Seeing as I'm a professional welder and tend to be good with the whole layout thing I guess I've decided to make my own grille shell. Now, I've been around and done enough of this kind of stuff to know that you first make some drawings.... then make some cardboard mock ups, then some sheet metal mocks, and then a final full scale mock with sheet before the final cut and weld piece. Anyhow, here's the two styles that I am looking at here. I need your opinions on which one you prefer. Now, before someone mentions it, I'm a step ahead of you! WHAT CAR IS THIS GOING ON?!?! Well, it's a chopped/channeled 37' Ford Pickup with a Poncho 389, open rear end, no fenders, and some wide cheater slick action. Suicide front and a custom built frame to keep it all down in the weeds. So here's the choices. GRILLE SHELL "A": OR GRILLE SHELL "B": Now, obviously these aren't my pickup, but they are two very good examples of the style I'm shooting for.... Anyhow, think along those lines.
"A" gets my vote. The shape is much more sinister. No offense here, but the heart shape just doesn't evoke fear like a good hot rod should.
heart shaped? man thats a widows peak, like dragula, granpa from the munsters, or lon chaney. spooky. i go with B.
B looks to "rat rod." It screams "hey look at me and how balls to the wall my truck is!" It's more of a statement making grill shell...A is more tastefull and refined. Go with A and have a truck that looks good, not a truck that Ol' Skool rodz would feature.
I can call my male pattern baldness a big "widow's peak" all day long but deep down we all know that I'm bald. By the way, Grampa Munster's widow's peak was courtesy of a grease pencil... I still like "A" but differnces are what keep rodding interesting. How boring would it be if everyone had a '32 roadster?
yeah im going with A and make sure to make whatever you end up building thick enough from the side view. ive seen quite a few hand made shells that looks realy good from the front and then look like a sheet of paper from the side and it kills it
i like A but depending in what yer runnin it on B might be cool all raked back-just dont put teeth in either of em.
B. And add enough detail work that people keep asking what car it came off of. Then you can mess with them all day long 'It's off a '32 Henway coupe'.
I like "B". It's the side view that does it for me. Kinda works with the visor. I don't think it looks rat rod at all, as long as you don't put a red insert in it.
I gotta go with B - because A is so plain - looks like anyone could pull something like that together without a whole lot of thought or imagination. B screams uniqueness and lets everyone know you are a master welder/metal man. A good conversation starter, just be careful you're not unwittingly being interviewed by Ol Skool Rodz.