I agree with you, but I hesitated to hit the "like" button for fear of pissing you off. I was like: Should I like this, or should I not like this? but then I was like: I think I'll like this. So, like....are we still, like, friends?
" How much do you have in it question ?" " When are you going to paint it ?" standard answer. "It was painted in 1932 and again in 1962, it's showingit's age and I like it like that." HRP
Don't get me wrong, but people that insist on taking there dog/dogs to car shows, especially during the hot summer months where the asphalt gets near 100 degrees and submit their pets to unnecessary discomfort. Last year I approached a couple with their dog on a leash and could see the animal was in distress, I ask did they have water for their dog and offered them shade under our canopy in the grass and bottles of water for them and their dog, I was told in no uncertain words that their dog was being well taken care of and it was none of my business. I continued watching these people parade around the show for a few more hours, I do not understand the lack of concern of people like that. HRP
Militant patina guys. I actually received death threats over sanding the rust off of my 53 Bel Air......no one in their right mind wants a sky blue and olive drab green four door covered in rust lol
I honestly don't mind patina if done right.....not that I'm likely to do one. Like I've seen some old drag cars and customs where all the lettering and/or custom paint jobs were still very evident. Cookie cutter cars like mine that are more rust than paint don't do it for me. And guys that get fired up over someone sanding off the "natural patina" off their own cookie cutter cars get old. And I wasn't kidding about the death threats. Apparently they were trying to hunt me down till I blocked them lol
Yeah I can't handle leaving rust. My first order of business on any car is sanding off the rust and at least rattle canning over it to keep it from coming back
Despite using real steel where I can fiberglass never bothered me as long as the owner had serious hands on in the build
Will be 82°F+(28°C) out and some chump will be draggin their pooch out on the asphalt paved trails. Smarter pooches try and walk on the gravel/hardpack of trails and owner will keep tugging leash to get doggo onto asphalt. Bunch of dicks, they really are. Absolute fruitcakes, absolutely. A- "It's carbon fiber and aluminum."
I agree. I think we should borrow the term weathering from the world of military modelling for what a lot of people mean when they say patina. https://www.panzermodels.co.uk/blogs/news/weathering-effects-basics
As a result of doing bodywork on countless semis and corvettes (and some fieros lol) I've hacked up just as much if not more fiberglass dust that rust. Rather have something that's not as likely to stress crack
I have several pet peeves, but here lately it’s mostly been threads on pinion angles and cowl steering.
Lately it is people who open up threads that have been dead for years on end to ask where to find something discussed in the thread and opening the thing up again rather than spending 30 seconds doing their own search for that item. Plus it doesn't actually take 30 seconds to type small block chevywater pump riser in a search. Even freaking useless Bing brought it up.
only read some of the first page and the last page, skipped everything in between so if it was mentioned, sorry. my pet peeve people asking you how much is it worth? don't know and don't care is my usual response and hopefully I can walk away before they ask why not? As for facebook, I only belong to use the marketplace. if you send me a message or post anything to my timeline? or whatever you call it I won't see it. I have 20 plus messages supposedly I haven't looked at highlighted in red. sorry i am not into look at my pet or my toy or post about your dead relative, or what you are eating or when you go number 2, I am only there for the marketplace ads. If I could get there without being a member I would but haven't found a work around yet.
I believe Michelin introduced the radial In Europe in 1934 specifically for the Citroen Traction Avant.