I’m want to take a 36 Ford wide five wheel center and put it in a 5 inch x16 inch wheel hoop. Is there any company that can do this? The hoop has to be 14 3/8 inches at the drop center. I can’t find a 16 inch hoop with that measurement.
It’s actually closer to 14 1/4”. I used some very off topic mid 2000s Honda Civic hoops but they are 6.5” wide. I looked at lots of temporary spares hoping to find something in the 5” range but found nothing. The flat drop center section is close to 2” wide, so you “could” narrow the 6.5” hoop by a little over an inch and end up with close to a 5” hoop. It would be a lot of work though.
Here’s my 6.5”. Put it in with as much backspace as possible to keep the outside closer to stock look. Could’ve reversed the hoops and got the opposite effect. Just depends on the car/look you’re going for.
Some farm tractor wheel supply places online offer just the hoops, when I was going to make 18" rear wide 5's for my coupe, I found a couple suppliers online that sold just the hoops. Don't recall the company name, been about 12 years since I researched it. I found some 18" wide 5's so I didn't pursue it
They are a far distance from you, but Gilberston Machine Shop in Portland, OR does that general type of work. Surely there will be a closer shop, but they might have some helpful info. John
Often times those do not have safety beads, and are in many cases quite heavy. Some will argue that safety beads are not traditional, but neither is a long lifespan. I have had a few associates try the tractor hoop route, only to come up with a wheel that cannot be balanced.