According to Hemmings, the Unser Museum will close 5/29/23 and move to the American Museum of Speed in Lincoln NB. Been to the Unser Museum and it will be a good fit at Speedway.
That was in the ABQ news the other day too. Monday is the last day to visit. Here's the press release > We visited the ABQ location a few years ago on one of our Route trips.
Love to get to the Speedway Museum at some point. Having the Unser collection is significant to motorsports history. The family was a dynasty in so many forms of racing. Thanks for posting this information.
Unser Museum not wanting to continue to deal w/the troubles/headaches, or Speedy Vampire gobbling them up? Glad the stuff is being saved, probably better at Speedy's than Peterson museum, but still... ??? Marcus...
Great,, when visiting Lincoln, Nebraska, it will take a THREE day weekend to see everything that the Speedway Museum has to offer.
Hey norust; Look at the bright side: you'll have less travelling all over across the country to do, so more $$$ in your pocket for oldcar parts. . Make it a stop during the trip to the Btt50's... I'm not suggesting it's a straight line... . Just take an extra week for the bigger Speedy. IDK, wouldn't surprise me abit to find out Speedy buys Foyt's museum, & the Indy museum, & .... moves all of it to Lincoln Neb. Next, there'll be a multi-story Speedy-motel too. ;( . Wtf not... ;( . Marcus...
If you had read the article in the link shown in the very first post you would have learned that the Unser collection was in fact saved by a mutual agreement between the Unser’s and the American Museum of Speed. Nobody gobbled anything up and I’m sure Little Al is happy the collection will stay intact.
I have a speeding ticket to prove that you can get there from Canada. Ours was a minivan trip full of old hot rodders, picking up project parts and drinking senior’s coffees, it was my privilege to drive. Best 4 days I ever took off work, side trip to LMC, who would have thought a50 chev pickup box would fit in a minivan!
fordors; You're right. & my 1st guess was correct. Quoting the 2nd paragraph:""Even before Al passed, there was no sense that the Unsers were here anymore," said Bob Brown, a spokesperson for the Unser Museum." At least the old racing stuff was saved. Marcus...