Stubbs, well, not quite, that hole in the front of the galley just dumps off the oil with little to no restriction. It should be restricted or better plugged. The reason asking about the inserts, well have seen too many done that do not oil properly. Just about anything will run, for a while, then it gets ugly. If not properly pressurized, it gets really ugly in short order. The thrust wear is an indication that the oil is not getting to it, if I had to guess it probably had the relief grooves before wearing down that far. As someone also stated, holding the clutch in for extended periods of time will also contribute to the wear. You don't have to use an expensive pump, install a pressure relief on a filter and plumb accordingly, after plugging the front galley hole (also restrict the rear cam port). Since you are not feeding the rods you do not need to open up the main galley ports. Best, John
Thanks John, Yeah you are probably right on the oiling for sure, The mains looked fine and no wear at all or color changes etc. Hence why I found it real weird, I would think starvation would lead to bearings showing wear with that kind of failure of the thrust washer. I may pull the valve cover back off and give this some modifications then. Or may pull the motor out completely if the thrust shows back up in the crank and do this again but will tear it down to nothing and do alot of work then. I needed the car back together for some out of town events coming up, so fixed what was wrong and fingers crossed. Saying the owners before probably did parades with this poor motor, I could only imagine the riding of the clutch that had to happen. The other thing is the thrust washer is only on the top block portion not on the bottom cap so its half the stock thrust washer surface honestly. So that may contribute to things also? Hopefully it will be fine but I will always be keeping an eye on it this year for sure. Thanks for the tips and tricks, I hope to use em on the next tear down. Hopefully that one will be the one for oil modification and no part replacement inside again. If the thrust goes out again, I will have the block cut to the larger OD thrust washer diameter and the main cap also to get full thrust surface. Or may run it this year and sell it and build the stock A block up to 100 hp. At least I can do that one right from the get go.
Thanks! I followed your advice and everything went smoothly! The engine sounds healthy and seems to make good power compared to my experience with tired stock engines. I think it might need more carb, as I had to really fatten up the carb I was using for break in. I'll report back once, I get a little further along.
After coming home from the hospital, I was greeted by a package on my doorstep with a Bosche FU4 that a buddy sent me! Of course I had to throw it together in a sleep deprived state. I ended up getting an impeller from Dan, slowly but surely it’s coming together!
Anyone have a guess what this Carter BB-1 came off of? The air inlet looks like some sort of flame arrestor, but...
Finished up my broken Winfield modification to take a Stromberg Going to put it on my coupe I used my mig with some aluminum wire and borrowed an argon bottle from a friend
Maybe a Continual conversion, a Universal, I can not see the bore if big enough maybe even a Chrysler marine.
absolute rubbish...give me a hand loading into my trailer and I won't charge you to take it off your hands. Exceptional find, good for you!! J
They are a good kit Reddy I am useing one on my Rutherford overhead motor love it Pat does a good job
Anyone have a larger intake they'd like re-home? Looking for a single w/1.5" throat for my T. Thanks!
Excuse the ignorance of one who hasn't been near such mechanical beauty, Offy? If so for those of us in the dark what is it size period etc? hahaha
Don't hold me to this, the Offy went thru many different iterations. My guess is crank and crankcase are 220-255 possibly up to a 270. The cylinder head assembly would be an 8 cylinder, probably 180-183 cid. or a dual plug 4 cyl. In any case, more than likely late '30's to mid 50's timeframe. Maybe Marshall can chime in with some details. J
Long time lurker... I'm currently hopping up the banger in my Model A. I've been searching without luck, does anyone have any information on porting the intake/exhaust ports in the block? I've been opening up the intakes to take the larger modern style valves, but am basically just going by what seems logical to me. Engine has a 6:1 head, downdraft Stromberg, header and exhaust, FSI ignition and a new Burtz camshaft.