Thanks for the pics @kool 52 and a big thanks to you and the rest of the River City crew for putting on this great run for us to attend and enjoy.
Great pics. Nice inside location but sure does,nt look like the usual winery . Where is the carb on the model A roadster and does the grey pipe on the other side of the engine have something to do with the carb ? Do i see a curved dash Olds or is it a horse drawn buggy ?
Well spotted and correct, IIRC that Olds has done the London to Brighton a few times driven by John Dymond of Penrite Oil fame. Venue was his old factory site which Penrite still owns.
That is some fine coverage. I count over 40 vehicles in the one parking lot photo. How long is a reliability run in Australia?
I've said it in the past but you guys keep showing the rest of the world traditional hot rods are a huge part of the car culture in your country. HRP
70 pre 1936 coupe & Roadsters,staged over 3 days with Friday night pre run get together & Sunday post run breakfast gathering.Reliability Run day this year started at a private museum collection of army and tank vehicles,the run was close to 100 miles through the hills,forests and valleys east of Melbourne.Two checkpoints along the way before finishing at an historic homestead in the Yarra Valley