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Projects Prefect / Willys /Kadett/Thames Gasser Build.

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by Mitchell Rish, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,158

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    1DFF23EF-E87E-40D5-8AA9-175128F22AF7.jpeg 45449463-1EB6-4F1D-B5C7-BC932C0CF709.jpeg F6BA1FF2-9AD5-4388-9D2C-BA95EF7AA151.jpeg Radiator back in. In many ways I wish we had gone with alky. Could run another moon tank like they did on the Donovan as a radiator. They actually welded a. Radiator neck in it. Worked great.
    Reset the throttle blades/then set throttle stops /etc to .004 and reset the cross link. The butterfly’s were way off.
    Got time to pull the passenger side header and look at the gasket. It had a pinch and at first I thought I’d ultra copper it and let it ride.
    Fat chance. It tore when I took that side off so I’ll get another set on the way. 61832D7A-0881-49A9-A9DD-34991B6DE4E5.jpeg

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    swade41, Dog_Patch, Deuces and 5 others like this.
  2. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,158

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    2E17CE49-74E7-4E89-B9D0-E9C5607EF946.jpeg 6621D332-A8FB-4AFF-9B1D-ACAC3A213A85.jpeg C0E9D71D-5104-405B-8AEB-45C2B4235D83.jpeg Header gaskets replaced. I actually like the MR Gasket version better. These exhaust ports are pretty large and these are actually large enough with out mods.
    swade41, Deuces, enloe and 2 others like this.
  3. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,158

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    1C6F5D3B-797E-4859-8EDD-EFCC3E0B7ADA.jpeg E86C8544-D776-4B34-8B30-5562E64D1327.jpeg D8CA7466-871E-4F84-BB3C-3EA960FE78AA.jpeg 6706CACE-E8AB-4911-B47D-95704FE60EA4.jpeg F0C02755-6813-480B-BE06-445EF24AD0D9.jpeg C33A54B6-1D7C-4F00-9F29-38C32B691AB7.jpeg 0DA39FA4-0F75-435D-9F5B-0361FB8B602F.jpeg Finally got a base tune that will let it idle /start/and go through basic parameters with out priming through the stacks.
    Now I can at least get serious about final tune ( like that’s even possible with stack injection LOL) /and letting it run in so to speak. Checked all the vitals today and everything at least seemed to hold.
    May have a new Crew chief and Driver. He gave me his opinion on tune up and even gave me his take on both set ups. He did tell me I spent to much money. C42A348D-DE59-4F35-A9C6-D69A4F1E2A24.jpeg
  4. AmishMike
    Joined: Mar 27, 2014
    Posts: 1,182


    Great pics with your tuner. Love’em
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  5. 427 sleeper
    Joined: Mar 8, 2017
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    427 sleeper

    Give him a helmet and tell him to leave on the last yellow and everything will be fine! :D:cool:

    You can never start'em too young... ;)
    Deuces, mad mikey and enloe like this.
  6. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,158

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Grandson. And he’s fearless. I missed a deal here on Hamb. He would have had a midget. And was complete. His mother rode a q A 50 Honda before a bicycle. He got it honest.
    Deuces, Outback, mad mikey and 2 others like this.
  7. Atwater Mike
    Joined: May 31, 2002
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    Atwater Mike

    I came into 2 (two) Curtis Quarter midgets for my two sons (aged 6 & 8 then)
    They were 'thrown-in' with the purchase price for my '52 Porsche Pre-'A' roadster.
    Buyer also 'threw-in' a pair of Halibrand wheels. (from his late father's collection)
    Deuces and Outback like this.
  8. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,158

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Got a chance to put the final set up in. Been running crazy on all directions.
    13% percent on the barrel. New set of plugs set at .018 and got to check all the lines and nozzles again to make sure they are clean. Butterfly’s in .004 and should be good to go. Maybe get to run it through a cycle or two later this week. IMG_0567.jpeg

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  9. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,158

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Got a chance to blow off the dust and wipe and wash the front cap. Had to move some stuff around today. First time the cap has seen light of day in almost a year. Gonna get there IMG_0579.jpeg
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2023
  10. jonboy1
    Joined: Sep 19, 2013
    Posts: 30


  11. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,158

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Overflow/puke tank. Gonna hard line that also. IMG_0696.jpeg IMG_0697.jpeg IMG_0698.jpeg
  12. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,158

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Killed my lathe safety /reset switch. Gotta find another one. Had to do all the drilling and tapping by hand. Micky spoiled me with good tools.

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  13. Brian Penrod
    Joined: Apr 19, 2016
    Posts: 217

    Brian Penrod

  14. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
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    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Thanks. I never thought it would take this long. Lol
  15. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,158

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Finished hard line fitting from radiator to tank. Was thinking of welding tabs but I am going to make a. Small cradle for each tab and use nice clamps instead. Was thinking about welding tabs but decided otherwise Just in case things change and the blown Alky idea does actually happen and the radiator is ditched all together. ( one day ) IMG_0706.jpeg IMG_0707.jpeg
  16. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,158

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Ok. Sometimes the simplest is indeed the best way. Got the puke can mounted and hard lines run. IF by chance the hard line doesn’t clear the front cap I’ll bend up another line and run it to the side of it. And if I look at that line tomorrow and it doesn’t suit me I’ll bend another. I kinda wish it tucked in a little tighter but the flar nut style fittings don’t allow as tight a bend as I’d like IMG_0739.jpeg IMG_0741.jpeg IMG_0742.jpeg IMG_0740.jpeg
    Outback, swade41, loudbang and 3 others like this.
  17. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,158

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Ok. I have never liked the pet cock style valve. I’ve broken wings off etc. So I fixed that. I am using a ball valve with a lever. Yea it is over kill. But I bet I don’t have to worry about that anymore. I’d put one on each side of the block if I had the room. The polished stainless deal was not only too small but didn’t look right to me.
    Mick has been at it again. You learn don’t say I wish I had that or I was looking at this the other day around him. It will show up. IMG_0754.jpeg IMG_0753.jpeg IMG_0752.jpeg IMG_0752.jpeg We are off the grid so to speak but the fedex dude apparently can find it.
    loudbang, mad mikey and 427 sleeper like this.
  18. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,158

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    IMG_0765.jpeg IMG_0766.jpeg IMG_0767.jpeg IMG_0768.jpeg IMG_0769.jpeg IMG_0771.jpeg Lesson one. ( more like ten thousand)
    Moroso ceramic engine seal is great stuff. Is seals everything. Really well.
    Number 10002. It will seal the seal in your remote water pump to the shaft and eat it lol.
    Well at least I learned another fact. Electric motors will run even with a pint of water in it.
    Outback, enloe and mad mikey like this.
  19. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,158

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Off to find a seal. It’s the only thing in there. I am wondering if I can plung cut the bore with the mill and put two seals in back to back.
    Can’t stand the idea that a 4 $ seal makes a 150-200$ water pump junk. Sorry this is why I am still stuck 2 generations behind. FIX the damn thing if possible. NOT parts replacement because
    A. Don’t know how
    B. It’s Quicker
    C. It’s easier.
    D. They didn’t have to work for the money to replace it etc.
    Sorry. Just can’t stand the idea of it. I don’t like being dependent or controlled.

    Actually on a positive. The reason we did the final seal in /of the engine /cooling with the ceramic seal is because we ran the Willy’s in quite a bit Saturday. Long enough I am pretty happy with it. Got two pretty long videos. If I can ever get them to up load.
    loudbang and mad mikey like this.
  20. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,158

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Ok. We have success for parts at least. Went to MS Bearing supply in Tupelo and got every seal they had and a bearing just in case.
    Now back together. IMG_0773.jpeg IMG_0772.jpeg
    enloe, Deuces and mad mikey like this.
  21. wrenchbender
    Joined: Sep 5, 2007
    Posts: 2,419


    I got seals from McMaster carr for my water pump on my cam drive pump that goes between the Hilborn pump and my timing cover got them in two days and were very inexpensive not sure if they have what you needed or not but it’s another Avenue in the future if you need anything keep up the good work
    enloe and mad mikey like this.
  22. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,158

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Thanks for the info. I’ll keep that in mind. thanks for the compliments
    About to finish one. Now two more to go. Lol
    enloe and mad mikey like this.
  23. panhead_pete
    Joined: Feb 22, 2006
    Posts: 3,522


    The level of knowledge and skill on this site still blows me away after being a member a long time. Awesome build and thanks for sharing your wins and losses.
  24. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,158

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Ok. RESET
    The SKF ( USA made seal) 3060 does work. And as a matter of fact they are metal case and they are thin. You can double stack them and use an anaerobic sealer.
    The bearing is also pretty common.
    So yes you can service these pumps. I have done a fair amount of research and yep most are indeed made from the same place. ( XXXXX).
    But they can be serviced.
    That Being said. NO seal and No bearing will fix a crack/or porosity in the housing. Considered trying to weld it. And press in a new bushing. It’s past that point. So what did I gain.
    1. I know it can and will run totally under /in water.
    2. Yes. It can be serviced with common /kinda seals /bearings.
    3. I have a lot of spare parts that will indeed fit the other than will have to get to replace it.
    Now. What I didn’t tell you is I have two of these. I am robbing the one off of the Prefect.
    And will put another in inventory and have a lot more knowledge and don’t think it’s an expendable none serviceable part. Again I don’t like being cornered into having to do anything or being dependent on anyone more than I have to be. It is the one principle that was instilled in me as a child that I value above all.
    Build all you can while you can with what ever have. I think it’s the base underlining principle.
    enloe likes this.
  25. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
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    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Panhead Pete. Thanks for the props. It’s a journey.
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  26. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,158

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Everything swapped over to replacement. Also Micky ordered a correct temp sender fitting for the back of the manifold. The adapter bushing wasn’t letting the sender tip get as deep into the coolant as much as I think it should. He ordered 2. Lol IMG_0774.jpeg IMG_0775.jpeg IMG_0776.jpeg
    enloe, Deuces, 427 sleeper and 2 others like this.
  27. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,158

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Oh and one other small detail. The nut that holds the impeller on is a left hand threaded nut. Just a reminder. Lol
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2023
    enloe and mad mikey like this.
  28. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,158

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Replacement back on and all adjustments made. This pump was a little newer design so I had to come up with a1/4 more clearance. No problem.
    Now I get to replace one in inventory for the Prefect.
    Waiting on fittings and since the Reunion is going on I suspect it will be Monday or Tuesday.
    It’s all good. IMG_0787.jpeg IMG_0791.jpeg IMG_0786.jpeg
  29. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,158

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Temp sender bushing/adapter set up was still tall enough to keep temp sender from being deep enough into water to work proper. Gonna tap back right manifold boss to 1/2 NPT -14. Use one fitting. Should set sender end into water deep enough to actually work.
    Micks been in the Eastwood catalog again. Wonder if he’s telling me he thinks it’s to heavy. IMG_0801.jpeg IMG_0800.jpeg IMG_0799.jpeg
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2023
    mad mikey and 427 sleeper like this.
  30. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,158

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Temp sender back in. Tapped well. Gauge etc all back in the dash.
    Always grease tap. Collect the chips.
    And vaccum.
    Mick ordered a set of the front crimp pliers /already had the side version.

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    loudbang likes this.

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