Does anyone have Chuck Wagon and Wagon Wheels on wax? Hey the Dalester bought a 49 Chevy fleetline about 4 months ago. The paint was lookin good as cindy lauper. Fast forward a couple weeks and I seen these little bubbles? Is this what they call solvent popping? Like a volcano only on a really small scale? Also when Dale redoes the "Funkmachine" with Dp-90 how can I make sure their is enough air moving around so solvents can cure. i plan on doing this in the garagee. Can anyone help sir Dale with some solvent secrets? Ya know my grandpa, Del always told me that secrets were like farts they only get ya in trouble if ya let them out. I swear to god they do. Chiclets are on me cowboys@# thanks in advance.
Ok...'The Dalester'...Prep work makes the paintjob. Clean=good. Smooth=good. Clean+Smooth=really nice paint.
Ok, yea your right. DUH for Dale.. But why did these bubbles come up. It looks relatively smooth except for in a few areas. Theres these funky lil bubbles that just showed up! The old guy did pretty good, no orange peel and no sand snatches. But their bubbling up from underneath, I dont think its from a contaminate, I think its from the paint itself. Thanks for your help cowboy, Dale owes you some fun dip.! swear to god I do superbowl 29 here We come
If the exhaust fan isn't left running in the spray booth solvents in the air can settle back into the finish and cause problems. I don't know if this is the case with yours and now that I think about it, I don't care. Disco Dale, if that is your real name, lighten up your attitude as well. "Lampshade Dude" knows more about this thing we call hot rodding than many. This goes for a great many of the guys and galls here on the HAMB. If you take this place with a little grain of salt and a frosty beverage of your choice, you can learn more here than any rod site on the web. There are great people here, don't piss 'em off, Grasshopper. Oh yeah, this is the place for rods and customs, not sports.
Ok ok, sorry. Im just being me man. Im weird, what can I say. I came here to learn but, I wont let you or anyone esle push me around. And yes my name is Dale, not FUCKING PERFECT. So if I ask a goofy question, dont answer if it chaps your ass. Im building my ride weather you like it or not. Im not a pro alright, Im not even a hack, but that wont stop me. I can break dance fight too. So watch out.
Ok, Im sorry, Dale didnt mean to make you mad. thanks for the help Mike, I owe you some candy. Sorry.
I don't think your questions are the problem! I think it's the whole referring to yourself in third person using a dialect from a time period that most people on this board don't appreciate quite as much as you do Oh yeah, this ain't prison, either. So if you think you're going to earn a spot by being 'scrappy' on your first few posts, that won't work either. In other words, I don't think you're going to get the full potential from this board (which is an ENORMOUS resource that could save you tens of thousands of dollars and the same amount of man hours) if you keep up the shtick. I'm all for someone being themselves and different. Especially if it is funny. All I can picture in my head when I read your posts is that sweaty dude that danced off against Ben Stiller in the Starsky & Hutch movie. That's not the real Dalester is it?
My mom warned me about stranger and candy. She said if ever a man offers me candy and wants me to get in his car - GO! (I like Lemonheads.) Why is it I smell another HAMBer with a psuedomyn behind the Disco Dale facade? If this is the case, color me "had". Fat Hack, is that you? But, if you're for real Dale understand this. I'm not trying to push you around,I don't have that much energy for crap like that, I'm just trying to make you aware there's lots of good folks here so don't squander a good thing. And for your edificationery, very little chaps my ass since I started using udder balm... hmmmmmm nice and soft....
Is this what's called "solvent pop" ? My pro painter buddy says it could be a million things, not likely to get a reliable answer with the information at hand imho.
Who gives a damn about solvent pop anyhow. I thought you were building a gasser? Here's what you do.....take a marker and mark a big X over all those solvent pop volcanoes....get a big assed AXE and whack each X. .....go racing.'re done. ......the end. ......go disco dancing. coke.
P.S. I still want to see a pic of you. While you are at it, show that car too. No pics of man ass though. We see too much of that here already. more coke.
You prolly didn't wait long enough between coats. You hafta let the solvents escape in between coats.
Hey, This usta happen, back when"Smoothie" was used alot. If ya didn't use it in every coat ya shot on the job. For a wile you could bridge a silicone dot on the job with one or two coats, but several days later.....BINGO! it's back Water or cheap solvent, trapped below the finish coats can cause this,as well. Swankey Devils C.C.
Disc If this paint job is several months old and is just starting to do this, I dont believe it is solvent popping this usually happens with in an hour of spraying or sooner. I would say with out seeing the paint that is more likely from moisture being trapped under the paint or primer. or rust .other contamination wax dirt dust even finger prints.