Hello all, new guy checking in, currently building a 53 bel air that belonged to my father in law, looking forward to sharing it with everyone on here and learning alot as well.. -Mgunz Oceanside, CA
Welcome from the beach. Nice car, I've had a couple and really liked them. Tail lights are kool Eye lashes are...interesting.
The lack of title should be no big deal, you can have a letter notarized to establish the chain of ownership from your in laws and then apply for a new title if the current one is lost. It's just paperwork, my hot rod in the avatar didn't have a title but did have a clear serial number. I was able to apply for a new title, had the serial number verified by CHP, and then had it weighed since it is a pick up. Had my plates same day and the title came in the mail a few weeks later, registered as a 1931 Ford. Trying to circumvent the laws could result in your heirloom being impounded as a best case scenario, worst case scenario being big boy prison for fraud.
Are those rims the ones that used to come with the wire "basket" that made them look like wire wheels? They were popular in the 70's if I remember correctly. Nice car though.
Nice starting point ! Welcome. For your next pics, roll the OT stuff outta the driveway as some on here are quick to point & laugh
Yes, and I have the baskets, just didn't like them much. I found those hubcaps on ebay, so that's temporary for now..