Went to get info on ordering from this company again and see it closed in January. No other info on line. Any other company like them. They always guided me as to what I needed. Thanks.
If you can't find anyplace closer, you may want to give this place a call. Hanson Rivet & Supply Co. 1-800-777-4838 www.hansonrivet.com They are located in California. Very knowledgable and well stocked with all types of rivets and tooling. CKH
That's a shame. I always enjoyed their frog puns and they had a huge selection. The story is no longer on their website-nor anything else I could find-but likely just another good small business too small to withstand 3 years of Covid inaction.
He was great and knew his stuff. Would ask questions on your project and then sell you what you needed. Very passionate what he did. Another forum said there was something posted as to why he closed but cannot find it. Yes depend on these kind of vendors. Will look up Hanson. Thanks.
O.K. Well that would explain things. Sorry to hear this. Hope he is doing O.K. He was /is a great resource as this site is too. So much experience on this forum an I do appreciate it.