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Projects '60 F100 Daily Driver Project.

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by ccain, Oct 12, 2019.

  1. Congrats on becoming a grandpa! I enjoyed the story about the wheels. Your wife sounds a lot like mine. My wife doesn’t share my interests in cars, etc. but she is very supportive anyway. Happy spouse, happy house! Love your truck!
    WhitewallWill, ccain and Thor1 like this.
  2. B. Gibson
    Joined: Jun 28, 2018
    Posts: 11

    B. Gibson

    20211123_113413.jpg 20211230_160606.jpg 20200808_222217.jpg 0214201717b.jpg Welcome to my world. I've been driving the same 1960 "orphan" ford for the last 14 years. In that time it's taken on several iterations. I also got mine when I lived in Pomona. When I got mine however, it was 2 toned (white and rust). I drove it for the first 4 years with the original 292 y-block and 3 spd. I went from that to a 350 sbc and a 700r4. That was actually a very good combination for daily driving. In it's latest life it's used primarily as a 1/8 mile drag truck. Replaced the 350 with a supercharged 383 stroker and a 4l80. She covers an 1/8th in the mid 6s but kinda sucks for driving around town on a regular basis. Still a great old truck though. 20211123_113413.jpg 20211123_113413.jpg 20211230_160606.jpg 20200808_222217.jpg 0214201717b.jpg 20211230_160606.jpg 20200808_222217.jpg
    ccain, fauj and Thor1 like this.
  3. Hotrod1959
    Joined: Nov 3, 2007
    Posts: 824


    Regarding your bump steer. Is your drag link attached to the steering arm parallel to the frame?
    steering arm.jpg steering arm 2.jpg
    ccain likes this.
  4. @B. Gibson Nice truck!!! Thanks for sharing!

    Funny you should mention that...

    d'you remember me saying the bump steer was slight and "I can live with it"?
    Well... Monday morning I hit a chuckhole right on the edge of a bridge that has an angular approach on a slight curve, no less.

    Anyway, I hit that thing doing 45 and the wheel jerked out of my hand and the truck swerved into the next lane (thank god it was clear) and I almost over corrected trying to get her to calm the hell down. Yeah... "Slight, my ass!"

    'White knuckled this bitch back to the shop, parked it, sat behind the wheel for a minute, got out, then tried to smooth out the pucker in the naugahyde where my ass tried to bite a hole in the seat. :eek::eek::eek:

    Holy CRAP!!!

    So... this morning I popped the wheel off and set the truck down on a block that put it at ride height to have a look at things and take some measurements.


    Well there's your problem! :eek::eek::eek:. That steering arm is certainly a little more acute than it should be.

    And, check out all of the speed hole fuckery going on there on the frame around that steering box!

    I wonder what cobbled together mess was there before someone replaced the steering box with the right one? :confused:


    Perhaps this is Swiss Steel Ford experimented with, that turned out to be no gouda. **rimshot** :confused::D:D

    Okay, back on topic. :mad:

    From what I've read, solid axle steering geometry loves right angles and gets real twitchy when you throw any other angle at it.


    So, with the math and everything, it looks like I have to bend the J-arm down around an inch and a half.

    That'll put the drag link at 90 degrees in relation to the pitman arm and level with the road at ride height.

    BUT... I don't have a tourch... well... I "didn't" have a torch. Found a little homegrown gem locally and it was so cheap I couldn't pass it up! AND, it works!!! I'll need to get the oxygen tank filled, the acetylene is damned near full.

    It's not a big set up, but, it'll do what I need it to do around here.


    I wiped down the tanks and cleaned the regulators, then I booger welded (and when I say "booger welded", I mean it.:D) a cross brace with my tired, gasless mig on the cart because those pipes were dangling free and welded to sheet metal. Then I gave the old cart a squirt of hammerite and repainted the wheels. The wheels had been orange at one time and they sprayed the rubber too. :confused:


    There is just something so very freakin' cool about homemade tools and carts that I absolutely love. The middle aged guy I got it from said it was his dads and that he must have made it sometime in the early 60's.


    It's well used and not perfect, just like everything in my shop, including me, and I couldn't be happier. :D

    Of course, I'm going to replace the hoses and I need to find a cutting torch for it.

    I didn't go crazy on it but the cool old torch that came with the set cleaned up pretty nice.



    So, Once I get everything together, I can bend this thing onsite.

    Stay tuned, I'm getting the tank filled tomorrow, then swinging by the welding supply shop for some hoses and to look at a cutting torches.

    That's it for now. ;)
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2022
    brEad, 1oldtimer, fauj and 4 others like this.
  5. Hotrod1959
    Joined: Nov 3, 2007
    Posts: 824


    You probably know this but when you heat the J arm to bend it make sure you let it cool down on it's own. Don't use water to cool. I never had a problem with bump steer on my truck.
    Thor1 and ccain like this.
  6. Factory holes in the frame my friend.
    fauj, Thor1 and ccain like this.
  7. I don't have a diagram of it, but your bump steer is caused by the drag link and the suspension leaf springs being on different arcs as the suspension moves up and down. Basically you need the steering drag link to move along the same arc as the leaf springs do. It sounds like lowering the drag link mount point at the spindle is what you need. Or raise the box relative to the frame where it is now. What's some more holes in the frame (just kidding.....I think)? It is not just a simple "make the drag link parallel to the ground", although in your case it seems that is the approximate correction you need.

    Graph out the locations of the leaf spring rear mount and axle mount, and then do the same for the drag link. Put them on graph paper at their locations, as viewed from the side, and draw arcs as they move up and down. If those arcs do not move and keep the same distance from each other, that is your bump steer, the difference in the arc locations. Putting on paper, you can adjust the drag link front and rear points to get the arc to line up with the leaf spring arc, which will help you know how much to bend and move. Hope that helps, the point is to keep them moving together in close as you can equal distant arcs and not diverging arcs.
    Thor1 and ccain like this.
  8. See there?!? THIS is why I love the HAMB. You guys are the best and you keep me on the straight and level. So many knowledgeable folks here, helping an idiot like me keep from killing himself. I love this hobby but don't wanna die from it. :D

    I love when people say "He died doing what he loved.".

    "What?!? He loved careening off the road and being trapped in burning wreckage up against that bridge abutment because he was in idiot?!? :D:D:D

    Thank you guys! I will heed this advice!

    AH HA!!! So, I was right. It IS the Swiss steel. :D:D:D. Good thing I havarti got that thing bolted where it needs to brie, so I'm gouda there. :p I love cheese puns almost as much as my doctor says I shouldn't love cheese. :D:D:D

    Again, THANK YOU GUYS!!!
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2022
    brEad, Tman, Hotrod1959 and 2 others like this.
  9. Mart
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 4,956


    Tim McMaster has one of these trucks. It features a flipped axle and had the steering box raised. The setup was good enough to run some very respectable times at Bonneville. Another hamber did the frame work and handed the car back to Tim for the final prep. If I can find the thread I will post a link.
    ccain and Thor1 like this.
  10. Mart
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 4,956


  11. Get a rose bud tip also, makes it real easy to heat and bend stuff.
    ccain likes this.
  12. Monday Morning Update:

    Okay... well this was actually pretty fun and fruitful.

    I listened to you guys, I got a new torch head and a rosebud tip. I made a jig to hold the arm still then went to work heating it.


    I used tension in the form of a tie strap and heated the arm while my lovely wife tightened the strap in intervals. Probably not the way you guys would do it but it afforded me a level of control in getting to the tolerance I needed, slowly and without too much stress on the part.


    Made sure the plane was square where the drag link connects. And it all just kinda fell in place.

    And here it is all cleaned up and a squirt of paint.


    Reinstalled it and found the drag link is now parallel with the spring and frame. I did my loose nut and cotter pin check and went for a drive.

    Bending the arm has completely solved the bump steer issue! Drove the wheels off of it and forced it through every scenario I could imagine, including hitting the original chuck hole at the same speed as I did when I got the shit scared out of me. Nothing. No swerving, no wondering, and no negative feedback at the steering wheel. And, at a standstill, there is no movement in the steering wheel when you bounce the truck up and down like before. BIG WIN!!!

    So, I'm sticking a pin in this and she's once again drivable.

    Thanks so much for your input and suggestions, it made this job so much easier. I am one happy camper... in this respect.

    Having said that...


    I am getting no joy with Wheel Vintiques and now they can't even guarantee I'll get my wheels this year.

    Have a great day, y'all!!!

    pprather, brEad, Tman and 5 others like this.
  13. Hotrod1959
    Joined: Nov 3, 2007
    Posts: 824


    I have to give credit for suggesting this to a guy named Tim out of Riverbank Calif. He lowered my 59 for me back in the day. Learned a few tricks and bending the J-arm was one of them.. Unfortunately for me I had to sell the truck in 2012 to help fund my kids college.
    fauj, Thor1 and ccain like this.
  14. Don't know if this has been suggested yet but try Wheel Smith in Corona or Collins Custom Wheels and see if they have some used ones, can get new ones or can build you some out of what they have and either get them powder coated or chromed.
    Collins (562) 630-6546 in Bellflower. This phone number might go to the hubcap side but just ask for the other number. Small place that's been there since the mid 50's.
    Thor1, brEad, ccain and 1 other person like this.
  15. Thor1, ccain and fauj like this.
  16. Good to hear your steering arm bending fixed the problem.
    ccain and fauj like this.

  17. Here's a Taco Tuesday update with extra guacamole:

    Your info was EXTREMELY helpful! Thanks! You, my friend, are a steely eyed missile man! :cool::cool::cool:

    I called Wheel Smith this morning and spoke to Terry.

    Listen, this guy knows his stuff and said he's been doing this for like 45 years and was rattling off numbers, backspacing, tolerances, fender well clearance, and what not so fast it was making my head spin.

    It is SO nice to speak with someone who knows what the fuck they're doing!!!

    Using their wheel fitment worksheet, a ruler, and straightedge I was able to give him a butt-ton of measurements (unlike the other place).


    The turn around, he said, was about 4 weeks max as he has everything in stock to make these (unlike the other place).

    So, here's where we're at right now. With the blessing of my financier... er... I mean wife, I canceled my order with Wheel Vintiques and gave Terry the go-ahead (and money) to make my new wheels. Now, they are more expensive, but these are being made bespoke for my truck.

    The fronts will be standard chrome OEM and the rears are going to be Chrome OEM reverse. And, I ordered a set of spider caps (may or may not put those on, I dunno yet).


    I already have my tires which I have been tripping over in the shop for about a month now.

    The best part is, they are literally right up the road from me and I will driving up there to pick them up when they're done to skip the shipping charge.

    I am so excited, this thing is going to look badass.

    Thanks for the heads up!!!

    Again, the HAMB saves the day. ;)
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2022
    Algoma56, Thor1, brEad and 6 others like this.

  18. Weekend Update...
    with Father Guido Sarducci:


    Well, gang. Managed to get the last bit of my steering worked out today.

    Using this thread...

    and this video...

    adjusting the steering box was a
    cakewalk. The box was a tad dry but nothing a couple of squirts of gear oil couldn't fix. The adjustment was out a bit, but once everything was buttoned back up... oh dear lord!

    She steers so freakin' good! Like new, even.

    No slop, no constant turning back and forth to keep her straight, nothing. You just point her and she goes. Easy

    I really can't believe the difference.

    Was also able to center up the steering wheel so It doesn't look like I'm
    constantly turning right. :D.

    So, in the end, after lowering the truck, I've effectively fixed all of the handling issues and she is WAY better than when she was stock -AND- she's back on the streets as my daily once more.

    On top of this, with your guidance, and the collective knowledge of the internet, MY dumb ass was able to pull it off. And since I can't believe there's folks out there dumber than me, it is my belief, that ANYONE can do this shit, as long as they pay attention and follow instructions. :cool::cool::cool:

    Thanks again, guys!!!

    Now, it could be thanks to the strength of my wife's coffee, but hell... got this buttoned up, mowed, trimmed, cleaned my shop, took out the trash... etc. As the wife would say, I'm "on fire" today. :D

    Might take the rest of the weekend off and finish up this large ass Tiki I've been carving on for a month or so that my wife asked me to make for the garden. I dunno.

    But, right now, I think it's time to pop open a cold one and light up a big fat... HEY! Don't judge! It's legal here! :D:D:D

    Have a great weekend, y'all.

    Algoma56, Old-Soul, brEad and 4 others like this.
  19. Happy you got the front end sorted! Great work as usual my friend!
    ccain likes this.
  20. My daughter surprised me with tickets to Goodguys in SD on Saturday, only saw three fridges. A stock 60', somewhat custom 57 (looked like a Volare front end with non-Ford engine), and rat-roddish looking one. I think yours would have been a great addition to the collection!
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2022
    ccain and Thor1 like this.
  21. Oh man, what a surprise that must have been!

    I live under a rock, and actually didn't realize Goodguys was going on this past weekend until Friday and I had already made weekend plans with the wife. :(. You lucky dog.

    Next time maybe there will be four! ;)

    Speaking of surprises...

    I just got a call from Carla at Wheel Smith informing me that my wheels have been built and are ready to pick up. :cool::cool::cool:. SEVEN days from the time I ordered them! SEVEN!!!

    So, if any of you goons are in wheel jail with no end in sight, give Terry at Wheel Smith a call. Those guys are on it!

    I'm going to ride up there and pick them up on Friday, I'll have the tires mounted, then bolted on the truck in time to cruise around on Saturday. SO STOKED!!!

    In other news:

    I've had these old '52 Buick tail lights laying around the shop and I think it's time to use them. I've had this hair-brained scheme cooked up for a couple of years. o_Oo_Oo_O


    So... it's very crude template and poorly done photoshop time!!! :D

    Let's do something stupid! How about something french? :cool:

    Not too deep, maybe about an 1-1/4". Just enough for the bullets to peek up over the surface.




    We'll see what happens. This will also afford me the chance to clean up the metal work on those bed corners. The last thing I frenched was a license plate box into the tailgate of a buddy's S-10 way back in like 92ish. So... anything can happen, folks. :confused:

    Here's kinda what I'm thinkin' placement wise:


    I'm thinking of going with a smooth tailgate as well. I wanna clean things up back there a bit.

    Also, there is so much chrome up front but nothing in the back... looks a little nose heavy to me. Don't be surprised if I end up putting a rear bumper on this thing. It'll help hide the udders... I mean gas tank. :D

    Stay tuned, I guess.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2022
    coupe man, brEad, tr_rodder and 4 others like this.
  22. GirchyGirchy
    Joined: Mar 17, 2011
    Posts: 281

    from Central IN

    I think the taillights will look killer, but not sold on that smooth tailgate...I think the original with the giant FORD's quite distinctive and interesting. Maybe do the letters in a gold/white mix like the scallops?

    But I do agree a chrome bumper would help regardless.
    Hotrod1959, Thor1 and ccain like this.
  23. Hotrod1959
    Joined: Nov 3, 2007
    Posts: 824


    He is another option for tail lights 50 Pontiac.
    50 pontiac.jpg 50 pontiac.jpg
  24. Hotrod1959
    Joined: Nov 3, 2007
    Posts: 824


    My 59 with a factory rear bumper.....
    2 59s.jpg
    ccain, Thor1 and Finn Jensen like this.
  25. I'm looking forward to seeing your truck at the next show!

    I'll be running 50 Pontiac tail lights on mine... eventually. I am going full custom (as if I know what that means or much less even capable of doing) on mine. See crude mock up below.

    ccain and Thor1 like this.
  26. One feature of these trucks I always liked was the taillights... The roundness of them has a certain charm. I really liked what you've already done with them, have you given any thought to doing that again with two more below the stockers? With maybe a swap to '58-59 or '60 T-bird lenses? Dare to be different!
    ccain, Thor1 and fauj like this.
  27. Had a bit of adventure this morning. Drove to Corona to pick up my wheels and made it back within a mile and a half of the house when the wife's old truck overheated. Triple A to the rescue... AGAIN!

    Hell, at this point I don't know why I don't just break down and buy a tow truck. :confused::D

    Anyway, I'll get to her truck after while. Right now, I'm opening boxes and taking in the sights.

    Terry, Carla, and the gang at Wheel Smith really came through for me on this one. Great folks! Check them out nest time you need wheels.


    The cats are going to love these boxes. :rolleyes:


    Who's that there? Well, hello there, sexy.


    I'm getting a tingling sensation... I CAN NOT wait to see these bolted on the truck!


    Gotta put a radiator hose on the wife's junker this evening, but tomorrow... tomorrow we get tires mounted. :cool:

    On another note, and from the deep recesses of my psychosis:

    I've been playing around, building the buckets for the tail lights.



    They're a bit heavy, but I'm building these from what I have laying around the shop, so... at the very least, if these get chucked, my shop gets a bit cleaner in the process. :p

    Tune in tomorrow. Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel.
  28. Love the wheels! That truck is going to look freaking great with those on it! Digging the frenched buckets for the tail lights!
    Algoma56, ccain and Thor1 like this.
  29. Ran those on my F100...look great on everything
    Algoma56, fauj and ccain like this.
  30. guthriesmith
    Joined: Aug 17, 2006
    Posts: 11,066

    1. H.A.M.B. Chapel

    Can’t wait to see it with the new wheels! :cool:
    fauj and ccain like this.

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