I'm reviving this one. I can't seem to get the vision of their roadster PU out of my head. Traditional? I truly believe I can pull it off and not one serious enthusiast here would have anything bad to say about it. There's a look to that thing, a "vibe" if you will, and quality? Can't say any better than what's been said already. I looked at one in raw form back in 06 (?) and was impressed with the fit and finish. I also spoke to a guy last year in Kalamazoo with a roadster version. He said there was only 5-6hrs of body work needed on the whole car. I'm a picky prick when it comes to finish quality and was pleased with what I was looking at. If anyone had the will and the means I'd say go for it. I know what I want to do with one, and no I'm not sayin...
I have always considered myself to be a traditionalist but I simply can’t help really liking these roadster pickups.
If you think they can't be made into a neat hot rod checks John's personal pickup and his new roadster that was one of the 8 cars competing for AMBR.
This AMBR contender was sectioned (wedge cut) along with other mods. The changes definitely help the proportions.
Is this company still in business? I looked on internet and it appears some of the brochure pricing hasn’t been updated since 2009 and everything else hasn’t updated after about 2015. I don’t do Facebook so don’t if there are updates there. The Lakester body could be cool.
The man that owns Shadow Rods does it because he enjoys hot rods. John has other interests where he makes his money. He was also involved along with Mark Kerby in the development of the aluminum Flathead block.
This is the first XL27 body sold to the public. It belongs to a friend of mine, we picked the body up at Shadow Rods back in about ‘07 or ‘08, it was completed for the 2010 Autorama. Owner built, Deuce chassis, torsion bar suspension, 351w. Maiden voyage was when we drove it from Wisconsin to the LA Roaster Show and back.