Here are some of the cars that ahshoe and I put in place today. And I would like to think ahshoe for stopping by and helping me. It made for a much easier day.
What's the story on this? is it a Ford or a Mercury? it doesn't appear the windows have been added. HRP
didn't get to talk to the guy but it looks like rear body panels from a 50's IH Carryall...?...roof looks too flat to be orig. Ford panel,...or has been cut.. rear doors looked like 48-52 Ford panel.
Started as a panel. windows are door tops, and the third door was a passenger door with the wheel arch cut into it and it had a wagon roof grafted on. That is what I believe the guy said. Started by a guy in Pennsylvania and finished in Minnessnowta
I own this now. The body mods from panel to this were done by Clark. He sold it to me as a roller and I did a few changes and finished some chassis, floor and interior items and got it running and driving. If you look back on his profile there are details on the body transformation for those that are curious...