Wondering if anyone here is building a 1933 - 1934 Hupmobile K series. I'm trying to save a field find but all the wood is gone. Hoping someone might have some for patterns. I can figure out what I want to change over to metal but I need to start off with wood to get me started.
There is a club for classics only I never can remember it's proper name I think it's Classic Car Club of America . I will ask my friend tomorrow
I checked with the Hup Club and they said I'm pretty much on my own. They don't have any blueprints. I'm also a part of the hupmobile clubs on FB. No luck. Just trying to look everywhere I can.
I'll sniff around there are three guys out here they come out once in awhile . Jay Leno has a library collection probably have to wait till he recuperates from his recent home garage gasoline accident I would ask him though