Bought me a flattie w/original trans for my 1920 Buick roadster on Model A chassis. Also got a T5 w/adapter from an S10, because you know…. “Hot Rods have three pedals.” Or so I’ve been told
That should work. Similar body to the early vintage Dodge roadster body. Garbage containers are nicely positioned too .
Alright follow this thread, because this is going to be my build thread. 2nd HotRod my friends and I have built. Should be more fun the second time being we learned a ton on the first 1. Plenty of Kustoms under our belt to. Hopefully this kinda goes as planned.
Gotta, gonna love this. Ford in a Dodge, that cowl shape should showoff those Offy heads nicely. May the build be smooth, It's already cool. Plan to keep us in the loop.
So I went and picked up the motor and transmission(s) this weekend. 1 is the 1949 shoebox 3 speed with cable actuated overdrive in working condition, the other is the T5 out of an 80s S10. Also came with the Speedway adapter. However, since the Motor is out of a 1949 Shoebox Ford, aperantley I need a 42'-48' truck bellhousing so the Speedway adapter will work. Basically, I need an adapter to adapt the adapter so I can adapt the later model Chevy transmission to My 49' Flathead V8. LOL
Check the parts for sale classifieds here. I know someone is selling the adapter you're looking for and there's also a truck hogshead. I don't recall who is selling them.
Update, still gathering parts BUT I found and bought the “intermediate bellhousing” and correct starter plate off of Epay. I also bought some more small items like F1 style upper shock mounts, reversed eye front spring. And 2” dropped A Model front X member. Hopefully this next Saturday I can get the frame into my garage and start building the front end.
So I’ve been really busy with work lately, but I try to get out in the garage every weekend to turn a bolt or two at-least. I’ve heard that turning a bolt a day is better than doing nothing. I was able to order a few missing puzzle pieces this past week and to much excitement on my end, those pieces arrived yesterday. So I woke up giddy as school kid on the first day of summer break and went out to my garage to inspect and trial fit some of the components for my suspension. First I tried out the rear spring u-bolts to see if they fit the original model T rear spring AND rear model T crossmember that I acquired from a model T swapmeet a few years back. Seems like everything is going to fit like it should, but I have questions about the bottom bracket/plate. We can go cover that another time and hopefully the more knowledgeable on the HAMB will be able to point me in the right direction. You probably noticed there is a original model A front spring and a Posies brand front spring with reversed eyes sitting together. I’m torn between running the original with my original model A axle, or the reversed eye Posies spring. I’m enjoying the original period style builds here on the HAMB, and I know the Posies spring kinda isn’t the ticket for a true traditional build. Also, take a look at the length of the Posies spring compared to the original. I’m not convinced the Posies is the correct length? Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve bought the wrong part. Next weekend I should be able to get the frame into my garage and work out some of the fitment kinks. I plan on wedging the rear model T crossmember int between the model A rear crossmember and burning it in. Then probably have to gusset the crossmember as well. I also purchased a dropped model A style front crossmember from Speedway. I don’t really care for the way it looks compared to the original model A crossmember so I plan to cut some of the steel from the original and add it to this new crossmember so it looks the part. Stay tuned for what I have planned.
Another piece to the puzzle, scored a 47’ banjo rear end from a local guy and chrome front spring clamps. I already have a complete set of 40s rear brakes for this rear. Next I will get the Speedway 6spline conversion kit.
Myself and a club buddy got together today, test fitting my front axle with reversed eye front spring. We tried putting the lower shock mounts from speedway on the perches, but I don’t see how you can put the cotter pin through the castle nut on the perches. Bare in mind we didn’t build the entire spring with the rest of the spring pack, so I hope the spring pack will tighten up the clearance and sag of the spring shackles.
[QUOTE="OpenThrottle, post: 14855649, member: 388377") We tried putting the lower shock mounts from speedway on the perches, but I don’t see how you can put the cotter pin through the castle nut on the perches.[/QUOTE] Cotter pin or split pin ? Cotter pin goes through the kingpin and axle at the end of the axle.
Did a little something. Painted my front wheels. I’ll paint the rears when I’m ready to build the rear of the frame.