I have been thrashing on the 50 for the last couple of weeks and stuff just disappears never to be seen again. I bought a M2 kit along with the rear end kit and attempted to do all at one time. I ended up losing a rear leaf spring pad. It's gone.....I have torn the shop upside down and it is missing forever.....just one. I have stuff that goes into a black hole and never ever resurfaces. I don't see a huge market for 1 unused leaf spring so I am figuring it has to be somewhere in the shop..... Do you have a magnetic black hole in your shop?
Yes I do. Will put something down turn around when I look back it's gone.Sometimes it will reappear. Who ever is on the other side of the black hole didn't like it and throw it back.
I think I have something more like a worm hole. Some stuff just disappears that I know should be there and some stuff just appears that I don't remember buying!
I have the same problem with stuff going away. I have also noticed at times that New Stuff appears. It's like: Where did that come from? Maybe it's Worm Holes, instead of Black Holes. I'll keep my eye out for a single new spring pad.
Every once in awhile, out of the corner of my eye, I see the black hole open for an instant. I'm always too slow to reach the switch for the junk magnet. No tellin what's in there. I've got at least two blackholes in the house, so far.
if I were to someday put a magnet on a stick into my shops black hole I would come up with at least 10 screwdrivers. it seems to prefer straight over phillips... don't know why.
somewhere, possibly in another time warp, are lots of miss-matched socks, bolts from under the hood, and some tools.. i hear ya!
A buddy told me once " Hey, I just saw your Dog walk off with one of your Screwdrivers " I said " yeah, he considers himself a serious Collector... "
I read in the old rod action traditional you know, that we are plagued by a G.F.M......... that is a garage floor monster and it comes out at night and rearanges shit and takes something shiney as a gneral rule for payment of said services.......... no one has actually seen one but like big foot , they do exist, I have one or maybe two in my shops I'm sure..............keep an eye out you just might catch a glimpse of him
at my car freak cousins house growing up you had to sweep your hand back and forth through the weeds next to the drive way to find the wrench or socket size you wanted. I swore when i got older i would have everything organized and in it's place....Not! I need to take lessons from BellM. Eddie is my idol when it comes to an organized tool chest.....the man has every tool's place outlined on his rubber matts. When you take a tool out of his tool chest....he starts to sort of shake and quiver....like the world is about to collapse into that blackhole you are referring to Root! I wish I had it in me.
i had a 50 chevy i was workin on for a guy and i kept loosing stuff all the time, nuts and bolts, markers, buffing rouge, you name it,it dissapered. well i was doin body work one day so there was a lair of dust on everything, and the ne xt day i came in and seen little foot prints everywhere! i ended up nailing 3 packrats that were living undr the back seat of the chevy! hell i even found my 1/2 full mountain dew i couldnt remember where it went!!
A while back, I needed a vacuum modulator for a T350. I knew I had one, spent 2 hours looking for it. I finally went up to the parts store, and bought another one. Brought it home, and set it on the bench, next to the one I had been looking for. So I decided to put one in my parts cabinette, and did, right next to a third modulator.
C'mon...We all know we gotta' feed the garage....A day or two after replacing, you'll find missing part. Pat
I just found a leaf spring pad in my shop that came out of nowhere...Root, did you just find a fresh PBR in yours?? Bryan
These are all true stories. I am positive. When me and Joe were putting my '36 together if either of us spoke it would arouse the "Tool Evaporator". This invisible humorful beast would only take the tool or part of the one whom hadn't spoken and was everpresent. We laughed for two straight months. Wayno
Yep, I's seen him. That is to say, I saw 'em. He was right over there he was, big as a mule and twice as strong....
ah, a tool eater.. while doing a clutch job on my brother's type 3 fastback I turned just in time to see his dog pick up the throwout bearing and run off we chased him till he out-ran us never did find the bearing but the damn dog sure was proud of himself
I am looking for a CD player i KNOW is in that garage to put in my daily for the trip to Jefferson Friday night. FOUND the nibbler I bought and lost into the black hole in JULY!!! Like enjenjo, I too have a Put-that-in-the-special-place place for things. I'll be damnned if I can FIND it now, but htere's a bunch of crap in it. I think the rest of the shit just goes invisible for a while.
MIne likes baggies full of car parts...and they are labeled and zipped closed...especially likes Caddy interior screws and trim pieces...haven't been able to find them at all...and I've turned the garage upside down already... hs brother or cousin like sockets...always seem to disappear...never to be found. R-
Think I may have found the spring pad. Watching CNN yesterday seems the space shuttle crew saw it floating by. NASA seemed pretty concerned.
As soon as I drop something, I say the words: "black hole". cause its usually gone for good -or at least a couple of hours. still looking for a window crank from last year. (no, its not inside the door- i checked!)
The neighbor lady found a full strip of my 3/8 snap on sockets when weeding her front flower bed. My black hole has been in operation for about 9 years now.
some times i just laugh as im walkig back to the tool box for that third half inch open end as the other two are gone......dont find till job is done............just have to laugh