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Projects Am I crazy for wanting to build a banger?

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by ccain, Dec 16, 2022.


Is this guy nuts?

Poll closed Dec 26, 2022.
  1. Hell yeah he is! This guys needs some serious professional help!

    15 vote(s)
  2. Well... maybe he's out there in left field, but I can see this possibly coming together.

    9 vote(s)
  3. I'm just as crazy as you are, so yeah... go for it!

    73 vote(s)
  1. Okay, let me preface this with "this isn't a build thread" (that will come later). This is more of a feeler discussion about a new project.

    So... here's a little taste of what I want my next project to be. I've had this car stuck in my head for over five years and I need it out of there.

    This build is going to test everything I've ever learned and everything I have yet to learn. It's going to be a long term project, but the screwball in me would love to get it built enough to take it to the next TROG in Riverside. :confused:

    20221209_120855 copy.jpg

    But... that's a pipedream better left to a team of people and not just dumb old me, in my tiny shop, doing all the work myself.

    Here's the rub, this project is going to be built entirely from scratch out of whatever garbage I can scrounge. I'm not interested (or going to for that matter) in plunking down tens of thousands of dollars in chunks here and there to build... let's face it... a street legal go-cart.

    Now, I know full well that I can't cast engine blocks and scratch build third members and stuff... so I am going to have to hand over green to people who believe they have to make millions off of seized engines ,and rusted junk here in SoCal that all needs to be rebuilt AFTER you've already paid dear for it. :rolleyes:

    So... all of this is going to be a huge challenge from the get go. But hell, I think it's good to challenge yourself to try to build something cool on a rigidly tight budget. It prompts creativity, ingenuity, forces you into an "out of the box" mentality, and helps you better understand the thing you're building without someone else's hands being in it.

    I've already scrounged some stuff and, a few years ago, I built a buck for the cowl, and have already built the frame (I'd take pics but i have to dig it all out first.).

    As far as the overall car, here's what I originally had in mind style wise, a nice little Lakes Modified:



    I spent a couple of years on paper changing this and that, and after looking at it over and over again, and making changes to dimensions and the overall style, I altered the course a bit. Some minor changes, some major changes.

    I changed up the plan a little because... well... I grew kind of tired of the lakes modified style. While cool, it doesn't really do it for me anymore.

    One of the changes I made was to add a simple, cut down truck bed, like this model I just finished of the car I want to build:

    20221215_113749 copy.jpg

    20221215_113808 copy.jpg

    But all of that aside, I have this crazy notion to build it and power it with a slightly hopped up old Ford 4 banger.

    Am I nuts? I dunno.

    Everybody is building stuff with flathead V8s, Small block Fords or Chevys, Hemis, nailheads... etc.

    But, I've never been one to conform. So, I've turned my aspirations toward what I guess you'd call (if I have my terminology correct) a Banger/GOW-job/hot rod hybrid. Mixing pre-war with 50's/60's cool. I dunno, I smoke a lot of funny cigarettes and what not. :p

    What say the masses? I have questions.

    • Am I nuts for wanting to build a new hot rod from the ground up and sticking a low-tech 1920s something powerplant in it?
    • What should I be on the lookout for (I know just enough about bangers to become a danger to myself and others. :D)?
    • Who are the best resources for uncommon junk like this?
    • Where can I source stuff that won't break the bank?

    Any and all input is welcome.
  2. V8-m
    Joined: Jun 11, 2020
    Posts: 248

    from Alaska are definitely not crazy. I like the idea and great drawing you made. It should be nice adventure. I would like to see progress. Good luck !
    eldiablooxidado and ccain like this.
  3. Bandit Billy
    Joined: Sep 16, 2014
    Posts: 14,057

    Bandit Billy

    I bought my 3 year old grand daughter one of those electric powered jeeps for her birthday. You may be asking yourself what that has to do with your question. Well, she drove it all afternoon, got it down pat (and she drives better than my wife BTW) but instead of "Thank You Grand Pa" I got "does it go any faster?"

    I am afraid you may echo that same refrain on that mild hopped up banger. Love the sketch, I know for me (and my grand daughter) it would need more power! :cool:
    Outback, chryslerfan55, Tman and 5 others like this.
    Joined: May 8, 2010
    Posts: 383


  5. I appreciate the little bangers and find them interesting / Just not my cup of tea, no neck snapping power. If that is what you want to build I say go for it and enjoy. I understand those little engines are very expensive to build.
  6. WhyW8
    Joined: Mar 3, 2022
    Posts: 52

    from Sun City

    Go for it... I think it is a great idea.
    Tow Truck Tom and ccain like this.
  7. RussTee
    Joined: Mar 25, 2008
    Posts: 1,241


    In the long run it will cost you more than a small block chev
    It will never run as fast as a small block chev
    It will probably break down many times

    It will get far more looks than a small block chev
    You will have far more fun building it
    You can create your own speed equipment
    You will learn heaps while building it
    It will certainly feel different than your average jap car to drive
  8. Dave G in Gansevoort
    Joined: Mar 28, 2019
    Posts: 3,178

    Dave G in Gansevoort
    from Upstate NY

    Do it! And yes remember KISS, keep it simple...

    I really like the pickup concept, with only one exception. The fuel tank. I would try to keep the bed sort of usable. But that's just me. And paint it black! With cream colored wheels, axles etc.
  9. gimpyshotrods
    Joined: May 20, 2009
    Posts: 24,029


  10. When I decided to build my roadster I asked a now friend of mine for a ride in his hopped up prewar banger powered roadster. Seemed like a decent ride until he got on it. Scared the living crap out of me.
    My roadster is banger powered.
  11. alchemy
    Joined: Sep 27, 2002
    Posts: 21,756


    I am currently doing a similar build. Made with scrap cast-off parts that I have been accumulating for years, I got the bug to assemble it all last year when I saw a similar car and it's owners having a ball. Most everything will be very low cost, with just a few key item$ thrown in for spice.

    Mine should look like it's 100% vintage when it's done. Nothing newer than about 1948 on the outside, with only a dual master cylinder hid way down deep. Most of it will be older than 1930.

    The engine will be an A four cylinder, the body a T touring, and frame is Whippet.
    Outback, chryslerfan55, Tman and 6 others like this.
  12. Budget36
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
    Posts: 14,753


    Your “goal” is to have fun at TROG. Probably a bit of weekend/day use here and there. You don’t need anymore than what’s in your mind to build.
    Joey has been having a blast in his banger in SF and just finished TROG.
    His quest for more? Going to change it up soon with putting the body on a FH V8 chassis.
    Not every hotrod has to have high hot power to have fun.
  13. For years I had stuck in my head the idea to build a pre-war (war number 2), old school Model A banger. It had to be built period correct, the way that it was done in the late thirties or early forties. A few years ago I ran across the perfect candidate for the build so I went for it. I had a ball building it and a ball showing it, it was a people magnet. Everywhere I took it it would draw crowd. The only downfall with it was when I took it to out of state events, it had to be trailered!
    Check out my build thread, '29 banger, see what you think.
    I say, if that's what you want to do then do it. I bet that you will have a ball with it!! B.t.w., that's a cool drawing...
  14. rockable
    Joined: Dec 21, 2009
    Posts: 4,793


    So, just to make sure I understand. What are you going to do with it besides TROG? Christmas parades? Do you actually want to drive this car? How will you enjoy it?

    I could derive pleasure from building it but could never get excited about driving it. Different strokes.
    ccain likes this.
  15. aussie57wag
    Joined: Jul 13, 2011
    Posts: 673

    from australia

    He'll yea go for it. I remember reading the early Chevy 4 bangers were good hop up engines. You could also consider an early 6 cyl or straight 8. If you want different that would do it.
    If built properly and maintained properly there is no reason you couldn't drive the wheels off it. Don't listen to the ignorant ney sayers that tell you you need a Chevy to drive it.
  16. Tow Truck Tom
    Joined: Jul 3, 2018
    Posts: 2,800

    Tow Truck Tom
    from Clayton DE

    Your talent shows that whatever you do it's gonna be cool.
    My taste would allow me to run anything. They do make terrific noise.
    I need to search here for the banger group. They can provide serious advice.
    As far as that top speed rocket feeling: how often is that needed?
    Look around when on the highway, most everyone is raising Hell with a banger

    Just do it.
  17. woodiewagon46
    Joined: Mar 14, 2013
    Posts: 2,383

    from New York

    The thing with a Model A engine is that you can get as crazy as you want. Insert crank bearings, insert rod bearings, balanced crankshaft, balanced and cut flywheel and pressure plate, modified intake, headers, camshaft etc. all gonna cost you but you can just build a stock motor and just have fun with it. If you do go the rebuild route it will run between $4 to $5 grand for all new babbit, bore, pistons etc.
    Outback and ccain like this.
  18. A goal in your head circulating for years, needs to be addressed.
    Satisfaction would be the completion of this long term goal..if the end product surpassed your wildest dreams, a bonus.
    Of course you should do it.
    Good luck!
  19. burl
    Joined: Nov 28, 2007
    Posts: 873

    from Minnesota

    Bangers are a lot of fun
    I've drag raced my 28 and finishing a roadster that should be lighter and hopefully a little faster
    Takes a lot to make more than 75 hp but they are really simple
    IMG_6123.JPG IMG_5576.jpg
  20. Dedsoto
    Joined: Jan 7, 2014
    Posts: 350

    from Australia
    1. Aussie HAMBers

    DO IT! If I can build this one about as far from California as it gets you'll have no problems

  21. I’ve been blasting around in my Banger powered speedster for a few years now and have come to the conclusion that albeit it fun, the need for speed is overwhelmingly greater than the fun factor, maybe just say more is required.
    This could happen with a banger in play still but the dollars invested to get the fun factor up is not justifiable in my mind.
    Don’t get me wrong, it’s a blast to drive and hoot around in but the shine of the mildly hopped up 4 banger is waning. Even in the dirt I need more speed.
    I’m currently working on a ex race A motor(was gifted it)to go in a single seater, this may well get the juices flowing again but it won’t come without expense.
    Outback, ccain, burl and 1 other person like this.
  22. PotvinV8
    Joined: Mar 30, 2009
    Posts: 539


    If it was me, I'd find a complete, running Banger and go from there. Hit a decent swap meet where guys drag out early Ford stuff and not 4bbl Edelbrock intakes and you shouldn't have that hard a time finding a decent candidate. OR, look up the local Model A club and start asking around. Model A guys tend to have 2-3 of everything and the stuff is cheap. These engines are barely evolved tractor motors, so if they're not abused, they last a long time and are dead-nuts simple to maintain.

    I bought a '30 coupe off an old-timer who drove it to Florida and back. I made a few upgrades just to please myself, but haven't done anything else but put oil, gas, and water in it. It's the best running car I own and I own a few. LOL
  23. gimpyshotrods
    Joined: May 20, 2009
    Posts: 24,029


    You cannot participate in TROG with a straight-8.
    ccain likes this.
  24. Well hell, guys. I'm touched... and not just in the head. :p

    You guys are the best... or worst kind of support group. I can't decide. :D:D:D
    I mean... you're supporting me in this harebrained idea of mine. I don't know wether to thank you or blame you for furthering my addiction. :D:D:D

    I think, for overall use, the car is just going to be for puttering around town, hitting up few local events, and maybe the occasional hardware or parts store runner. If it just so happens to pass muster for a TROG entry... so be it. (I talk a big talk but my inner manchild thinks that would be so godamned cool) :cool::cool::cool:

    Don't get me wrong, I understand the appeal for speed. I've been fast before in a few of my old OT cars back in the day. Had the shit scared out of me more times than I'd like to admit, but I had a hell of a lot of fun too.

    When you really think about it, it doesn't make a ton of sense to pack it with horsepower where I'm going to be MOSTLY driving it.

    I mean, (deep breath, this is going to be a long sentence.) there's just enough traffic lights in this town to piss you off , so you can't pick up any speed, and just when you do you end up hard braking because you WILL be getting caught by every damned one and sitting there, in traffic, waiting for the these idiots to get off their phones when the light changes long enough to get the hell outta your way... (gasp) but I'm not bitter or anything. :D:D:D

    I mean, if I anything needs hopping up to survive driving (and setting in traffic) around here, it should probably be the cooling system and the brakes. :p

    But, you know... with every post, you guys are helping me get closer to saying "screw it!" and going ahead with pulling the trigger on getting started with this build. I really do appreciate the support. You guys ROCK!!! :cool::cool::cool:

    ** raises glass** So, here's to hopefully having bloody knuckles, crushed fingernails, electrical tape bandages, and superglued cuts, BY CHOICE, in the very near future! - Cheers! :D

    I love it here. :cool:
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2022
  25. Kevin Pharis
    Joined: Aug 22, 2020
    Posts: 630

    Kevin Pharis
    from Califunny

    There’s no limit to the amount of money and effort you can invest into a banger… don’t ask how I know:oops:

  26. Lloyd's paint & glass
    Joined: Nov 16, 2019
    Posts: 10,138

    Lloyd's paint & glass

    Yes you're crazy, but it has nothing to do with 4 cylinder Ford engines :p
  27. Well, while you and I know better, and just between you an me. I'm gonna show this picture to the wife and tell her I can do all of this for under $300 so she doesn't get antsy and ask a bunch of questions when she sees new shiny stuff in the shop. :D.

    Kinda the way she does me when she rounds down the price she says she pays for the stuff she buys. It's actually pretty cute considering she doesn't think I actually READ the credit card bill. She ain't foolin' nobody. :p

    If she only knew how much I've REALLY spent on the F-100, the ceiling would have dents in it from her ass. :eek::D That's not counting shipping. :D:D:D

    Nuh unh! My mother had me tested. :p
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2022
  28. klawockvet
    Joined: May 1, 2012
    Posts: 585


    Bangers can be made to produce enough HP to cruise on any highway, including the interstates. I have driven my roadster on long trips with both a flathead/babbit bearings and with the current overhead, with inserts and full pressure oiling. My only concern with your project is your budget. Hopped up Bangers and cheap don't go together. The monthly Banger thread on the HAMB is your friend.
  29. You may be a loooonatic, but I think you've got a cool plan.
    Brakes, steering, cooling, and get rid of the beer-keg looking gas tank. The other considerations might be gear ratio and syncro trans. Also remember that although the flywheel is heavy, it does help with smooth starts (while also reducing throttle response).
    With realistic usage/driving expectations, I think you'll be happy with it.
    Go for it and have fun!!!
    chryslerfan55, Outback and ccain like this.
  30. I don't really think a banger is Non conformist. They have their own monthly thread! Literally one of the most popular "performance" engines of all time. They're the SBC of ford flathead builds. V8 being the "big block"... That being said, there is a lot of ways to be different with them. All sorts of different heads and intakes. You're a bit far, but if you make it up here by the canadian border, I'd make you a heck of a deal on a banger!

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