The change password functionality that @Ryan pointed you to only works if you already know your existing password. Obviously some of you don't; you've probably been using the "stay logged in" feature for a looooong time. So I'm going to walk you through how to change your password if you have forgotten your password. It's a pain in the ass to do (and trust me, an even bigger one to explain), so bear with me. DISCLAIMER: I am not a moderator for this website. If you try this and fail, direct your feedback to Ryan and crew, not me. If you are not comfortable doing the operation that I describe, then don't. 1. Go to your Profile page. 2. Click on Contact Details (it’s in the left-hand menu under Settings). Verify that the email address listed here is correct. If it is correct, proceed to Step 3. If it is not correct, STOP!!! Do not proceed. You are screwed. The website needs your current email to change your password, but you need your password to update your account's email. It's a catch-22. All I can suggest is that you contact a moderator. 3. Presuming your account email is correct, click on Log Out (also in the left-hand menu under Settings). You have to be logged out in order to see the login page and "Forgot your password?" functionality. 4. Click on Log in or Sign up (you’ll find this in the upper right of your screen—it’s very small.) 5. A dialog box will appear. Click on Forgot your password? 6. A Lost Password dialog box will appear. Type your user name into the Name or Email field. Your user name is your Hamb handle that appears under your avatar image. Be sure to type your user name exactly the same as it appears in the Hamb with regard to capitol letters, spaces, etc. Then click on I'm not a Robot and go through the reCAPTCHA rigamarole of selecting images to verify you are a human being. Finally, click on RESET PASSWORD. 7. Now check your email inbox. The website will send you an email that contains a link. Click on the link. (If you don't see an email from the Hamb, check your junk mailbox.) 8. You will be taken to a RESET PASSWORD page. Fill it out with your new password and click SAVE CHANGES. Be sure to select a new password that is unique to this site only. It should have a mix of letters, numbers and symbols. Don't just use a word or a proper name. You now have a new password. However, the "stay logged in" feature is no longer valid under this new password. So the next time you access the Hamb you won't be logged in. You will need to enter this new password and then click the "stay logged in" box. So that's it. Again, let me stress that I am not a moderator for this site. Proceed at your own risk. Think of it as if I had given you bearing tolerances on a rebuild off the top of my head--it ain't my fault if your engine blows up. And for the record, I also hate passwords with a passion and do not trust password managers. So don't blame me (or Ryan for that matter) for this BS. It's the the price we pay for our online world.
Thank you for taking the time to help. Having the computer knowledge of a five-year-old I very much need the help. I spent less time enlisting in the Corps though.
The password I use here is one I only use here. But I will change it, I have not changed it in 20years and that is not so much to ask. I hope my profile is not one that has been a problem. if so I am sorry.
OKAY, but if I get this wrong, I'm going to blame YOU for it. I'm not going to say it's YOUR fault, just that I'm going to blame YOU for it.
Mine is exclusive to your stuff, HAMB and Fordbarn. Not sure I wanna change it. Nowhere else, and I mean nowhere. Sleeping dogs?
Watch the 2023 SuperBowel, HERE! Watch Conor McGregor fight Shakira at her concert, HeRE! Hahaha... just kidding! Password is changed.