A friend came over to check out his 53 ford that he keeps on my place, well he brought along a buddy. Turns out the guys some vintage ford nut, he tries to buy just about everything I have around the place. He wants my 39 toploader thats filled with zephyr gears. Now the things been soda blasted, rebuilt, repainted and has perfect gears in it. Whats it worth? I dont really wanna part with it but for the right price I will.
a new set of zgears from joblot runs $700. 39 w/zgears on egay runs anywhere from 600 to 1200. the 19tooth imput gear set is the faster rarer set, made in 1946 only. hope this helps. josh
$1200 on e-bay? Tell him "$1200, and not a penny less!" I usually tell wheeler dealers like that that I'll sell it to them for the price that they are going to turn it for... shuts 'em up. Sam