Hey All, Just wanted to pop back on the HAMB and Clue all of ya in the PGH and surronding Areas, About our upcoming show.. SEPT 16th TWIN HIGHWAYS DRIVE IN, BUTYAS RESTURAUNT... THE DRIFTERS cc PRESENTS THE FIRST ANNUAL "STEELTOWN SHAKEDOWN" We will be rolling all day long with Live Bands, Incredible gift bags, Amazing Raffle Items, Handcrafted Trophies.. AND MUCH MUCH MORE!!! I have to go over someof the Finals and will get them up asap! Hope to see all of you there! Muggs Von Yinzer of The Drifters CC PGH & the Fraternal Order of Moai
Hey all, Here is a link to our website and the Poster for the event that has all the details and full Skinny on the event!!! Hope to see all of yinz there! http://www.geocities.com/drifterscarclub/shakedownflyernew.jpg
Allright!! Tommorow is the day!!!! Steel Town Shakedown #1 Thanks fer fixing the link there Dave.... Hope to see all yinz there! Remeber real rodders dont fear rain!
TODAY IS THE DAY!!! Supposed to be sunny and 78 later on.... The fun starts at 2 till whenever! So hop in yer rod or custom and head on over, down up or whatever! Promises to be a load of fun!!!! Hope to see some of ya there!!