This boat was in a barn for 40 to 50 years. One seater and very nice construction. There is no maker's plate or identification anywhere on it. The fellow we bought it from got it from his dad and thought it might have something to do with one of the Dodge brothers. If anyone has any ideas what it is I would appreciate the help. A.J.
I've probably posted this too many times already but I'll put it up one more time. My dad and I started building this when my mom got sick with cancer. I think it was her idea. Gave us a reason to get together more often, and took our minds off of what was happening. It worked, and was some of the best time him and I have ever spent together. It sure made her happy to see us working together. I just wish she could have seen it finished. This boat is going to my nephew, and I'm collecting parts for the next one. I'm looking forword to working with my dad again. My son got involved in the project too, and my daughter wants to help in the next build. Were going bigger and faster next time! This boat is a 10 footer with a 20 HP merc.
there is a place down the street from my uncle's house in McHenery Ill on the fox lake that restores them and does really nice work. my uncle used to have a 1940 chris craft and that boat was really nice. Always thought how cool it would be to build a garwood type boat with a full house flathead in it or one with scot blower in it pulled by a hot rod.
dude down here has been trying to move one on our local auction site with a rebuild Merc flattie, I love the old Chris craft style boats would be just right for inner harbour beach hopping......
not wood..but i know a guy here in dallas with a 58 glastron..has fins like a 57 chevy and a removable hardtop, been thinking about snatching it up, he also has a running vintage hydraplane, which looks like a midget car with a flat bottom hull, powered by a v8-60 flatty, hes sellin it also.
I rebuilt a 1960 40' aluminum hull ( looked like wood ) Richardson. Twin 409's and teak decks. I will never ever do that again. Did I say never? I meant never ever, no fucking way, ever will I do that again. Unless you have too much money and time, stick to cars. There hard enough.
Looks like an allison w-24 apparently. Some pics at the bottom of It's called the
That's the Schumacher Special. There is a post on the Hamb from back in November on it. The website is if you are interested. The boat and the car where sitting next to each other in a barn for over 50 years. The pictures in the previous post were taken the day we moved them both out of the barn into my dad's storage building. Everything is wet because it was raining.
The Thunderbird a 1937 Hacker Craft has a pair of Allison V-12's and is the epititomy of the ultimate Art Deco Wood boat...! I have photo's of this vessel Dry docked at the Harris Museum from 1979...!!! I flew over that show (Kings Bay) in a friends Bell 207 in 1997...!!! Way to many cool boats..., so we landed and stayed there all day and got a few rides in the Mahogony classics for exchange rides in the Helicopter...!!! I love the barter system...!
It's amazing how beautiful wood runabouts were once basically worthless if they needed any work. In 1967 I had a summer job at a SeaRay dealer on Lake Union in Seattle. Part of my job was getting rid of the old Chris Crafts, Centurys, etc. that were traded in for new fiberglass boats. We used to tow them out to Lake Washington and sink them. I'll bet literally dozens of boats went that way just that one summer from all the dealers in Seattle. And a whole lot of them ended up as beach fires, too. If you know Seattle, the old dumping ground was where the west end of the Evergreen Point bridge is now. Bet there's lots of rare hardware down there still.
Lots of people like to talk about when '32 roadsters were $50 junkers, but think about this. In about '67/'68 I had summer job working for a Sea Ray dealer on Lake Union in Seattle. At that time wood runabouts that needed any work were basically worthless. Part of my job was to tow old Chris Crafts, Centurys, etc. out to Lake Washington and sink them. If you know Seattle, where the west end of the Evergreen Point bridge is now, there must be a lot of rare hardware down there. By the way, that's also where most of the old Seattle houseboats ended up. I went through a boat obsession a few years ago... ther is is much cool shit on this site its scary
Right after World War II, lots of boat companies sprung up to take advantage of all the sheet metal workers who formerly built aircraft. Although aluminum boats are the "poor relation" in the antique boat world, they can be sleek, too. And cheap to maintain...relatively. Here is a Feathercraft - beautiful lines. Feathercraft boats were often anodized in various colors.
Here are a few pictures of my Dad's 62 ChrisCraft 20' Holiday. He is the second owner, bought it in 1963. My brothers and I all learned to water ski off of it and my kids have too.. The cool part of this boat is that it is one of the few factory equipped with a 430 Lincoln engine. There is enough oomph to pull the Titanic out of the water.
Found this little beauty fully restored by a neat freak...great boat with a RARE Kiekhaufer Mercury outboard. I love it...10 footer and supposedly goes 60mph. If I put my fat ass on it, it will surely sink. Going behind my Meadow Green 51 F-1. Life is good!
OK never seen on here before. Full dress v-8 60 flatty, and yeah they are indian front fenders and 35 wires. Soon to see 70MPH plus ROB
I just sold this guy some Nicson marine manifolds for his 324 Olds powered boat, it sure looks sweet. It's kind of a neat story how the guy got ahold of me. He tracked me down from a 2-1/2 year old post on the board and sent me an email out of the blue to see if I still had the manifolds.
*sigh* I've been looking for one for a while. A buddy of mine is restoring a 27' Chriscraft as we is beautiful.
Here's my next project, '57 Chris Craft, I'm the second owner, It's been in dry storage for the last 25 years. Once I finish my truck then I'm onto this.
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Now this is a boat and it is on display this weekend I believe in Algonac Michigan. Miss America X at 38' long with 4 Packard 12 cylinder engines (around 1800 hp each). Driven by the incomparable Gar Wood at right around125mph to a Gold Cup win. This boat was called the madman's dream and there was an article and picture in today's Detroit News. I recently went to a party and there were pictures of Gar Wood and his brothers in the garage of this home. Turns out Gar Wood was his uncle. I am not really into boats but I surely am into his boats. Miss America X was bought and restored by Harold Mistele a local coal and oil dealer and successful businessman and I believe it is still owned by the family. You could fill volumes with stories of Gar Wood and his boats (races against trains-he beat them, and all sorts of great stories)-Jim