Jive-Bomber submitted a new blog post: Gasoline Alley at the Goodwood Revival Continue reading the Original Blog Post
Hey Jay, Any good hints on getting out to this show? Where to stay? what are the best days? I know this event is packed full of stuff to do. Also the main theme changes every year right? As much as I like the Bones, I want to see local stuff too. I might be planning for a '23 visit. We would end up doing the full pass. But are there any pre-shows, after shows to fillout the visit.
Abe- No bad days to go, but you'll see the best racing action on Saturday and Sunday. Revival theme will be different, so no Rolling Bones cars this year, but you're also going to see tons of UK local hot rods that you've probably never seen before, regardless. Try to find an AirBnB in Chicester, or nearby towns like Tangmere. Otherwise you're taking the train down from London and getting a shuttle in. I would fill out the visit by hitting some of the military and car museums in the area. https://bicesterheritage.co.uk/ https://www.beaulieu.co.uk/attractions/national-motor-museum/
If you like all manner of old stuff - this hotel converted from an 1892 railway station with Pullman carriages to sleep in, is about 10 miles away. Accommodation | The Old Railway Station, Petworth | England (old-station.co.uk) (There's also a pub next door to the old station that does food and has accommodation - Badgers – Outstanding Food and Drink (badgerspetworth.co.uk) ) You've also got an aviation museum at the old Tangmere airfield about 3 miles from Goodwood. Welcome to Tangmere Military Aviation Museum (tangmere-museum.org.uk)
Goodwood Revival is magical, Lord March has truly created the gold standard of vintage racing. Million dollar race cars thrown around by pro drivers, Spitfire flyovers, parties and displays...the food is even good. The Members Meeting in April is fantastic as well, limited ticket sales so far less crowds, mostly the same cars/drivers but it's a different vibe...it's more about the racing. japchris is right on...Tangmere is very cool.
I'll be there (hopefully).....again. Apart from Covid cancelled one in 2020, I've not missed one since 2008.
If you up to renting a car you can also find places to stay in Arundel or Brighton/Hove. Wife and I have done the Revival in 2016 & 2019, both times staying in Brighton. It's about a 90min drive so plan to leave early. 2016 we took the train from London to Brighton and rented car there. 2019 rented car in London and drove down. There is so MUCH to see & do at the Revival. Looking forward to going back in 2023.
Not knowing or even hearing about Goodwood until I started building my Speedster, it is my dream to go there one day. Lord March seems so “ordinary” when I saw him in a YT vid riding around on his estate in a rat rod he brought back from the USA. Lol!