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Art & Inspiration Strangers picture of your cars

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 57 Fargo, Aug 15, 2023.

  1. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
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    Paul is probably not used to being in a car that has the front wheels on the ground!!!
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  2. Paul B
    Joined: Sep 29, 2007
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    Paul B

  3. topher5150
    Joined: Feb 10, 2017
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    I had a neighbor in the duplex next to me running a chop shop in their garage. The city put the kibosh on that then shortly after I caught them in my driveway taking pics of my work area.
    So that's the only pics that I know of, of my car.
  4. TerrytheK
    Joined: Sep 12, 2004
    Posts: 1,457


    Not sure, that was taken after I sold it. I think you might be right though. If you ever run across it again and see the present caretaker tell him "Hi"!
  5. Jacksmith
    Joined: Sep 24, 2009
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    from Aridzona

    M'Lady & I went to a "Cars & Coffee"... a couple days later she saw this shot on F-book...
    Stewed n Mar.png I consider that a compliment, I guess...
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  6. ramblin dan
    Joined: Apr 16, 2018
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    ramblin dan

  7. fuzzface
    Joined: Dec 7, 2006
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    1 year when we use to go to Iola, I am looking at a 1910 Cadillac. They had a picture in front of it. told the wife to look at the picture. took her a little bit but then she said that car in front looks like ours. It should because it was. He had a shot of my car and his in a parade. It was the circus parade in Wi. many years ago my car was the lead car for that parade. they always put the oldest car up front, then the next oldest, so for a few years my car was the lead vehicle. 1909 model t roadster.

    Got talked into going to a farm auction and ended up buying a 1930 Studebaker that wasn't advertised on the auction listing. That night cruising the internet I decided to search out 1930 Studebakers and what do I find? the one I just brought at the auction. Someone else at the auction posted a picture of it online, turned out he was bidding against me.

    sorry but I don't remember the Hamb member's name right off hand but the one with the '56 chevy made into a truck. I saw his car on a bad chad video a month or 2 ago. he was at a show signing autographs and they had a guy driving them thru the cars on a golf cart and they went pass the 56 chevy.
  8. vinfab
    Joined: Apr 18, 2006
    Posts: 328


    Not my car, but my son's '50 Chevy coupe. We took it to the local track to dial the car in and give my son more seat time before we left for Byron and the Glory Days event. Not many 73 year old drag cars anymore, but the track photographer snapped this and posted it to the tracks face book page. 353825828_10225068466772261_3967233385024640470_n.jpg 355279551_10225068466412252_7366562440019723638_n.jpg
    deathrowdave, WC145, Stogy and 11 others like this.
  9. I was caught partaking in a limbo contest

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  10. guthriesmith
    Joined: Aug 17, 2006
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    Buddy of mine just sent me this the other day of a picture in his wife’s grandmas house on the refrigerator. Anyway, apparently I was in a Route 66 calendar that I wish I would have known about so I could have got a copy...

    My buddy was a little surprised to see the pic and I suspect grandma was surprised he knew the car.

    Jrs50, hrm2k, Lil32 and 9 others like this.
  11. Utahvette
    Joined: Sep 4, 2012
    Posts: 376


    Somebody took this shot at a local cruise night of my 57. One of my favorite pics. 1172468_618100581545541_1046960106_o.jpg
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  12. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 10,490


    upload_2023-9-4_2-30-46.png 1960 Lion's Dragstrip

    Being at the drags for weeks at a time presents all sorts of photos. But, we did not have a still camera until the 35mm film cameras were available to us in 1963-64. When we were building/racing our 58 Impala and then several years later, a 671 supercharged 1940 Willys Coupe, I was the pit crew. (No driver's license as yet.) I usually did all of the physical work getting the cars ready and preparing the stuff we would need in our prep work.

    I was in also in charge of filming both cars and doing the editing to get some memories going. When my brother raced the 58 impala, I was at the fence closest to the dragstrip, filming, then moved around. I was up in the west side spectator's bleachers, near the timing tower and from the pits spectator stands, too. I even walked down a ways to stand up while filming, but not to be in front of spectators during a race or two.


    I did not have a driver's license as yet, so driving the 58 Impala was not in the cards. I did not get a license until we were into the complete build of the 1940 Willys 671 version during the Spring of 1960. Although I drove both in our neighborhood to go get gas or a part or two, at the local auto parts store.

    The top photo came from a film randomly taken by an old HAMB member, previously listed at Rruss. Then it was listed as Bob Goggle. So, thanks for the fabulous film. If and when I ever find my own films I took of our Willys Coupe, that will be the only memory I have. Yes, I lost the original 16mm color films and the copied VHS tape I made for my brother in his last remaining year. So, thanks R or BG...

    Note: For a long time, we stored the 16mm color films of our Willys coupe in the SBC 6 carburetor version and the 671 SBC version in a box to be put in the attic. We left those memories stored during recovery and many years later during our surfing days. But, since we had some films of the brothers surfing, those Impala/Willys Coupe films stayed in the photo storage box. It was not until my brother was in his last days that I made a VHS version of those Willys racing films I took back then. Since that time period, all of the Willys films, originals and VHS version are gone somewhere.

    40 Willys 671

    The 40 Willys Coupe in the pits was taken in 1960 by Greg Sharp from NHRA when doing an article on cheater slicks made by Bill Moxley from Arizona.
    upload_2023-9-4_2-52-43.png I have used this portion of the original photo.
    The photo was part of a story written and published by Greg Sharp and were the only public showing of our Willys Coupe. Lucky for us, Bill Moxley was a friend from the dragstrip days. Somehow, he always parked next to our "PITS" location during the Impala days and when we built the 671 Willys Coupe, he was right there next to us.
    upload_2023-9-4_2-57-3.png Yes, those days provided him with a lot of folks running his "Cheater Slicks." No, we did not run them on our Willys Coupe. On the Impala, there was a time when cheater slicks were allowed and so we bought a pair for the Impala. But, we always brought our own Bruce Slicks to put on the Impala and then later, the Willys Coupe. In a few short months, the "Cheater Slicks" were deemed not stock and were not allowed in the Stock Car classes. Did the cheater slicks improve the speed or E.T. during any of the races? Not as much as when we were allowed to use the real Bruce Slicks during timing only runs.
    upload_2023-9-4_3-2-33.png Bruce Slicks on a timing run vs Moxley "Cheater Slicks" upload_2023-9-4_3-5-48.png
    The best times for E.T. was set by me. But, my brother had the best top speed, all using the Bruce Slicks.
    upload_2023-9-4_3-11-15.png My brother had a low E.T. of 12:60 and that was .25 seconds off of the C/Gas class record. We were moving right along, getting better at lowering the E.T. and getting a better top speed during our 671 Willys Coupe days.

    Our friends that were sitting in the stands and in the pits did not have cameras during the time period.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2023
  13. My Model A stock car project at RodtoberFest July of this year, photos of it turned up at over Frasebook

    Photo Wayne MacIsaac-


    Photo Kyle Crawford-
    WC145, hfh, Ron Funkhouser and 2 others like this.
  14. saltflats
    Joined: Aug 14, 2007
    Posts: 13,027

    from Missouri

    At the Melt Down Drags.
    08-11-2017 024 (1).JPG
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  15. junkyardgenius
    Joined: Dec 29, 2005
    Posts: 897

    from Kernow

    My 34 unknown photographer. 299186077_5987310207965651_870655386500841642_n.jpg
  16. stubbsrodandcustom
    Joined: Dec 28, 2010
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    from Spring tx

    Only pic I have here right now, but yeah, its always fun seeing others perspective on your build. Its funny, my dice in the fuel bowl of this car I recently sold was a main focal point of many photographers.

    You don't drive these cars and not want attention, cause in the modern appliance world these stick out for sure.

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  17. chopolds
    Joined: Oct 22, 2001
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    from howell, nj
    1. Kustom Painters

    Here's a sad one. Back in 1978, I had finished up my 57 Convertible. Really hot rodded up! Roller cam engine, 4 speed, and narrowed 12 bolt, with 4.88's. Early spring '79, I was able to drive it around quite a bit, and even took a 50 mile trip to Asbury Park, NJ, to "the Circuit", to cruise. A guy came up to me and asked if he could take pics of the car, with his Polaroid, and even gave one to me.
    Later that summer, the car was stolen out of Englishtown Raceway. Not sure if there was a connection, though. Never recovered. 57Convert 2023-01-24 001.jpg
    hrm2k, WC145, Stogy and 4 others like this.
  18. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 10,490



    In late 1957, my brother sold his Oldsmobile sedan, plus the Model A coupe stock motor coupe. He had lofty goals of making the Model A coupe an SBC powered coupe for daily driving and race at Lion’s Dragstrip. He wanted to make an impression of having one fast car for both. His friend had a cool 1934 Ford 5 window coupe with a big Oldsmobile motor and it was one of the fastest hot rods at the local high school and cruising grounds.

    But, in his preparations of buying and wanting a modified coupe, he was swayed by the 58 Impala that came out with a 28o hp or 315 hp new 348 c.i. motor that was supposedly very fast for a stock car from the factory.

    So, one day, the new 58 black Impala was sitting in our driveway.
    From the moment of purchase, I was still the pre driver’s license teen and I had to continue doing the upkeep and maintenance of the new Impala, if I wanted to get driven to my own destinations, like the beach, movies, school dances and sports games. Waxing the Impala, detailing the insides, changing the wheel colors when necessary and in our drag racing days, the physical guy doing a lot of work to keep the image going.

    Under the Impala jacked up and on safety stands, the work started on Thursday after school and lasted into the night. I changed the complete 4:11 Positraction rear gears for a complete 4:56 Positraction unit.

    Why? My brother wanted to drive during the week to school,, job and meetings without worrying about the motor. The 4:11 gears were perfect for the street and performance at any time.

    But, in order to be competitive in our class at Lion’s Dragstrip, we had to have the 4:56 gears to have a chance to win. So, for 5 days, it was 4:11 gears and for 2 days, it had 4:56 gears. How important was that? To some, no so much… for the effort weekly.


    But, in my research for all things drag racing and our 58 Impala, I found this photo taken by an unknown photographer back in 1957-early 58. It was our nemesis in the brown/tan 58 Impala that usually won the A/Stock class. Here he is getting the jump on my brother and keeping the distance all the way to the end. Being so close to winning was the name of the factory stock car class racing. Most of us had the same factory spec equipment and it was quick reactions at the starting line for the win.
    upload_2023-10-17_4-29-30.png Then one day, I was researching for early stock car racing photos at various dragstrips in So Cal. Up pops this photo of my brother racing against a brown/bronze Impala who use to win almost every race. The guy was a veteran of stock car racing and when the 348 Impala hit the scene, he was out in front.

    I did not take the found photo online, but I did take this Lion’s Dragstrip entrance photo of the my brother’s Impala at around the earliest entry to Lion’s Dragstrip sometime in late 57 or early 58.

  19. I take some pictures at public events and post them as a tribute to the owner/builder or event. If someone is around I ask if it is okay, sometimes I have to explain what the hamb is and that they can see it here. I try not to take pictures of people generally, but that is sometimes tough. The ability to see some of the nicest, or most interesting cars from around the world is one of the benefits of all this technology. Hopefully it pleases owners and viewers and broadens minds and perspectives, if not lock the thing up in your garage and be miserable.
    Stogy, hfh and Ron Funkhouser like this.
  20. I have no idea who took this picture in 1980 or 81? Back then I usually only took pictures of the wife, and kids. So it was cool to find this one of our delivery. 060.jpg
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  21. Dooley
    Joined: May 29, 2002
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    from Buffalo NY

    36 lancaster 2.jpg

    Mine from a show this August at Lancaster Speedway
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2023
    hrm2k, WC145, Stogy and 2 others like this.
  22. This one was taken by someone on the Hamb and posted on a thread about the Nats South.


    And Denise took this photo the same weekend, only in the rain. HRP

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  23. phat rat
    Joined: Mar 18, 2001
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    phat rat

    I've found pictures of my 41 all over. In mags featuring show coverages, art shows, on the parking pass for the host hotel at the NSRA Nationals in Louisville, tourist brochure for our area and Facebook
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  24. Black_Sheep
    Joined: May 22, 2010
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    This showed up on social media after the truck's debut at the GSTA show in 2019...

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  25. Black_Sheep
    Joined: May 22, 2010
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    This photo entering the Scavenger's show by Larry Aus showed up in the MSRA Linechaser

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  26. Stan Back
    Joined: Mar 9, 2007
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    Stan Back
    from California

    Beautiful -- that's a real unusual blue-grey-green-white color, at least in this light.
    Stogy and Black_Sheep like this.
  27. Black_Sheep
    Joined: May 22, 2010
    Posts: 1,492


    It's green, but the shade changes a lot depending on the ambient light. The top pic was indoor lighting and the second was overcast which later that day turned to rain. Under the garage lights it almost looks gray...

    WC145, Stogy and Ron Funkhouser like this.
  28. Sanford&Son
    Joined: Oct 13, 2006
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    from Visalia,Ca

    Someone sent me this video a few years ago leaving a local swap-meet! Yeah, I have speaker behind the grill with S&S music!

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  29. Blue Moon Garage
    Joined: Mar 1, 2009
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    Blue Moon Garage

    Hot Rod Rumble 2 10-20-2018 .jpeg.jpeg Albuquerque Dragway
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  30. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
    Posts: 35,160


    I've taken something like 5000 photos of cars at shows since I've been on the HAMB and have at least two albums with over 1000 photos in them. The one thing I try to not do is post photos of the event registration on the car with name and home town on the net, I may have it on my computer but event it is rare that I do even take a shot of that, I've never had anyone get their nose out of joint because I took a photo of their car but had one clown ask me what I was going to pay him for the photos I took one time in front of his buddies, I just flipped, the view screen open and deleted the photos and told him, "Nope, you don't get in my album this time".
    I get more snarky looks from guys with stock 60's rust buckets at events when I walk past and don't take a photo of the rust bucket but just took ten of the nifty ride next to it and take five of the one on the other side. The photos I post here or in an album are there to share as long as you don't lay claim to them or try to make money off them. If it is your car I expect you to save them unless it shows you doing something that you are a bit embarrassed about.
    My truck always ends up being the rig photobombing the car behind the car having it's photo taken. My buddy Ron Moore called me up one day and said that my truck was in a magazine in event coverage. I looked though the event coverage and if you knew what you were looking at you could see about half of my windshield sticking out from behind the car that was behind the car being photographed.

    The only photo of the 48 that I remember seeing on the net shows it in the upper left hand corner of the 73 Street Rod Nationals in Tulsa with it's fresh and 50 years ahead of it's time satin finish gold paint job. Obviously beind the car that was behind the car that Carnut aka G. McDowell was taking a photo of. It looks like I was backing into a spot at the time. nat027.jpg
    Stogy likes this.

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