The sad part is it was one of the prototype super high horsepower versions that was a special option found in a 1 year only corvette, infact the corvette body is in the chicken coupe out behind the barn. Almost forgot, it was super low milage, driven to town only on Sundays and only if there was no rain and it was warm out by grandma. .
If it had a pan on it the internals might not be too bad. I would check the transmission for saw dust though.
This beats anything I have ever seen and it’s a wonder that someone hasn’t robbed the parts off of it that could come off. I’ve seen fences and sheds taken in by trees and even the occasional car but not a motor. on a side note the next time I’m on the mountain bike trails near my house I’ll snap a picture of a flathead buried in the trail with the water pump pulleys sticking out and enough of the motor to know what it is Billy
I found a similar pic on a post from another forum. A quick search pulled up the above pic. Also found this one that I thought was bogus but then I saw the seat imbedded ….amazing.
That is a pretty old picture and supposedly somebody cut that out and rebuilt it for use but that's just the tail