I made a post earlier asking for tech advice on my suspension swap and it was deleted. What’s the deal?
because this is a traditional hot rod forum and IFS suspension swaps are off topic' you can see the rules for the site here https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/the-h-a-m-b-rules-guidelines.44274/
There are tons old threads with information on this. How is my post off topic but the old ones are not?
hey man… we miss some things for sure… but ultimately, we don’t cover s10 frame swaps and what not here. Sorry.
I’m putting a jag ifs in a 1950 Pontiac. There are some really great threads on here with tons of info. So it’s obviously a common swap.
Comparing your little internet disagreement with the atrocities that were committed prior to and during WWII, only proves you have no business being on a forum that focuses on history. If this was an aptitude test, you just failed it...
Some people will argue with a sign post, you got to use common sense when your arguing with the Boss, the sign post can show you where the door but when the Boss shows you the door your exit is history! HRP