3 years. I'm really slowing down this winter, before I decide what the next page looks like. Gene
Good deal Bruce, congratulations! I'm sure you'll enjoy the hobby even more now! Looking forward to seeing you in Bowling Green in 2022
Congrats! Now the clock speeds up and the pages just fall off the calendar. Make the most of it every day.
Congrats. Retired 3 years ago and enjoying every minute!!! 32 years with American Airlines and 14 years with Bethlehem Steel.
Congratulations on reaching retirement ! As Spock said, "live long & prosper". Also, do everything you always wanted to do as soon as possible. You'll be amazed how fast the time time will fly by and it definitely doesn't get easier as you get older.
Congrats on your retirement, if you enjoy what you do it goes a little easier but 37 years is a long time anywhere. Enjoy!
Congratulations and enjoy your freedom. Don't make eye contact with anyone for a while if you are handy and capable otherwise you could find yourself very busy. Have fun and stay safe.
Congrats on your retirement! I hope for you a healthy, fun experience. Sometimes I wonder what it would feel like to be retired. I'm old enuff, I could swing it financially if I cut back on my car spending. But somehow I can't TURN THE PAGE.
Congratulations on your retirement. I still own my company but it’s like I am retired. I only work 3 days a month and still have enough income for my projects.
Congrats Bruce! You are going to wonder how you ever had time to work now. Been retired almost 19 years and never regretted one day of it.
Congratulations on a successful retirement, I know it felt good to turn in your keys, clean out your locker, and walk out that door for the last time ! Now the choice is simple, either find a nice park bench and nap all day, or get in the hot rod and burn up the road to a cool future of adventure !
Congrats! I retired this past September & am also figuring out how to catch up with all my unfinished projects. Good luck.
the long wait to be a "free spirit" is here - but, you will find out that retirement can be expensive - you will have more time to do more stuff, be it working on cars, working on the house or traveling - all have price tags - one good thing is that you will not have to feel guilty about taking a nap
I suspect you’ll love retirement. The way different people feel about if and how their work defines themselves is interesting. One person told me you either live to work or work to live - that was in the 1990s and I still ponder that statement every so often. Another told me that Friday he went from the proud person known for being at the top of his profession on the last day he worked, to just another guy in Wal-mart on his first day of retirement. In my mind you are who you are whether you’re retired or not - a long as you stick with your work ethic, etc. I retired 5 years ago after 31 years in a profession that took me years of training to achieve. I liked most of the people I worked with and really enjoyed the work most of the time. Retirement is better. Enjoy your new found freedom - you’ll never be busier. John
Congrats! That is an awesome milestone! The culture I grew up in Arkansas was you work until you die or can't work any more, first one, then the other. So retirement was never even a subject that got discussed. After I left and gained more knowledge, I started to see that it was possible. I've been fortunate so far and I have three years left to retirement at the age of 57 (hopefully).
Congratulations on making it to retirement. I worked for 55yrs. and retired 3yrs ago. Everyone always asked, "What do you plan to do now that you're retired?". I told them that the goal of retirement is to not have to do anything and no more planning. My goal is to do nothing, and I'm proud to say that I have met, or exceeded, my goal everyday. Having a great time doing anything I want. I highly recommend it!!