not in the bay area- but H&H is down in SoCal, maybe Red's Headers can reccomend somebody in the area?
Theres a shop locally that Ive driven by a couple times, Ill stop and ask them if the re-grind cams tommarow. This is in San Rafael.
Try D. Elgin Cams in Redwood City. 650-364-2187 They can measure, repair and grind just about any cam. I was in there one time and they had a Lincolin v16 cam. The thing looked 4 feet long...
Called elgin- $$$. After some calls and networking + the HAMB- I think I got it- Stirtz in Oakland. Says he ground a slightly hot B for a guy 10yrs ago that is still sitting on his shelf. Thanks for the all the help- E
The best guy in the bay is the guy mentioned above. He was trained by Ed Winfield. If you can get Dema to grind it, it will dial in spot on. If you want a custom grind, they will send you a sheet to fill out, you send it back with the cam, really easy.
Yes, in Oakland, check with Dan McEachern (510) 532-8228. He does T's & A's and other older stuff. Tops in that field. Also check with Carl or Dave at Stirtz Machine in Oakland. They handle all my machine work. Great work at fair prices. Both nice fellows with helpful advice. (510) 536-2772
You might also want to contact Jim Brierley, I think that he is also on the HAMB. He grinds cams, but is southeast of L.A.