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Hot Rods Man, I am burned smooth out

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Roothawg, Jul 8, 2021.

  1. Roothawg
    Joined: Mar 14, 2001
    Posts: 25,064


    I would, but they make my nose itch….
    Thor1 and guthriesmith like this.
  2. Heck, if only I could grow a handlebar mustache... :( I didn’t know that was the solution to all my problems. :rolleyes:

    On a serious note, I’m with you Chris. Thinking a hobby like gardening or something might be more enjoyable (not really). Currently trying to get rid of some projects weighing me down so I can get the boys pickup projects on the road.
  3. I love oval track racing more than anything in the world but in 2012 I sold everything I had...bought several Willys Jeeps...bought several AD Chevy trucks....bought a VW beetle or 2...even tried a Datsun truck on for size....currently doing a 1940 HAMB friendly Jalopy....then my son bought me a NASCAR driving experience in 2019 (just before COVID) and I felt so at home with the sights and the smells....been a long 9 years away from the hobby I love most...I think it is time for me to go back out and do it again....

    So yes take a break from what you have done...maybe it is time to do something else with your is short...when you are gone from this realm it will be a different deal for sure...

    My 2 cents...

  4. roddering
    Joined: Feb 18, 2008
    Posts: 248

    from Arizona

    Been there. Just like Boatmark mentioned, take a break, spend time with family and friends. Do something different.
    The cars will be there. We all need to chill after awhile to recharge! Take care!
    dirty old man and Thor1 like this.
  5. michaelvz51
    Joined: May 24, 2011
    Posts: 868

    from So Cal
    1. HAMB Merc Club

    I understand and have had an awakening of sorts. I have found that building cars and off road trucks is fun and taps into my creative artistic side as is the case with mist here on the H.A.M.B.
    I realized, however, that maintaining my vehicles in order to go use them is a bigger and rewarding challenge then building them.
    think about that for a bit, take some time away and go enjoy cruising or off tossing what you have built
  6. Roothawg
    Joined: Mar 14, 2001
    Posts: 25,064


    So, just an update.

    I took some time off and went to New England to see my buddy @NoSurf and enjoy the fall foliage. While we were up there, our house got grazed by a tornado. Didn’t do a terrible amount of damage. This kick started a long overdue house renovation project.

    I haven’t been able to work on anything since this post first started. Need less to say, I had to become a cabinet maker, framer, painter and interior decorator.

    I think I should be more than ready to come out of retirement. Just a few more months…..
  7. alanp561
    Joined: Oct 1, 2017
    Posts: 4,903


    Interior decorator, huh? Maybe you can explain to me the difference between Puce and Magenta? I'm looking for colors for the interior of my 46 Merc to go with the stock Maroon. ;)
    loudbang and Thor1 like this.
  8. Roothawg
    Joined: Mar 14, 2001
    Posts: 25,064


    I only do rustic…..
    Sancho, alanp561, loudbang and 2 others like this.
  9. In South Carolina when you turn 62 you can purchase a lifetime fishing license for 9 bucks, the day I turned 62 I bought one, I have yet to wet a hook! :rolleyes: HRP
  10. LAROKE
    Joined: Sep 5, 2007
    Posts: 2,085


    Don't overlook eggplant for a higher contrast :D
    loudbang and seb fontana like this.
  11. 57JoeFoMoPar
    Joined: Sep 14, 2004
    Posts: 6,333


    Sometimes those home renovation projects are actually a welcome deviation from the typical automotive project. I find they move quicker, and can be less expensive than an automotive project, depending on what you're doing. There is also the benefit of immediate results in the sense that a solid days work can put floors down in a huge area and completely transform a space, where a days worth of work won't even get through a good blocking on a quarter panel. You also get to live in the renovated house and entertain, which is always nice, too.
  12. Roothawg
    Joined: Mar 14, 2001
    Posts: 25,064


    Let’s just say, I could have paid for a deuce 5 window by the time we are finished. The only positive, is I won’t hear a peep about money when it comes time to buy some go fast stuff.
  13. Kevin Ardinger
    Joined: Aug 31, 2019
    Posts: 869

    Kevin Ardinger

    I have been feeling burned out for a year or so. Have some interior stuff to finish on the car and just don’t seem interested. I don’t know what it is. I blamed it on the covid vaccine because it was shortly after that. Just not into doing much of anything. Pretty weird for sure. Two years ago I’d be up till midnight working on this heap! Ugh!
    Thor1, chevyfordman, loudbang and 2 others like this.
  14. bike riding is very beneficial, give you time to think and hash things over, and it's good exercise ...I ride 6-12 miles a day when the weather cooperates...really miss it when I can't ride for some reason or the other. take care.
    hfh, Thor1, loudbang and 4 others like this.
  15. metalshapes
    Joined: Nov 18, 2002
    Posts: 11,130


    Go and remodel your house.

    After a couple of months to a year of nothing being straight or plumb, and trying to work with overpriced crap that doesnt work, leaks, and/or snaps off when you touch it, you'll be itching to get back out in the garage.

    ( worked for me, anyway...)
    alanp561, Thor1, osage orange and 9 others like this.
  16. NoSurf
    Joined: Jul 26, 2002
    Posts: 4,536


    And finding a 50 dollar bill on the side of the road....
    hfh, Thor1, 427 sleeper and 5 others like this.
  17. nailhead terry
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 1,460

    nailhead terry

    Man I hate to hear it but as the kids say I feel ya The world is screwed up right now lots of stuff canceled but I have been burned out for a while too I took off last year bought a Kawasaki concourse and rode to Colorado just to readjust but I had to lower it and customize it some first I came home bought a Harley then I bought a 27 touring front half a olds 303 and some other parts then while looking for a rear end I bought a 31 truck I am still gathering parts I have tried to quite but I have been told cars are worse than drugs ! You are the only one that can figure it out
  18. Roothawg
    Joined: Mar 14, 2001
    Posts: 25,064


    I would say I made $50, but that is a drop in the bucket. It was nice to have a $50 bill blow up
    on my shoe!
  19. alanp561
    Joined: Oct 1, 2017
    Posts: 4,903


    About the " less expensive than an automotive project " statement. Even though I would like to, I don't hire contractor's because I can't leave a contractor and my wife in the same room. Every time we have had a plan, both of us agree on what was going to happen with the project down to the colors and finish, if she's alone with the contractor, she changes the plan and he's standing there agreeing with everything she says while the dollar signs roll in his mind. My earlier comment about Puce and Magenta stem from the fact that when I went to grade school, my folks could only afford the 8 color Crayola box while she got the one with 64 color.
    Thor1, LAROKE and Roothawg like this.
  20. lippy
    Joined: Sep 27, 2006
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    from Ks

    I had a ziplock bag with some cheese on it blow onto my boot once. :(
  21. 57JoeFoMoPar
    Joined: Sep 14, 2004
    Posts: 6,333


    Understood. I typically don't hire contractors, as well. My wife, who is also very handy and more capable than most men I know when it comes to home renovation, and I are capable of most tasks involved when it comes to redoing things around the house. Her and I have done at least 8 bathrooms, meaning gutted to the studs and rebuilt, kitchens, living rooms, removed load-bearing walls, etc. We know our limitations, which we've found to be HVAC, roofing and siding, and sheetrock finishing, which is a time/benefit deal. Of course, we also hire out plans for when we need to make a structural change to a building. Everything else we can handle.

    My comment comes from the place that I know when I have a totally empty room and I need to install a tile shower, vanity with sink, toilet, and finish it top to bottom, I'm usually out between $2500-$4500 soup to nuts, depending on quality of finishes. You can't buy a crate engine for that price nowadays. I'm also going to be done with the entire project in under 2 weeks working on it nights and weekends. I'm not even going to touch that in comparison to a car build time frame.
  22. Glad to see you've caught second wind, Roothawg. I've got a mess on my hands with trying to get my son's OT DD back on the road, but meanwhile I've committed to making great strides this coming season with my hotrod '29AA. Just got the engine back from the machinist and plan to put it back together by spring, then dive into a rebuild of the AOD and fire them up before the end of summer. Let's see if I can keep the fire in my belly burning.
    Roothawg, alanp561 and Thor1 like this.
  23. twenty8
    Joined: Apr 8, 2021
    Posts: 2,687


    Never look a gift horse in the mouth.................:D
    Joined: Jun 6, 2007
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    My wife and also have a tandem. I like to say it saved our marriage. It is a great way to clear your head and refocus. We've ridden it in 31 states, mostly on rail trails. Its nice to take a break and then come back to this hoodlum stuff.
    Keep it up.

    Attached Files:

    Roothawg and Thor1 like this.
  25. i like cars & stuff
    Joined: Sep 14, 2012
    Posts: 80

    i like cars & stuff
    from Aotearoa

    You don't have to work on cars. I have an excuse to so because i have too many cars.
    Roothawg likes this.
  26. Roothawg
    Joined: Mar 14, 2001
    Posts: 25,064


    Usually, I step in other things….this was a one time deal, I am sure.
    Sancho and Thor1 like this.

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