Bringing my old post back up! This junkyard is being crushed beginning this week! My friend Jeff and I are trying to stop it for now. Some slick talking AZZHAT has convinced the owner's girlfriend to take a pittance for the steel. I have no doubt this guy is after the old cars. My friend Jeff is trying to stop it. Jeff 507-251-7449. Jeff is in contact with the owner and trying to work something out to save all we can. Check out the pics in this thread. Call Jeff if you have anu interest in anything here. Even if you don't have any money, we're trying to get them to hold off on crushing all this great stuff. Central Minnesota, junkyard with lotsa old cars. Mostly 40's and 50's with a few 30's and a very few earlier that are mostly picked apart. Owner passed away and his girlfriend (he left the yard to her) is seeing dollar signs that the crusher painted for her. Location is near Eagle Bend, Mn, northwest of St.Cloud, south of Wadena.
Nice score! I wish i had that around here, one fond memory i do have was in 1996, i was 11, my father took me to a junkyard that was ''going under'' and being sold off, for new houses. I dont remember true details as i was young and didnt really know my years and models, but i do remeber early 30's moving trucks, old modifieds and stuff of that nature, most was crushed =(. I did steal ( a momento) a small 2inch tall by 5inch wide metal plaque from a ford truck ( think the 30's ) and says ''ford'' embossed out in script. Hope you can pull something from that yard.
The lawn is even mowed. Does he have a flock of sheep, or does he actually mow and trim around all those vehicles?
damn! one of my super secret places exposed! some good stuff there, very few if any have titles tho. good guy to work with
Sorry gasRus, but look at it this way, there's too much in there for you to hog it all anyway (how much money you got anyway?). Besides, there's just not that many Hambers in the area. Titles? We don't need no stinking titles..................
ah man thats awesome man. Junkyards are dispearring faster than you can say Jimmy hoffa. I swear to go they are. Better take your platforms and get the funk over there. Pronto Cowboy!!! Hey Rome wasnt built in a Day.
Think there might be some fenders for my 37 Ford Tudor there??, or should I say for a fellow Minnesotan??
It ain't no thing , I'd just as soon see some of that stuff hit the road ,If there was anything out there I wanted, I'd have it out already LOL just a good parts source is all , better act fast b4 french lake makes an offer on the place , In Mn we do need titles, unless you have a year or so and some extra money to waiste, I keep hearing a rumor that MN is going to BAN all untitled car selling or at least make it even more gummed up in red tape and BS that no one will want too.
there's also a place called..'french lake' auto parts..i think thats the name..also in minnnesota,close to the interstate.HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE yard,about 75 percent vintage
For New England HAMBers A realy good place for a junkyard crawl would be Curboys in Southbridge Mass an immense amount of HAMB friendly Iron and all for sale !
Could you find out what he wants for a pair of rear fenders for a 1947 Dodge 3 window Coupe? I think all 47 Dodge cars fit. I can handle dented but it is the cancer I have a problem with. Gumpa
Hey Leon, thanks for the heads up, never heard of that place till now, im gonna try and give them a call.
I was only there for an hour or so. I was on my home from a trip and just didn't have time to inventory the place. I'm holding off posting the phone number until I can talk to the owner again. Any inquiries about what he has will have to be directed to him. I'll try to upload a few more pics. I've tried 3 times already tonight but am having trouble with the photo hosting site.
Is it just me,or am I not the only one that would rather spent a weekend tromping through one of these jewels than hanging out at most car shows... Matter of fact I think a rod run/JY crawl would be about my perfect weekend...
IMPORTANT UPDATE!!!!!!! The guy died!!! Yep, the owner of the yard passed away Thursday. Very unfortunate, he was a real nice guy and easy to deal with. His family is not sure what the near future will bring but for now, they are holding onto the yard. They may sell, they may auction, they may keep.