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Hot Rods Replacing SBC with a Flathead ??

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by hd1084, Apr 6, 2023.

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  1. big duece
    Joined: Jul 28, 2008
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    big duece
    from kansas

    If it were me, the only thing I would change is the name on the title... I like the chevy in it. Throw together a budget Av8 with a flathead.
    05snopro440 and theHIGHLANDER like this.
    Joined: Jun 3, 2005
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    If you think that car is a generic belly button hot rod, well you're probably the same kinda guy that says a 66 Harley Sportster is a girl's bike.

    To each his own, said Mrs O'Leary before she kissed the cow.
  3. panhead_pete
    Joined: Feb 22, 2006
    Posts: 3,526


    Buy the flathead and an old stockish coupe/roadster and start building another car over time. Changing your current car will ultimately devalue it and cost you a truck load of cash thus a 2x loss. Invest that instead in a car closer to your heart. Its a win/win.
  4. leave the "A" alone and build a flathead Dragster / race car.
    mad mikey likes this.
  5. SS327
    Joined: Sep 11, 2017
    Posts: 3,351


    Leave the mouse in the house. Build a light roadster for the flatty. You’ll have more fun that way. But then again it’s not my money.
  6. aussie57wag
    Joined: Jul 13, 2011
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    from australia

    A sbc is pretty generic for the run of the mill street rod.
  7. aussie57wag
    Joined: Jul 13, 2011
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    from australia

    Why would it devalue the car? There are many that would rather the flathead.
    210superair likes this.
  8. Budget36
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
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    So what did rodders start doing around 1955? How long did it take them to figure out they couldn’t compete in their FH vs a 265.
    It’s “generic/bellybutton/etc” now because for 65+ years it’s worked.
    How about you send the OP the $$ to build a FH so he can hang with a mild SBC?
    That said I do like a FH in the right vehicle.
    You really need to take some kind of pill before you read a post that mentions anything about “a SBC”.
  9. Budget36
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
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    Dang, that looks like the real deal was done!

    Can you make me look 22 again?
    SS327 and themoose like this.
  10. aussie57wag
    Joined: Jul 13, 2011
    Posts: 673

    from australia

    They also used olds, nailhead, Cadillac, y-block, pontiac, and others. And just about all of them had more power than the 265.
    Now 95% of regular street rods run a sbc. Which makes them common and generic. Some how, for some reason people have forgotten these exist. After all they are the same basic design v8 as the sbc and equally dependable. But I guess people just have the Toyota corolla mentally. Lets just get the cheapest easiest functional option available.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2023
    treeman53 and HOTRODNORSKIE like this.
  11. Budget36
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
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    So you’re budget build involves an Olds, Nailhead, Caddy, etc. ? Tell me how that goes for you.
    I can get a standard bore SBC for 100 bucks. Can I do the same for the other engines you mentioned, Oh, my parts will be less expensive, so like I say, send the OP the $$ and he can build it your way.
    Or, you could realize that 90% of folks walk along a budget line.
    But live in you’re world and continue to hammer on SBCs, or find that pill that puts you on a better place.
    Joined: Jun 3, 2005
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    Here it is in real time. Applaud the use of ANYTHING rather than the single most successful engine in motorsport and enthusiast history.

    AND, I'm building a flatty hot rod so there's that. Know this though, I have a ready to go SBC, trans adapter, Hurst mount, and all the appropriate dress if this FH fails at long distance driving. Zora, who blessed the flathead early on, also blessed the SBC when it became available. Same wt, same measures, fits many without cutting, wow what a loser choice. For the record I love early Caddy OHVs, Early Olds, and who can ever forget the 1 and only Nailhead. Sorry tho, Chevy for me if the flatty doesn't fit my need. Yup, said it, said all of it. Who needs a coffee? I do...
    GordonC, CSPIDY, rat bastad and 11 others like this.
  13. big duece
    Joined: Jul 28, 2008
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    big duece
    from kansas

    For what you can save on a sbc build, you can splurge on burnout tires
  14. ekimneirbo
    Joined: Apr 29, 2017
    Posts: 4,919


    When I attended the Street Rod Nationals last year I saw a lot of really nice cars. They had tons of Chevy engines, Lots of Flatheads, some Fords and Chryslers. Many of them got my attention as I admired the workmanship and details of their build. Not knocking any of them in any way..........
    The thing is, I can't remember but a very few of them or the details involved (my oldtimers disease I guess), so I take lots of pictures and save them on my computer.
    That way I can sort thru them and compare details for the 32 I'm building.
    Out of all those cars though....there is one that sticks in my mind because I just totally liked its "look". I can't put my finger on it but I know the motor was one thing that just really stood out to me. They say a picture is worth a thousand words..........
    32 with Cad8.JPG Click on the picture and enlarge it for a better look)
    Not "in your face" but simple and really looks like something from the fifties. I think the engine choice is what makes it stand out. (I had a 33 sedan with a 58 Cad and 2-4s in the sixties) But my point here is that I think this car stands out yet probably wasn't that expensive to build its engine. Should have good power as well.

    Yes it will cost more than some of the more common engines used today, but its not that much more. It just depends on taking the time to find stuff and being willing to spend a little more.
    32 with Cad9.JPG
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2023
  15. krylon32
    Joined: Jan 29, 2006
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    from Nebraska
    1. Central Nebraska H.A.M.B.

    20 years ago I went the other way and put a SBC/350 trans in a Flathead/5 speed 32 chassis I'd used for a display for 5-6 years. Used a Hurst style saddle mount which went right into place, made a short adapter plate for the trans mount, new drive shaft and it was done. Fit the firewall and trans hump perfect. Went under a highboy sedan that's now in CA.
  16. X-cpe
    Joined: Mar 9, 2018
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    Seems to be two trends of thought here.

    The hard expensive way. Build an engine and buy the necessary ancillary parts to make the swap.

    The easy cheap way. Same engine and parts, but get another car. Then upgrade and sort out the chassis, do the body, paint and upholstery, etc.
    Budget36 likes this.
  17. twenty8
    Joined: Apr 8, 2021
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    Just lie back, close your eyes, relax, and concentrate on your breathing......................

    Now, tell us about the bad experience that has caused your troubling and totally irrational dislike of what many consider the engine that has had the most impact on the history of hot rodding....:rolleyes:
  18. I am trying my best to stay out of this . But! If this guy has a SBC hate, Well look at my avatar or pics and ask yourself, DO I FEEL LUCKY! Well do you?
  19. itch that needs to be scratched.
    People will question your decision/logic, but in the end will you be satisfied with the result?
    That's all it amounts to in the end.
    Good luck, enjoy your car however you seem fit.
  20. aussie57wag
    Joined: Jul 13, 2011
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    from australia

    I can tell you exactly. Overall I know that's its quite a good engine. Exceptionally better than others? Not really. But it's the attitude "that if you want to drive it you have run a sbc". It's a thoughtless default choice. And almost everything has one. They are boring. Nothing special about them. And quite frankly im sick of seeing them and the undeserved hype about them. There are so many other great choices out there that are equally as functional, dependable and not hard to get parts for. I know that have been used since 55. But certainly before the introduction of the 327 they weren't that popular except for ease of fitment and more go than the flathead. But less powerful than almost every other v8 of that time. If you love that's fine. I'm not impressed by them and in most cases enjoy it more when people put a bit more thought and effort into a car to fit a more interesting engine. If you think think I'm crazy, stupid, ignorant or anything else that's fine too.
    dwollam, two couped up and CSPIDY like this.
  21. aussie57wag
    Joined: Jul 13, 2011
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    from australia

    Love it. Well said. Exactly my view. That's why I'm sick of seeing the same unimaginative default engine in everything. A little bit more effort and little bit more cost would make a car so much more interesting. So many seem to have a Toyota corolla mindset when it come to the engines. Just get the cheapest easiest functional option available. To me the engine choice is as important as the paint, wheels or stance.
  22. jimpopper
    Joined: Feb 3, 2013
    Posts: 368


    Two things come to mind. The previously hashed out budget factor and how you intend to use the car. If you are touring, Every mechanic has some experience with the chevy. If you roll up with a problem with your Dodge baby Hemi, you may be the only one who has any experience with one so you better be proficient. Your local parts houses don't catalog the parts so you know they don't stock any. You will wait for something from a specialty house that you will have to be aware of and have contact info along for.
  23. bchctybob
    Joined: Sep 18, 2011
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    Keep driving the sedan as is and set about gathering parts and building your dream flathead. Once it's done, you may have other ideas for it, or you can go ahead and swap it into your sedan. But you will also need to look at the overall look of the car and maybe make some changes to compliment the flathead-powered look. It's your car and your choice. It's a nice car either way.
    ekimneirbo, hd1084 and mad mikey like this.
  24. tubman
    Joined: May 16, 2007
    Posts: 7,616


    I'm a flathead guy, tried and true. That being said, if that was an early V8 Ford, I'd change to a flathead in an instant, Seeing it's a Model A, I'd leave it as is.

    I also have an Olds "Rocket" and a couple of early hemi's, but, alas, no SBC's.
    aussie57wag likes this.
  25. aussie57wag
    Joined: Jul 13, 2011
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    from australia

    No skin off my nose. If you want to use Toyota corolla mentally and focus on the cheapest, easiest functional option like everyone else, have at it. Just try not to get to offended when people have a "eh just another one" reaction to it.
    treeman53 likes this.
  26. Flathead Dave
    Joined: Mar 21, 2014
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    Flathead Dave
    from So. Cal.

    There are a few reputable flathead builders across the United States. Decide on how much hp you want. Decide on how you're going to dress it up.
    Decide which type of transmission and rear end you're going to use.
    Your flathead will start around 3k even if you do your own rebuild if you can find a good block.
    ekimneirbo, mad mikey and Budget36 like this.
  27. "eh just another one" is how I feel when I see one of your comments..... eh just another one of his criticisms of someone else's build.
    Why the hell do keep beating that same old drum??? If you don't like what someone else is doing, STFU and look the other way!
    XXL__, redo32, Budget36 and 3 others like this.
  28. Now that is FUNNY, right there!:p:p

  29. Nothing wrong with either choice, do what you want and can afford. Ignore the naysayers.....both choices are very cool. So are Olds, Cads, Hemis etc. The point is the aftermarket really geared up for the SBC as opposed to other vintage mills - that means cost$ will be very different and for many, that is money that can be spent elsewhere. Especially in the current climate.

    The key is whatever you choose, DO IT RIGHT. And doing it right will always co$t more. Everyone's budgets are different so build accordingly. I'm not going to comment on what you already have in the A but.....some important quns to consider would be:

    i. what style or era of car are you looking to emulate ? The engine you choose will play a key part.
    ii. can you afford to build the mill it to that style and do it properly ?
    iii. what do you really intend doing with the car ? Cruise in, long hauls, racing ?
    iv. how much performance ( a relative term) do you want from the combo?
    v. what reliability/expectations do you have ?

    Just some thoughts....
    aussie57wag and ekimneirbo like this.
    Joined: Jun 3, 2005
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    Nah, don't care enuff to think that. However I tire more hearing the same old thoughtless cliches from the same types who let their thoughts be ruled by them than I tire of seeing the same old cliche parts under hoods at cruise nights. Every detail I've put in my personal, personal, personal (yes I said it 3 times) build makes me happy. If it makes someone else happy, or better yet inspires them too, well that means I got a little extra frosting on my bear claw. Speaking strictly automotive I'm not sure there's too many pursuits as purely social as those in the specialty market. Render it down to us few, many elements were well sorted and proven before some of us were a tingle in the nut sack. Sadly for you one of those elements happen to be your most hated ever SBC. And as I mentioned earlier Zora Duntov helped make that SBC the living legend it is. Many others followed. What do Bizzarinni, Iso, Chaparral, Bocar, Devin and countless others have in common? And that's just specialty hybrid sports racers.

    While opinions are welcome in an opinion thread it doesn't mean they have actual standing for simply being expressed. In fact some have no standing at all and we have to scrape our shoes after we step thru them. I'd bet a coffee you have quite a pile of scrapings to your credit. My opinion, of course...:cool:
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