Any of you '41 owners running a 700r4 transmission? I've been offered a healthy 700 for free to hopefully replace the TH350 I'm currently running and need to know how much modification to the frame etc is necessary to make the install. The addition of O/D would be a welcome improvement. I think a 200 is a much easier installation but it's hard to beat the price of the 700
if you have a 350 in now you are half way there the 700 is taller longer the pan and the right side need a little more room
37Kid, I guess I don't understand your statement about the title. The 700r4 is a larger transmission than my current TH350 and I'm trying to determine how much additional modification will be required to accommodate the larger unit.
What trans tunnel did you use on the build? How much clearance do you have around the TH350? What type/style of shifter will you be using? Been 26+ years since I did one. Putting a 700r4 in a GM that originally came with a th350 needs some room made on the right side ( could not remember which side but bob b says right so I went with that ) which can be done with a big hammer when the trans is out. If you are using a floor shiifter then you will need to make room for the cable arm Other things I remember was adding a vss and a tps and brake signal to make the electronics work. I think the trans mount has to be moved back and the drive shaft shortened. The ones I worked on were in thd 90’s and I was barely at helper level then
Ok let me fill in the blanks that I created. The TH350 was installed using a Chassis Engineering trans mount/wishbone mount, it required very minimal modification of the center section of the frame. It needed slight trimming of the X-member legs and slightly split wishbones to clear the trans pan. I'm using a column shifter with parts from Kugel Komponents. My main concern is how much modification to the center section is required to accommodate the change in trans mount. I'm not aware of any center section replacement "kits" that are deigned for '41's. If the trans tunnel section of the original frame has to be removed and replaced or extensively modified I may be better off to use a 200 trans that should need much less rework to install. Sorry for leaving out so many details in my first post.
I could not remember the difference between the 2 mounting points so I looked it up and its 1.25 inches. Funny thing is I found that on a site where a guy with a 41 ford has a th350 and wants to fit a 700r4 and he is in your area. Must be a common build over your way.
If there any way to get the 700 sitting next to a 350 and then look under your '41 to compare. Seems to me a 700 has a lot wider footprint mostly on one side.
This view shows the extended 700r4 pan on the right side. My notes describe moving the X brace and transmission mount crossmember to accommodate the change from the 350 that I had originally set it up for. The 1.25" rear mount change sounds about right. I used a floor shift and had a conflict with the tunnel on the left, but with a cable column shift I would not expect any.
If you had asked me I could add some info. 700 takes more mods than a 350, lots more. 200 requires only a small bit more but are hard to find.