Does anyone know if Colbert automotive engineering still exists? Ive been looking all over the web and cant find them. They used to manufacture tube axles, frames, roll bars and a lot of things for sprint cars and such.
Basically I was looking for a sprint car style steering gear box that can be mounted inside the cowling so I can have the pitman arm showing on the outside. Also Ive been looking for a sprint or track T style nose for my roadster. The only reason I was looking for C.A.E was that my father used to know him back in the 60's and I thought it would be cool to run some of his parts.
Most sprint car and/or midget steering gears are too quick for the street(6:1 or 8:1 ratio). I think you'd be happier with a converted street gear. There have been several threads addressing that design in this forum. Speedway Motors may still have the mold for the CAE sprint car nose and, if you want, I can probably put you in touch with a guy in Vancouver, B.C. who reproduces the CAE cast aluminum grille.
Hey if you could do that it would be great. Somehow I dont think a chopped 32 grill looks right on my dodge roadster, I think a sprint style grille would look more at home. I could probably fab up a glass grill shell for it if you dont know of where I can get one.
I'm working on it. I had his Email address from when I bought one of his grilles but that was several years ago. When I get the correct one I'll let you know. Check with Speedway about a 'glass CAE nose. I'm looking at page 187 of their 50th Anniversary Edition catalog and it's shown there.