That engine stand idea is just tits. Doesn't take up a large footprint in the shop and can go somewhere out of the way when you're not using it. Really clever idea.
Just in case anyone decides to make a similar bench with engine stand. You need a substantial bench to begin with so that it doesn't tip forward. This is a bench I built about 40 years ago out of 2x6s and plywood......because I could not afford new stuff. Actually I like it better than metal ones. Its 16 ft long and full of car parts. The engine stand mount sticks all the way thru the bench so its not trying to support all that weight with just the front 2x6. I also made a "leg" that goes between the bench and the mount to give a bunch of extra support for when I have a complete engine on it. What I would like to point out here is the "topical" approach I try to use in each area of my shop. Thats what I was trying to suggest when I mentioned using fans rather than A/C to stay cool. If everyone looks at the picture closely, you can see that I have "small" fans positioned to provide a breeze at the places where I'm likely to be working. I find that if I'm working hard, I'll sweat even in an A/C building, but the fans keep me nice and cool most of the time. I tried one of those giant fans one time. Hated that thing. Took up too much space, made an irritating wind noise, and blew way too hard. Sold it...... I do have a couple industrial (round) fans mounted on poles for my crane that I can swivel easily. The trick is to put the fans where they are out of the way and don't blow too hard. I'll repost my shop pictures and also one of my son's shop showing a fan on a crane upright. Its pointed right where work will be done if using the lift. Another was mounted on the other pole after this picture was taken. Another thing I'm a big "fan" of is cranes in a shop. They just make everything so much easier and buying used steel keeps the cost down. Again, I try to put things where they are the most convenient and effective. So thats my point, plan your shop out and put things in strategic positions so they work well for you. The small crane in my shop picture makes it easy to lift an engine and install it on the stand.......but it also lets me lift things onto carts or either workbench. Simple little 4" I-beam with upright legs attached to the floor and walls. Probably $150 and another $100 for the trolley and comealong. Anyway, hope this gives you some ideas, as this really works well for me, as I find a light breeze from a slow fan keeps me cool better than a marginal temp A/C when you are trying not too spend too much money on the electric bill. The A/C will often provide plenty of cooling if you crank it down, not saying it won't, but a fan provides immediate cooling at a reasonable cost. Just gotta install them in the right places. (Oops! Kinda got the workbench thread and the shop cooling thread mixed together) I was talking to my son the other night. His "pole barn" in the picture is well insulated and has stud walls. The original owner was a builder who made it really nice. Got divorced and now my son owns it. It is air conditioned (and has a real bathroom ). I asked him about how much he uses the A/C. Said he doesn't use it other than to cycle it for a little bit in the summer. Its a heat pump, so he does use that in the winter.
Half of a Moline industrial table saw table that I bought from a estate sale . I wasn’t happy with the legs under it so I made another set with wheels to be able to move it around.
Hey I got a new bench again today! I cleaned up the old one again... I didn't remember painting it, but it's a different color than I remember. Oh wait, that's dirt!