While up at work in Cheyenne Wyo last week a buddy of mine found this English wheel on marketplace and sent me the link. I've been looking for the past year and a half for a heavy duty, home made English wheel, many don't come up used. This unit was for sale up in Casper wyoming, Got off work and made the trip with a good buddy. Excited to put it to use and have another bad ass tool in the shop. This is made up of around 18 ft of 6''x6'' 1/2'' Square tubing weighing in around 600 LBS. Should last me my life time.
When you get it up and running put wheel posts on the adjuster wheel - like a ship's wheel. And number them, to make it easy to return to a pressure setting previously used.
Thats the plan, Ive only used one a few times, the sail panels on my desoto with joel davis's english wheel is where I got the itch to get one. Going to put this unit to good work in my shop.
Oh for sure, Ive kinda done some sail panels on a few cars with a chop but had an expert there to fix mistakes !
I thought it was 4" square tube. When i showed up a week later to pick it up i thought to myself this is heavier than i thought.!!