Well,.... that was the most fun you could have with your pants on. Our guys had an extreme fun weekend... Meeting the best guys, the most friendliest people and having the best time. Our hats our off to our hosts, The Tornados, @Pete ... you not only knock it out of the park.. the ball has disappeared.Day Racing, Night racing, tree racing and flag Racing. We came, we broke, we fixed and we raced.... wished we could have stayed to the very end.. but we had a 12 hour ride back..... just got home today at 6am. We had 4 members race,....and I am pretty proud of that fact. We had zero complaints and we ALL are still smiling..... Caught up with some old friends.. made new ones...... A very B I G thank you to all...... a very special community. Just gonna dump a bunch of pics.... no particular order. Going to bed.
It looks like you had a great turnout, and a great time. Thanks for the pictures. Is that Chuck Vranas in the Infidels shirt ? What is he up to nowadays ?
Lost a cylinder in the Studebaker tow car and had a 12 hour ride home at 40 MPH. Shoulda' been 8 hours. Was absolutely worth every minute. I had the 32 Bantam powered by a Chev 261 as shown in Jeff's pictures. Will definitely be back next year. Great seeing you Jeff, Chuck, Rob............ Warren