The turbo 400 in question is fresh rebuilt and installed behind a 454 in my custom COE truck. My complaint is the 2 to 3 gear shift points. This is always a normal drive situation and never a WOT concern. The trans shifts from 2 to 3 at about 62 MPH and if only slightly above that if I just lay my foot on the petal it will down shift to 2 with RPM's jumping to about 3000. My intention is for a 2 to 3 shift to occur at about 50 MPH and avoid this down shift at cursing speed which is so frustrating. There are no dtent connections only the simple shift linkage. I have changed out the modulator valve to an adjustable one but the RPM difference in the adjustment is not sufficient. What can I do to the governor to drop the 2-3 shift points. Thanks in advance.
Yes and I believe the vacuum was about 12 to 14 as I recall checking it earlier. The line is directly to the manifold not the carb.
It currently shifts at about 60 to 62 MPR and if you are on a 55 MPH road it's a constant back and forth unless you're holding below 60 MPH then you're in 2 nd the whole time.
Must have a big cam in it, as that's kind of low, should be closer to 18 or more at idle, at sea level. You loose 1" of vacuum for every 1,000 feet above sea level though. What are your rear gears?
Typically the complaints of shifting into 3rd too early. Check the adjustment of your downshift switch. Did the governor springs get changed with the rebuild to a higher shift point? The governor screen is located in the housing where the tubes from the valve body go into the housing. valve body removal is required. Typically most rebuilders leave it out.