In my case I build a 32 5W in a more traditional way, but get into the chop of the body I has been into moderate to radical chop and angle pillar or not. I will be at what my roof is now ( a old chop at 3" ) but if I angle pillar is not decided. I like now more this 'moderatate' chop than 4-5" actually as I like the flow better. Cool is 5-6" but that is more full racing/Bonneville. To angle the angle pillar give the car some attitude, but it might been a more new idea do that ( as I got it. In a discussion on chop the word 'rake' came up and extended wheelbase. That give also a attitude ( car look fast standing still ) But did they do that early 50's vs get the car more stabile, or a 'faster' look ? I'm not plan to use a hood, but I'm not shore. If did they extend frame or move the front cross ? I has a std 32 cross in but I has a nice std A-Ford cross. -So how does it work and the history ?
I've built countless 32's with the front cross member moved ahead 1 inch. On most of them I had Rootlieb make a stretched hood. I also used a flush mount front spreader bar that the tube followed the contour of the front edge of the horns, I used both straight and V'd bars. Doing a spreader bar like that over the stock one took away the stubby horn look.
I moved my spring forward about 5/8". This was done because the dropped axle plus caster moved the wheel back that much. Think it looks better and gets the wheel as Henry placed it.
My roadster is far from a "traditional" build and yes, many things are more of a 70's/up flavor, I felt a couple mods would address some things I always thought a deuce needed. My chassis front crossmember was moved forward one inch giving it a 107" wb, in my opinion, I really think it relieves some of the stubbiness in the front frame section of a deuce, also had the frame pinched 3/4"/side. I ordered the Rootlieb hood and sides one inch longer than original, really like how it fills in that gap where the side panels meet the grille shell over the frame rails.
Intresting so a classic hot rod dropped axle move it back some ( shorter than Henrys wheelbase ) I guess few back then moved the cross but longer wheel base might got some attention ? Tony T’s 5W coupe does look to me the front wheels might be moved, or ? I saw one 5W ( se picture ) and a extended hood can be cool but maybe not into my style of car. But std frame and wheels moved away some..
Then, there's the extended deuce bodies, cause some of us got old and fat and don't fit well in a chopped/channeled Henry body. jack vines
So that's what I've been seeing all these years but didn't know it. Some of you guys moving your front axles just enough for me to know that there's been a change in the overall look but not enough for me to realize for sure what that change might be. Sneaky scallywags. I've always been amazed and entertained by the fact that the smallest changes can make such a big difference on these minimalist old hot rods.
Years ago at a car show my wife asks me if I am going to look at every 32 Ford. I said yes I am. She says but they’re all the same. So I started pointing out the subtle (or not) differences. And she says Oh now I understand.
the Rolling Bones setups are becoming more common, 3" forward stretch if done conservatively, and the front crossmember stays in place.
I can relate to some thinking all 32's etc. look alike until a closer look beyond the surface, a similar but somewhat off topic situation derailed my attending the national Nomad conventions of which I've been an owner since 1964. Several years of a disabled teardown contributed heavily, but too was the fact that only (3) years of the body style limited the uniqueness one could achieve without deviating too greatly from the outward appearance of the original. Seems it became a situation of discussing what bolts & nuts were correct & if they were painted or not etc. I'll always respect an original unrestored or restored car but must admit that modifications done without going overboard have enhanced the uniqueness, comfort & general drivability of the vehicles we've come to embrace of which I believe applies to whatever we might have in our possession.
In my way see this, some cars has it, some dont. I also struggle some at the ’era’ correct direction what was done before. Yes it can be camera angle on some cars to. To agressive move as a hood + 4” ( extended frame but cross at std position ) or move just the front wheels several inch but std hood or both this ideas is maybe not my way. Maybe move the front wheels so it has the Henry std wheelbase or maybe max 1” more. All this is just details but to get a car great it must start with rearwheels correct and correct ’rake’. I struggle before on cut the frame at rear and no gastank but I think a 5W look odd that way and my final way was keep the tank and std rear cross and no QC.
possibly, you will need to define ‘traditional’ in your own mind. If you are going for a’40’s type traditional - probably nothing in your first post will fit in. later, I don’t know when, some used a model A front cross member to get a inch or so drop. ( my model A front cross member was installed in the ‘70’s so perhaps in the States it was a ‘60’s thing ) Beautiful car……… even with the 28 louvre hood that seems to put the front end in the next County………..
Yes they did angle the windshield back Yes they did add chassis rake Yes they moved wheels and crossmembers altering the Wheel base. Yes they lowered vehicles , axles, flater crossmembers, channel, springs Build it to make you happy, if a 50’s replica is exactly what you want then that’s what you’re going to do. If it varies a little bit that’s cool too. Lots and lots of cars built in the 50s got changed little by little as time went and are a mix of the decades now.
Yes I can do what I like, its my car but I has a foot in old era and bought almost all parts late 40’s stuff for hot-rod/race. I even leaved the Adurns for finned race heads that actually did feel more right. I has not regrett that ( yet.. Adurns and supercharges just feelt ’to much’ on this car. Heads/water tubes are so cool so I try stay out of a hood, but maybe it will be a hood. So I’m investigare what they boyz did or not back then. But I’m not a slave under that idea. Flow of the car is very importent, more imporst than the era. In mock-up I will check what wheelbase will be at std 32 cross/this axle and then move the A-Ford cross. Guys back then if they chanched the cross ( old trick - right ) must has been into that. I can’t see thats not possible, and if a cooler look and with the rake, roof - I do what I like ofcourse. Now I’m totally sold on Tony T’s 5W. Amazing flow there !
This one ? That axle is definitely moved forward. and setting as low as it is I’m going to guess it’s crossmember is raised up quite a bit too. Maybe suicide mount? any more pics of it? Any time you see the line created by the bottom of the frame below the center of the wheels it’s got some kind of work done to suspension and frame modifications. When frame is that much below the center there’s some sort of drastic change One thing to keep in mind with that drastic stance, and probably why it has a hood is the engine angle and firewall angle create a very awkward look. Hide it with a hood
This one had the wheel base extended. crossmember moved forward and then moved up above the frame Doane Spencer’s roadster
The frame seems not be modify on that car. Tony is here on Hamb, but car was in rodders journal, so maybe some has that number and can take pictures ? Edit. But I found more. It look line a std 4” drop axle but bones is later style, but that not set that car that low and its super low ? Horns in front can’t be more than 6” up from ground.
from your pics there’s - Flat cross member Frame notch for spring clearance Extra deep drop axle Crossmember moved forward. Can’t tell if that spring is reversed eye or not.
Yes it loock like frame has a noth and spring has a reverse eye. I saw a frame picture and drop must be a 5”, and I think it must be this axle, se pic. I guess he has a flat cross, and I read a flat cross lower 1.5-2” from a A-cross and maybe from a std 32 maybe 3”. If axle is 5” thats also 1-2” more than a std hot-rod axle ( as most are at 3-4” ) Thats a total 4” more.than I plan to has. A-cross and a std 32 spring and a 4” drop. -But this gets the cool rake.
Ok ; The front crossmember is completely flat with a mono leaf spring and 5 “ drop axel. It’s moved forward 3/4” the hood is 3/4” longer.