What is the name of the wood that wraps around the rear of the body behind the seat on top of the body that the top attaches to? Who could be a vendor?
Do Brookville list one on their website? Any cabinet maker or pattern-maker could make one. A cabinet-maker/carpenter made the one for my son's 32. I know there are companies in the US who make wood kits for various cars so they would be a likely supplier.
Be aware the originals are shaped differently than Brookville's new body in that tack strip area. Make sure a vendor knows what your application is.
Brookville does not appear to list one ,which is a little odd as i had an idea the BVille body was slightly different, not sure exactly how . Maybe they do have one but I could not find it. The body above appears to be BVille and the wood seems to fit ok.
My Wescotts' '32 roadster body came with an original style tack strip so you may give Karl a call at Wescotts.
My '32 Roadster still has the original tack strip which I was able to save it by drilling out the screw holes and inserting birch dowels so I could redrill for the mounting holes. The original three piece tack strips were joined together with finger joints. The one in the above photo is connected with a lap joints. Also the above Brookville body looks very similar to the original as the tack strip ends set into pockets like Ford made them.
Brookville did start offering the tack strip notches in their bodies in the last couple years, but they are not exact. Maybe a guy would be willing to make small mods to the tack strip to fine tune it to whichever body he has. I just wanted to put it out there that a difference is obvious when the two are side by side.
I got the wood tack strip for my original roadster from Brads Wood Shop. It was close but still needed a little fine tuning.
Found this in Europe somewhere, out of stock. The photo is too poor to bring up a name . Must be someone in the US that has stock? Wescott does not appear to show anything.
Suzy Carr from Wood n Carr got back to me and said sadly Doug passed away in his sleep in February and all the patterns were sold . She did not say who to , does anyone know who may have them now. She said he was the business. She did suggest Hemmings.
WoodArt say special order. I would like to email them but have no contact email. I have also contacted FordWood in Utah. Its a spendy little part for sure.
Could consider taking a stab at making the tack strip. Make a plywood form that replicates the car at the tack strip and form the piece with glue laminated strips. Similar to how they form the bow piece for wood strip canoes. Lots of info on simple ways to steam wood strips. First minutes of this video shows the process. Could be less expensive then sending a piece 3/4's of the way around the world. May even have a local hardwood that could do the job for reasonable cost. I would use a marine glue or West System epoxy to glue the laminations together. Put parchment paper or masking tape on the plywood form to prevent the work piece bonding to the form.
Thanks ,its looking more like make my own. Would prefer oak ,but its not that easy to find down in NZ.
The Cubels at FordWood in Utah said they have another job coming up with finger joints so can do my job then . Nice with finger joints too. FordWood came through in quick time too .
@Kiwi 4d Could you please give me dimmensions of wooden seat support? Maybe factory drawings... would be great.