Good thing you picked up on the shavings, it would be a shame to have it waiting all that time then turn to crap. What else do you know about the engine? Cam type, power pack heads, etc? I just picked a '65 283 (according to numbers) with power pack heads. Seems like they have small (60cc) chambers that bump the compression up to 9.5. Got an Elgin grind of the Duntov 097 cam because I love the sound and they seem to make 283s sing. Can't wait!
The old Duntov 097 and its copies are a great camshaft for the 283. I run a NOS 097 in my '55 Chevy and it idles at 14 # vacuum and pulls from 1500 to 6000. Gets 18 mpg with a 500 cfm AFB. It's a great combination.
Used a modified distributor to pump up the oil, only to find the spin on oil filter adapter leaks, back to the canister version for now. Rear carb throttle return spring inop, disconnect the linkage. After about 20 minutes of minor figits, it started, ran it for 20 minutes at high idle, temp moved up n down between 160/180. Oil pressure dropped from 40 down to 30 then back up to 40. Going to try a different gauge. Over all it runs great, straight pipes make a lot of noise.. For now I just want to get this thing on the road and make it reliable.
Just to clarify.....(used to build and Jr stock race lots of 55 through 57's back in the day) If it's a actual 1955 engine, then it's a 265...and won't have an oil filter cannister on the bottom. If it's a 1956 - 265 engine it will have a filter cannister on bottom. There were even a few 1957's that were 265's. The 283 was produced in 1957 and for several years after that. The 1955 2 bbl engines 180 hp were hydraulic lifter motors, the 4 bbl 265 195 hp were solid lifter engines (Corvettes were all 195 hp 4 bbl too, with 3 speed stick trans) 1956 passenger car 265's were all hydraulic lifters cars....1956 Corvettes were 265 solid lifter at 210 hp - 4 bbl. . or 225 hp with dal 4 bbls In any case definitely use break in oil as described earlier, and only use oils that are compatible with the early engines. Used to break in every 265-283 back in the day. And used a primer rod to turn the oil pump to fill all the push rods, etc., etc. prior to start up. Back then I think the break in oil was non detergent. Obviously always used new cam lube on cam lobes when installing. The exhaust headers pictured aren't 265...rather 57 and later. Love the Corvette valve covers ! Originals are valuable these days. (If the valve cover screws are off set - top and bottom, then the heads are 265.)
I beg to differ. The 55 265 2 barrel was 162 hp and the 4 barrel was 180 hp aka the power pack . The super power pack was 195 hp.
My Brother in law designed and fabricated them. He wanted to use a pair of original 32 Ford V8 engine mounts but I wouldn't give them up..
If he would ever want to make another set I would buy a pair. I like those better than the 32's good luck with your project, Joe
Why does the 097 have such low lift? Weren't valve springs available that could handle more? If you have 14# vacuum at idle and an rpm range of 1500-6000, is that in a 265? Although it's a low-lift cam, it has 230 duration @ .050, which I would not consider "small" for a 265 or 283.
What a sanitary looking build. It's not flashy... almost stock looking, but clearly a Hot Rod. I dig it.
Thanks for the complements. The objective is to build a safe clean functional usable dependable low maintenance hot rod. Not done yet by a long shot.