I’ve never owned a delivery but I want one. How do they drive? I have always wondered if they kinda make you car sick, since they don’t have windows ? Are they hard to see out of?
There is a blind spot in my ‘32 Fordor, I would expect one in a Sedan Delivery to be much, much worse.
I just went to pick up a cluster on a 63 Corvette and the shop had a 37 delivery they were working on. Beautiful shape and they said little to no rust. Ignore the wheels.
My 58 Ford Courier Sedan Delivery. I bought it in 1972, sitting abandoned in a tree grove. 6 banger, 3 speed that still ran. I drove it for a couple years back then before giving up because of all the rust. Fast forward to 1997 and I decided to give it another try. It was white and had several different coats on it. When in the light just right, I could see that there was lettering covered up on the side. I sanded it down carefully until I could read "Martins Plumbing and Heating". There was also something on the tailgate, but I was never able to recover that enough to make it out. After having it done, I have hauled plenty of groceries, lumber and even a 52 gallon water heater in the back. So, it is still in duty.
They are a pain to see out of. The first time I took my 58 to the Back to the Fifties. I had a buddy behind me giving me hand signals of when I could change lanes, etc. because of the blind spot on the right side. I have since put a curved mirror (glue on) over the factory door mounted round mirror and that has helped a ton. It is still a problem backing away from diagonal parking, but that mirror even helps there. I just back up slow and hope some moron staring at their phone doesn't ram me. As for causing car sick, no problem there. Another unusual thing that I suppose would also apply to wagons is that I can run highway speeds with both front windows rolled down and it really isn't windy or noisy because of the air passing by into the big open back area. I do have AC, but still would rather cruise with the windows down.
I think someone needs to do a bit more work on fitting the front windows! (From Mr. Turtle's earlier post):