Working on installing the rear window regulators for my ‘39 Tudor. I’ve purchased new glass channels (pictured) from Ecklers. How does the stud below track inside the window opening? In a trial fit it does not line up with the slot opening inside the car. Thanks!
Is the stud below the track supposed to act as a limiter and catch in the opening towards the rear of the regulator?
I don't know any specifics about your project, but on my heap the stud is a limiter. It has to be removed to enable the regulator arms to move enough for them to enter the channels. Hope this helps you.
Thanks. That’s definitely true for the fronts. However the channel for the rears on a Tudor has a fixed stud. My question is where is that stud supposed to catch inside the car. Is it the circled area on the picture??
I'm no help. I've never done it and I don't find any info on doing it. Best I can do is bump this up. Hopefully someone that's done this can provide some insight.
I know this link is about 34's, it shows a great explanation on how the regulators work. The 35 to 40 rear regulators are the same so it should give you the info you need. I've found the lower stud is rarely in the right place on repo channels, the treaded stop screw holes are usually off also.