I'm getting ready to start back in on my never ending project. It's a 34 ford five window coupe, I'm installing a two inch channeled floor and I don't have a radiator yet. My question is does anyone know who to get a two inch shorter radiator from? My initial search on the Google machine hasn't exactly netted me the results I'm looking for. Any insight is greatly appreciated.
Check with Johnson's Radiator Works. I used to buy shortened 32 and 33/34 radiators from Walker before Johnson bought them.
If you have the top and bottom tanks, you can have it re-cored or if your existing radiator is in good shape, a competent radiator shop should be able to cut it down to your dimensions
This is a walker 4 row radiator that i had both shortened and narrowed. He even narrowed the tanks. I had the lower outlet swapped side for side, and my guy was about to swap the upper outlet with the fill port and finish the job. Here it is finished.
I have a Brassworks in my latest 34 3W that is channeled 2in. I used a Walker in the previous channeled 34. I'm happy with both.
Xman, did you order a two inch shorter rad from brassworks?? I was waiting for you to chime in, I want to make sure I do this right. I don't think I can afford to buy two radiators!!
Several years ago when I needed a custom radiator I built a plywood mock up and sent that to Brass Works for duplication. Fit perfect.
Brassworks is currently building a radiator for my 34 PU. I sent them a mock up because of the complexity of my project. I don't think building a shortened radiator off of the stock configuration would require anything more than a phone call.
I have spring behind front ends with custom front crossmembers and non-stock radiator locations. My measurements wouldn't work for you.
How do the '34 and '32 Ford radiators compare in size and mounting? When I built my '39 Chev I found that the radiators were crazy priced, but a '32 Ford radiator was about 1/3rd the price. And they sell '32 Ford radiators as "hi boys" or "low boys" so they're cheap and plentiful either way. The Low Boy type are only 17" tall, and have 4 side mount tabs, plus base mount tabs and the tab on the top tank for firewall brace rods. I used the Hi Boy on my '39 Chev with SBC and it worked great. Of course these are all aluminum radiators if you don't mind those.
One thing to think about is what grill are you running? If you're running a stock 34 grill, then you probably want a 34 radiator (same goes for the hood). I would discuss the grill mounting holes/locations with Brassworks - so you're both on the same page - as you'd want them to line up. Also, discuss whether or not you want a "dummy" style radiator cap mount (would be needed with a stock hood). I'd run a pressurized system if you can - helps control coolant overflow as well as raises the boiling temp.