Hi guys I’m a new member just after some ‘hard to find’ information regarding Federal mogul bronze- copper heads
Thanks for replying x38, I was interested to learn if the heads were street drivable without overheating issues and how to spot a fake reproduction federal mogul head cheers
The Federal Mogul heads work quite well without any major overheating issues. The thermosyphon theory apparently does work. These heads are present on the famous Bob McGee 1932 roadster. These heads were both 21 stud and 24 stud versions. The 21 stud heads appear from time to time but the 24 stud Federal Mogul heads are extremely rare and I have only ever seen one set of 24 stud Federal Mogul heads. To my knowledge these heads have never been reproduced but the major stumbling block is trying to find those water manifolds that mount on top of the head. Most times these heads are missing the water manifolds when a set does come up for sale. The water manifolds are extremely hard to find.
Repops do not exist to general public, but currently a few people messing around with bringing them back from the dead (not hard) but is it visible ? (bronze cost) I know a person that stopped with the thought because of name Trademark. The real benefit of using them is bragging rights, plenty of other heads with superior qualitys / performance imo.