Does anyone know if the Early V8 garage is still in business? I ordered some kingpins and bearings a year ago and am still waiting on them. I would call every few months for an update and usually just get an answering machine with no reply back. Now all I get is a recording saying the number is no longer in service. Anyone know details? Thanks.
Update, I have spoken with Dennis and he is working on taking care of my order.Thank you for guys for getting us in contact.
I have been waiting on an order since September of 2021. They don't answer the phone or call back and will not respond to email. They told me the order was ready for final payment, which was made, in March of last year(2022.)
Same here. Ordered parts September 2022. No response to email, message on the web site or calls. Would like to get someone to contact me and give me a status update Bob
I have talked directly to another person who is having the exact same issues with them. Order made over a year ago and paid for, now cant get any response back or update from them. @BobL
@Savage Coupe did you ever get your product or any additional information after you spoke with Dennis in December?